Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Don’t touch it,” he warned and I realized Keiran was watching me along with Keenan and Blake.

“I wasn’t going to,” I lied but instead of leaving like I thought he would, he sat down in the backseat. The space became smaller and suddenly there wasn’t enough air to breath. Why did I always feel the need to catch my breath when I was close to him?

He slid over the seat until he was sitting directly next to me and shut the car door with a resounding thud. He then reached over me to lock the door with a click that was soft but rung loud in my ears. I pressed my back against the car door, my breath releasing fast and uneven. He palmed the back of my head and then his fingers slipped over the strands until he wound my ponytail around his hand lightly.

“Say that again,” he demanded. His voice was calm but his eyes were not as he waited patiently for me to repeat myself. I reluctantly coughed back up the lie.

“That’s what I thought you said,” he whispered just before a sharp pain emerged from my scalp. My head was tilted back far enough to block my view of him. “Lie to me again and I will hurt you, Monroe. I promise I will hurt you. There are worse pains than just the physical and I won’t hesitate to make you feel them. Do we understand each other?”

I nodded as best as I could, with his grip on my hair. Just as fast as it happened it was over. He was out of the car again and walking back over to Blake, who watched me curiously. Keiran must have said something to him because he abruptly turned his head back to him.

The campus was still occupied by a few students who were probably leaving a late class or studying in the library. The attention Keiran and Keenan were receiving from the loads of girls, who appeared out of nowhere, didn’t escape my attention. A few even stopped to talk and hand over a little slip of paper that I knew contained their number.

I quelled the disgust I felt and willed myself not to feel anything remotely close to jealousy. That wasn’t possible. Instead I focused on the scenery and the obvious signs that fall was here. I loved when the leaves would turn color. The various browns, golds, and reds painted a beautiful, colorful canvas of the world, shielding the reality that it was as dark as my beautiful tormentor. At least that was what he was intent on teaching me.

After a few minutes of ignoring the nauseous display of shameless girls parade in front of the group with short skirts and low tops, they finally made for the car. I was willing to bet they never even exchanged names. Girls are stupid.

I pretended to pick my nails even after they got in the car and we left the college campus behind. When we got to the highway I still had not looked up from my nails and by this time I had nail polish shavings on my lap from picking at the paint. Full of spite, I cheerfully brushed the shavings all over the clean floor of his car.

You could call it immature. I call it revenge. It was my own little way to say ‘fuck you’. I didn’t realize I laughed out loud until Keenan turned his head and looked at me funny. I quickly averted my gaze and stared out window watching the day give way to night.


When we arrived back in Six Forks, I fully expected to be driven home. Instead I found myself once again at Keiran’s house. I prayed for patience when he exited the car and opened the backdoor for what I assumed was the bag. Instead he pulled me out of the car and Keenan retrieved the bag from the backseat.

B.B. Reid's books