“I know that, Jez, but I don’t have a choice. Look, I need you to get Kale out of there for the rest of the night. Shaz and Arys are coming by, and I don’t want to have a fight on my hands.”
I listened as Jez told me once again how crazy I was for even considering turning myself in. Finally she accepted that it wasn’t open to debate and agreed to get Kale out of The Wicked Kiss. At my request Jenner had called Arys and told him to meet us at the vampire bar. I was a mess of nerves. Not only was I not ready to see Arys again, but I didn’t trust myself to be around Shaz yet.
“Chill out, girl. You’re buzzing so fucking hard I can feel my teeth rattling.” Jenner lounged in the passenger seat, waiting for me to work up the courage to drive back to The Wicked Kiss. “Want me to drive? I’m pretty good for someone who doesn’t do it often. I drove the shit out of your Jag and didn’t get a scratch on it.”
My head jerked his way. “What did you say? You drove my Jag?”
“Just a little. Pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to mention it so let’s just forget I said anything.”
I knew he was trying to distract me, and in a way it was working. Arys and Jenner had been busy boys over the past week, apparently even going so far as to steal Raoul’s car from my garage.
“You really need to go home, Jenner,” I said with a laugh. “I have enough on my plate without you here to encourage Arys.”
I pulled into traffic and headed back to the Kiss. It was only a few blocks away, a short drive. My hands were tight on the wheel.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to go home. My city is a lot more entertaining than your city. But you know, I think I’m going to miss you guys. Even you, Alexa.” Jenner tapped his fingers on the door handle in time to the song on the radio.
“My blood, maybe,” I muttered. “You are some of the entertainment in your city, Jenner. I imagine you’re having major withdrawal. Having your ego stroked so often must be addictive.”
He chuckled. “Not as addictive as you are.”
“Yep, definitely time for you to go home.” There was so much more I wanted to say. I wanted to beg Jenner to take care of Kale, to reach out to me at the first sign of trouble, to tell me if he was happy in Vegas. I couldn’t do any of that, couldn’t say a damn thing. All I could do was sit there in silence and wish like hell that Kale wouldn’t go.
The last few minutes of the drive were spent in silence. I could feel Jenner appraising me, analyzing my energy to determine what I might be thinking or feeling.
“What?” I asked when I couldn’t stand the silence anymore.
“Alexa, you know I came here to help Arys face your death. After you turned I stayed because I could see how broken up he was over it. From what I can see, you two are made for each other. Literally.” He paused, glancing out the window as we pulled into The Wicked Kiss parking lot. “I know that monogamy and happily ever after doesn’t come naturally to us and that whatever you’ve got going on with Kale is none of my business, but don’t shut Arys out. He needs you. And I’m pretty sure you need him too.”
I parked the car and turned it off before turning to him with a quizzical look. “Are you going somewhere with this?”
“I just want you guys to be happy. Lord knows somebody in this fucked up bloodline should be.”
He held my gaze, icy blue on warm brown, and I saw something in Jenner I’d never noticed before. Misery. He was allowing me to see that there was more to him than a sex-charged egomaniac. It made it a lot harder to dislike him. Dammit.
“I love Kale, but we both know it’s not meant to be. Even when I’m with him, it’s Arys I’m longing for.” I reached for Jenner’s hand. Power darted between us, creating a hot tingle in my palm. “Thank you, Jenner. It means a lot that you can put aside your differences with Arys to be here for him. I won’t forget that. I’m not convinced that any of us deserve happiness, but I hope you find yours.”
“You may be a manipulative, bossy bitch, but you’re starting to really grow on me.”
I punched his shoulder.
He laughed, feigning pain. “I’ll do my best to give Kale a chance. I’ll keep my promise. He’ll be safe with me.”
“Thank you.”
The moment ended when Shaz’s blue Chevy Cobalt pulled into the parking lot. The adrenaline hit hard. I shrugged out of my jacket and smoothed a hand through my hair with a quick glance at myself in the visor mirror. I was never going to be ready to face Shaz. Better to just get it over with.
“Wait.” Jenner caught my arm before I could exit the car. He pulled my blonde tresses over my shoulders so the fading vampire bite was hidden. It should have been little more than a pink blemish by now. “Let’s just keep this out of sight, ok? No need to get Arys’s undies in a bunch over something so trivial.”
“You’re such a shithead.” I slapped his hands away with a nervous laugh.
Forget About Midnight (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #9)
Trina M. Lee's books
- Darker (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 6)
- Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #1)
- The Wicked Kiss (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #2)
- Only Vampires Cry Blood (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #3)
- Blonde & Blue (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #4)
- Death Wish (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #5)
- Freak Show (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7)
- Huntress (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #0.5)
- Stunner (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress 0.75)
- Whisper to a Scream (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #6.5)
- Sunset to Sunrise (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #7.5)
- September Moon (Alexa O'Brien, Huntress #8)