Forget About Midnight (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #9)

“Yeah, well, I don’t have a death wish.”

I stood in front of the Charger, unable to walk any further on my wobbly legs. Nerves shook me so hard I had to lean against the car to keep my balance. Shaz’s car slid into a parking space at the far end of the lot. I had to stand there and watch their approach with growing trepidation.

Jenner joined me, leaning close enough to offer silent support. The moment Shaz stepped out of the car and looked my way, I froze in fear.

“Don’t let me hurt him,” I said. “Please.”

The flash of white-blond hair was eye catching beneath the pale glow of streetlights lining the parking lot. Shaz’s shoulders were hard set, and he carried himself with readiness and determination. Arys fell into step beside him, and I had to look away. A tsunami of emotion surged forward to knock me off my feet. I gripped the hood of the car and took a deep breath, though it didn’t help the way it once would have.

When I looked back at them, they were much closer. Arys held up a hand to stop Shaz a car length away. Neither of them attempted to get any closer.

I locked eyes with Arys first. Those deep, drowning-blue eyes captivated me and made me feel safe. I wanted to throw myself in his arms again, but the sense of betrayal held me back. He’d pulled strings to get rid of Kale. I was not going to pretend he hadn’t.

The weight of Shaz’s stare finally drew my gaze to his. His eyes were all wolf. Solid green orbs that had me choking on a whine as my wolf sought to get to him. It physically hurt me to resist. Though my wolf ached for him, my bloodlust waited for the chance to sink fangs into his smooth flesh.

“Lex,” he said, his voice husky with wolf. “You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to see you.”

“I do. I’ve missed you. Desperately.” The truth poured out in just a few words. I did miss him. I also feared that he wouldn’t be able to handle me as a vampire hybrid. He hadn’t done so great with my vampiric side before the turn.

With slow but steady steps, he edged closer, as if approaching a snake. Wary. Watchful. Jenner inched closer until he was within grabbing range.

Shaz didn’t hesitate. His footsteps never faltered. Fearless but cautious, he reached for my hands. I reveled in the werewolf heat he exuded, delighting in the musky wolf scent of him. When I didn’t immediately try to harm him, he pulled me in for a hug.

It had been far too long since I’d touched him like this. My arms went around his neck, a hand sliding into his platinum hair. I pressed my face to his shoulder and held tight.

The heady elixir of shifter blood pumping through his veins called to me. I’d tasted him before; I knew what lay within him. But in that moment, the wolf was in charge, and the bloodlust was its prisoner.

“I’m sorry,” I blurted, not knowing what exactly I was sorry for but feeling the need to say it.

“Don’t be sorry for anything. I know this is hard for you, and I know I don’t understand what you’re going through. Please, let me be here for you now.” Shaz kissed the side of my face, smoothing a hand through my hair before finding my lips. His kiss was tender and soft, a reminder of everything we shared.

My wolf clawed at my insides. She was pissed at being imprisoned for so long in this vampire body. Shaz’s presence was driving her into a needful frenzy.

“You haven’t shifted, have you?” Arys asked. He remained where he was, reluctant to come to me, possibly fearing another smack, or worse.

I shook my head, feeling both miserable and elated. It was a dizzying combination. “I’m afraid to.”

“Your wolf is still there,” Shaz said, pulling back to study me. “I can feel it.”

“As can I.” This from Arys who wore a pained expression. “You need to let it out.”

Again I felt the need to apologize. Denying my wolf put Arys at risk. Living with the echo of my beast wasn’t easy for him. I imagined it was hell to have the spirit of my wolf trying to tear its way out of him. I wasn’t sure how bad it could get. I’d never denied the shift long enough to find out.

“I just saw Briggs,” I said, changing the subject. “Juliet’s been arrested. I have to turn myself in to free her.”

Both Shaz and Arys exploded with protests. I waited for them to simmer down before I explained the discussion I’d had with Briggs. After playing the recording on my phone to them, Shaz grudgingly accepted it. As a wolf he knew that my loyalty to my sister had to come first. Arys, however, wasn’t as understanding.