Red and Her Wolf (Kingdom, #3)

This was not right. The land was only silent like this when…

His ears twitched when the crunching sound of a snapping twig reverberated through the desolate woods.

“Hello, Ewan,” the sweet voice almost seemed to smile. “The girl is with us. Come quickly.”

Turning, he saw Alice.

She wore a black silk dress that draped to her feet, the bodice tight on her waist; clusters of roses wove a trail from her chest down the left side of her body. Black paint, in a filigree pattern, framed her right eye. Flushed and rosy, she looked healthy and happy.

Alice gestured quickly. “Hurry, we spotted crows this morning.”

Heart regaining its more normal rhythm, he nodded, and trotted toward her. She patted his nose when he neared, kneeling by his side, she grabbed his shaggy head and brought his ear to her mouth.

“Spies have been about these past two nights…”

As she spoke, she continued to stroke the length of his side. To the outside, it would appear like a woman petting her dog. Questions buzzed through his head. Why the subterfuge? How had the crows known? Where exactly was Red?

“Please accept our apologies for taking Violet the way we did. We meant no harm.” Planting a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, she nodded. “Follow me, and try not to look so… wolf like.”

Her pink lips twitched and he huffed.

Alice led him on a dizzying trail. She walked around trees, below trees, and even through them. Waving her hand in semi-circular motions as she mumbled nonsensical words, it was amazing to witness the land respond to her as it did.

He growled when he noticed the same purple polka dotted tree for the third time. Were they actually going anywhere?

She winked, waved her hand again, and then dropped to her knees. In a clearing lay a teapot, hidden by thick grass. Lifting the lid, she whispered inside the ceramic pot, “the cake please.”

Suddenly a large slice of cake slid through the narrow opening. With a triumphant smile, she twirled and held out the slice to him. The cake itself was a deep yellow, while the frosting was the whitest, frothiest foam he’d ever seen.

After the crone’s forest, the sight of it turned his stomach a little. He couldn’t help but remember what her cakes had been made out of.

Brown eyes twinkling, she said, “Take a bite. A small one. Too much will make you cease to appear.”

He’d only met Alice once before, she’d been beautiful, of course. But shy and withdrawn, he wondered if she realized how like the Hatter she seemed now. Speaking in his nonsensical way, dressing like him.

Would Violet be like that with him someday?

Careful not to take too large a bite, he barely tore a piece off the cake and instantly wanted to spit the bitter thing out. She held his jaw closed, and nodded.

“It’s worse than awful, but it’s the only way. Have you swallowed it?”

The offensive piece of carrion tasting waste rested on his tongue, and it was all he could do to choke it down, gagging and panting once it settled in his gut.

“Good.” She tore a piece off for herself. “Upsy daisy now.” She popped it in and grimaced. “Ugh, that’s awful.”

A wave of vertigo slammed into him and he winced, squeezing his eyes shut as the world around them became a giant’s paradise. Ewan growled.

“I know, it’s dreadful being so small. But it will only last for a while.”

He looked back at the garden. It was lit, tables out and festooned with every sort of tea food imaginable.

Alice shook her head, her black hair fanning out like a blade behind thin shoulders. “No tea this time, Ewan. You’re coming to our home. It’s safer.” She eyed him. “You will need to unbecome. I’ll not be taking you through the world’s my Hatter took me through when I first arrived, but the trip can be rather jarring. You’ll need to hang on to my hand.”

Calling the light, it took only moments for him to stand before her, and then to frown when her lips quirked and she quickly glanced away.

Alice cleared her throat. “I always forget it’s not like the movies.”

He glanced down at himself.

Smiling, she said, “As lovely as you look, you really should get dressed. I don’t think Hatter would like it too much if you weren’t clothed. He tends to go a little batty about those sorts of things when I’m around.”

Ewan rolled his eyes. “Lass, I canna make clothes from air.”

She looked at him, and lifted her brows. “Well lucky for you, I can.” Snapping her fingers, he was suddenly clothed in tight jeans and a plain white shirt.

Alice laughed. “Hmm… Maybe not much better.”

“I’m clothed, am I no? What’s wrong now?” he tried, but couldn’t get the irritation from his voice.