Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Why so you can chain me up in your basement?” He turned back to face me, cocking his head to the side.

“Don’t give me ideas, Monroe or you’ll never make it out of here. The only reason, I haven’t chained you in my basement is because I know you’ll be missed.” His grin was malicious as he stared at me. “I can guess how much your aunt loves you,” he said with disdain. “And I know how much you must love your aunt…that’s why you are going to do whatever I say and whatever I want. So start by getting your ass in my house.”

He stood back to glare at me until I walked through the door. We entered the house through the backdoor and made our way down a long hallway until we reached the staircase. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs.

“Wait. Uh, where is your uncle?” I asked nervously.

“Gone…and he won’t help you,” he smirked before pushing me into his bedroom and slamming the door shut behind us. I looked around Keiran’s room, taking it all in but I only focused the large bed dominating the room. “Have a seat,” he directed.

“I think I’ll stand.”


I was still standing when he pulled his shirt over his head giving me my first look at him shirtless. The sight before me had me in awe and I didn’t realize I had taken a seat when my legs grew weak. Sweat glistened across his chest and I could see a single rivulet run slowly over the hard ripples that were his abs before disappearing into his shorts.

I licked my lips unconsciously, wanting to chase that dewdrop with my tongue. He had the body of every teenage girl’s dream. I suddenly felt hotter than hell and fidgeted.

“Looking at me like that will get you fucked, Monroe.” I ended my perusal and glared at him even as I felt my cheeks heat in embarrassment because he had caught me ogling him. “You think you deserve my bed?” he asked and arched his brow.

I assumed he was talking about sex and was about to remark that I never asked for it when he nodded to where I was sitting on his bed. “Get up,” he ordered before I could hop up. I didn’t want to be on his bed anymore than he wanted me there. He motioned to his desk chair and I took the seat. “Stay here."

He left out of the room and I got comfortable and took in my surroundings. His room had a blue, black, and grey color scheme with built in shelving on the left side of the room. It held various trophies and photographs of him, Keenan, and Dash. What I didn’t see were any pictures of his parents or uncle. It made me wonder where his parents were and how he came under his uncles’ care. Yesterday he mentioned how he disappeared and I realized I had no clue what he meant but I knew it couldn’t be good. I looked around more and noticed the basketball hoop hanging on the backside of the door. An all-black basketball rested on the floor near it. On the wall was a large flat screen television and various game systems and disc hazardously laying on the floor.

I walked over to the large black dresser to inspect the contents on top but it only held spare change and watches and other knickknacks. My eye, however, caught his cellphone laying there with a message from ‘Blake’ lighting up the screen.

Good 2 go

When school was over he took my phone from me so there was no way for me to call for help if I needed it. I don’t know why I picked up his phone after reading the message repeatedly but I immediately regretted it when the door burst open.

I jumped and dropped the phone on the floor. Keiran had come back. He was staring at me until his gaze traveled to the floor and his jaw clenched when he noticed his cell phone.

"What are you doing?” He closed the door behind him slowly and I took a deep breath.

“Nothing. I –”

“Who were you trying to call?” He was walking toward me slowly and I went to take a step back, forgetting the dresser was behind me blocking my escape.

B.B. Reid's books