Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Spread your legs and rest your feet on the table edge and before you try to overthink it, let me remind you that we now have ten minutes max before someone comes walking through that door.”

A feeling of uneasiness and desire swept through my body at the same time and I could feel the familiar quake start at my toes and work its way up. My panties were in my mouth so we both knew what he would see when I opened up for him. I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again. I placed first one leg and then the other on the table, keeping my legs as close as possible.

“Don’t fuck with me,” he barked.

I spread my legs wider for him and closed my eyes again, feeling his gaze travel over me. The silence in the classroom and the entire school was haunting me, making me nervous, when it should have done the opposite. The hiss that came from him broke the silence and I felt his hands palm my knees before slowly moving down my thighs. Up and down he softly rubbed my skin. My body was rigid on top of the table but the more he touched me the more the stiffness faded away as my body consented to his touch while my mind cursed him to hell.

“There has been one thing on my mind since I left you last night and I think you know what it is. I need to make you feel that again. I need –” He paused to take a breath. “I need to see it.”

I need it too.

He took my panties from my mouth and stuffed them in one of his many pockets. “Place your hands flat on the table, behind your back and don’t move them no matter what I do to you. Do you understand me?”

“Yes." My voice was unsteady and I tried to obscure the moan that passed through my lips, but the smirk on his face told me he heard as I watched my tormentor of ten years gaze between my naked thighs with lust and purpose in his eyes.

“I want you to tell me what you feel. I want to know everything and don’t hold back. I’ll know if you do. This ends when you come and not before. Are we clear?” I nodded instead of speaking. I don't trust my voice when he touches me. “Good. Now ask me to make you come.”

I hesitated though I couldn't deny the eager anticipation I felt. Not to mention the nervous thrill I got from being touched and exposed like this in the middle of our classroom.

“Please...make me come…”

He smirked and lowered his head. “My wish is your command.”

His face disappeared between my thighs and the first swipe of his hot tongue on my aching * caused me to suck in every bit of available air. What is he doing to me?

It was much more than I could handle and still it didn’t feel like enough. My first instinct was to grab onto him but I remembered his order and dug my nails into the wood of the table as he continued to lick me. The foreign feel of his tongue on me was like a hot, wet massage that I never wanted to end.

“I don’t hear you,” he said and I cursed those few seconds he took his mouth away from me. But when he plunged his tongue inside my walls immediately after, a scream erupted from me.

“What…are you…doing?” I moaned brokenly. “I can feel you… licking… sucking… touching me.”

He worked his tongue on me relentlessly and soon my hips began to roll and press into him for more. When his thumb began to string my clit, I leaned back, using my arms to support my weight. The sounds of pleasure that broke through my lips filled the room, mingling with the sound of him eating me and the rocking table as I moved wildly on top of it.

“You…have…to stop. I can’t –”

A menacing growl came from him when I begged him to stop and spare me from he was doing to my body. His talented mouth was turning me inside out as he latched onto my clit. I wasn’t me anymore. That much was clear. There was someone else on top of that table letting him take what he wanted and enjoying it. The open-mouthed kisses he placed on my lower lips, made my body shudder and then he plunged his tongue inside me once again.

B.B. Reid's books