Red and Her Wolf (Kingdom, #3)

“Blast it all, you stubborn old fool. I’m your friend.” She gripped bony shoulders and gave them a gentle shake. “What’s happened to you, sister? How did you age so quickly? You look beyond your years.”

Miriam pinched the bridge of her sharp, thin nose. “It wasn’t easy, Dani. Living in that world. The constant use of magic to keep the humans away, making our home exist on fairy time. All of that’s taken a toll. I’m tired. Worn out and…” she paused, mouth open as if she wanted to say something, but then finally shook her head and sighed. “None of which is your fault.”

She patted Danika’s arm, giving her a tight lipped smile. Gray frizz surrounded her head like a sort of aged halo. Even her moth speckled wings beat slowly, as if Miriam hadn’t much strength for more.

“I’m worried about you.” Danika laced her fingers through Miriam’s. “You don’t look well, my friend. Not at all. Fairy should have restored your youth, and yet you look little better than a hag.”

Miriam snorted, some of the old light entering her eyes. “Ye’ve still a sharp tongue about ye, Dani, I’ll give ye that.”

The glen glowed silvery in the moonlight. A scuttle of tiny feet scampered up their tree, a bushy red tail disappearing quickly within a hole in the wood. The night was rich with the scent of hyacinth and lavender. Dark petaled roses opened their blooms, knowing the fairies were about and seeking a morsel of dust.

Miriam gently squeezed Dani’s hand one final time before letting go. “I loved these woods. This place.” Joy laced the longing in her words.

“You’re back now. We can fly through here anytime we want.”

She laughed. “That is until Galeta finds us. She will ye know.”

Danika twisted her lips. “Did you see that in a vision?”

“Aye.” Miriam nodded, not an ounce of fear in the word.

“Who’s coming to meet us?” Danika asked, glancing over Miriam’s shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of their mystery gust.

“A friend that made me a promise long ago.”

The wind picked up then, cool and sweet against Danika’s gossamer wings. She inhaled, invigorated by the night. There was always something so magical about the woods at night.

“I love this spot,” Miriam said again, this time there was a tremble of tears in her statement.

“You’ve already said that, dear.” Danika frowned.

“Did I?” Miriam’s eyes shone bright lavender. “I forgot.”

Something was wrong. Very wrong, and it irked Danika that she couldn’t figure it out. Miriam wasn’t herself. But then again, she’d not been around her friend for far too long. Perhaps this was Miriam now. Distant. Silent. She was The Shunned, and perhaps it was more than just a title now. Perhaps her friend believed that’s who she really was--an outcast and pariah within fairy.

Miriam pointed below. “We were born just there, do you remember, Dani?”

A small field of red roses waved in the gentle breeze. Most were snoring, though one was drooping, its petal dragging along the ground. Woeful eyes blinked at its sad petals.

“The moon was full and fairy song rang throughout. Aye,” Danika nodded, a fond smile on her face, “I remember.”

Miriam tucked a strand of hair behind her slightly upturned ear. “This is a good place. I could never be sad here, Dani.” She looked at Danika. “I think I should like to stay here forever, beside the roses.”

Danika gazed at her friend, trying desperately not to read more into the words, but her heart twisted in her chest with fear. “We’re not going to die, Mir. None of us. We will defeat, Malvena.”

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!” A bell like voice said, reciting one of Danika’s favorite lines from Shakespeare’s play.

Danika twirled, recognizing the voice instantly. Esmeralda stood on the limb they were on, cloaked in shadow; green vines slithered like a snake down the tree’s bark.

Miriam nodded and smiled. “Hello, dear friend.”

Ese stepped into the moonlight, ivy undulated upon her body. Her thick mane of chestnut colored hair flowed down to her waist. She was a vision of fae loveliness, save for the solid blacks of her eyes.

Miriam rushed up to her, moving faster than Danika had seen in days.

“I did as you asked, Miriam. I led Galeta on a goose chase, but I’m afraid…” She gathered her hands together, clasping her fingers tight in front of her.

“It is okay, this was good enough. I know what I must do.”

“What?” Danika asked, though she really wanted to screech. She was so tired of being left in the dark, of knowing her best friend made plans without her knowledge. Why all the secrecy?

Ese glanced at Danika. “You should not have brought her, Mir.”

“How dare you?” Danika puffed out her chest, ignoring the desperate desire to grab her wand and turn Ese into a green toad. “She is my friend. Not yours. And I will support--”