Baby Come Back






The following week after my return from Hoboken, I shared with Tristan all that had happened between Nick and me. He had comforted me when I got emotional during parts of it, pulling me close to him and stroking my hair. Afterwards he asked me if I had ever shared this with anyone else.


“You’re the first,” I said. “I guess part of me was ashamed to tell anyone. I mean, how pathetic was I to go back to him after I had been through it before?”


“Gina - you loved him. You trusted that he was sincere in getting help for his addiction. He probably was sincere - at the moment. I can see how what happened shaped you emotionally where men are concerned.”


“What do you mean?” I asked, a hint of defensiveness in my voice.


“Babe, don’t get pissed. Of course it had to affect you. It was horrific. I mean, you wouldn’t be human if it hadn’t. I think it explains why you have trust issues; why you find it difficult to emotionally connect at times; your fear of being vulnerable.”


“Well thank you for your diagnosis, Dr. Sinclair,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “If I doubted that I was damaged goods before, you have so eloquently reaffirmed it.”


“You are not damaged goods, Gina. If you really see yourself that way then perhaps you might consider therapy.”


“You are my therapy, Tristan,” I said, scooting onto his lap. “I want to say something to you about all that shit I brought up about Amber a few days ago.”


“I’m listening,” he said, lightly brushing a kiss across my lips.


“I trust you, Tristan. I have never caught you in a lie or any type of deception. As far as what Ian said; the whole bit with the birthmark - I just want to drop it. It isn’t important because I trust you and I know you haven’t been with her.”


“Are you sure, Gina? I have no issue confronting her with you present to untangle all of that shit.”


“I am sure, Tristan. She works with Trey. The last thing I need is to stir something up that causes her to go back whining to him. He’s your brother and I won’t be responsible for causing any rifts between the two of you, either.”


Tristan and I once again settled into a comfortable and stress-free existence. I kept in touch with my mom, though she did try and get more information from me regarding Nick, she soon learned that I had meant what I said. She didn’t bring it up after that.


Tylar hosted a baby shower for me the Saturday after the July 4th holiday. Susan and Clive were in from Bristol; Aunt Becky had come with them. My mom had sent her gift and promised she would be coming for a couple weeks after the baby was born. She had saved some vacation time from her job for the occasion.


Susan came over the following day and helped me get all of the tiny little sleepers, gowns and tee shirts laundered and put away. Tristan was still at the club. I had noticed his hours had expanded out a bit and had done my share of griping about it.


“Have you been feeling well, Gina?”


“Oh yes Susan, why?”


“You’ve been frowning a lot this weekend I’ve noticed.”


I had to smile. The woman was extremely perceptive.


“It’s just this last trimester gets a bit uncomfortable, so I guess I am easily irritated. Tristan has been spending longer hours at work and we kind of had this deal going when I cut my hours he would cut his hours, too.”


“Well, I’m sure it is a busy time what with mid-summer here and the tourists in town. Would you like a glass of iced tea?”


“Oh Susan! Where are my manners? I’m sorry. I should have offered you something to drink.”


“No worries, dear. Let’s take a break and I’ll get us each a glass of iced tea.”


I loved Tristan’s mother. She was so laid back and Southern. I saw where Tristan got it. We settled on the couch in the living room, sipping our tea. I had a feeling Susan was on a mission for information. I didn’t have to wait long for confirmation.


“Gina, does Tylar seem alright to you?”


“Well, I know this pregnancy has been difficult on her, but actually she looks better than she has. She hasn’t complained about anything specific to me lately.”


“I just worry, I guess. I was a bit taken aback when I saw her. It’s been awhile and she just seems so pale and listless. I hope Trey is making sure that she doesn’t over-do it.”


“I’m sure she will be fine. Have you heard any news recently on Nigel and Tess’s surrogate?”


Susan flashed a smile and grabbed her purse. She rifled through it until she found the ultrasound photo that Tess had sent to her. We had a couple of those around here as well. This one was in 3D. I could make out the little face. Mine were not so high tech. I stared and stared at them trying to make out what was what. Tristan had to point it out for me.


“Do they know the sex of the baby?” I asked.


“They want to be surprised,” Susan answered, beaming. “Of course, Clive and I are tickled that we will be welcoming our first grandson here shortly. Have you and Tristan decided on any names yet?”


“Well, I like ‘Tristan James II,’ but Tristan has said ‘no way.’ I thought we could call him ‘TJ’ - but he’s not giving in on that one. We both kind of like the name ‘Reese.”


“Oh, I love it,” Susan squealed happily. “What about a middle name?”


“I like ‘Joseph’ and Tristan likes ‘Patrick,’ so I guess it will probably be ‘Patrick.”


Susan laughed. “Stand your ground with him, Gina. Don’t let him always have his way.”


“Trust me, Susan, I don’t”




By the time Tristan got home, Susan had already left to go back to Trey and Tylar’s house.


“You missed your mother by about three hours,” I said to him.


“Oh sorry, babe. Things were crazy at the club.”


“You know Tristan, your hours seem to be getting right back to where they were before you hired the night manager. If I was the suspicious type - “


He came over and gave me a hug, silencing my whining with his lips.


“Is the baby napping?” he asked


“Yeah, I think so. He’s been fairly quiet today.”


“How about you and I go into the bedroom and wake him up?”


I couldn’t resist Tristan or his lovemaking. We spent the next hour in bed playing and loving. I curled up next to him afterwards, running my fingers through the damp hair on his chest.




“Yeah, babe?”


“Your mom showed me one of those 3D ultrasound pictures today of Nigel and Tess’s baby. You could see its little face and everything.”


“You mean they don’t know whether it’s a girl or a boy?”


“They don’t want to know. I think it’s a boy, though.”


“And how were you able to determine that?”


“Cause his little face looks like yours.”


“Gina,” his tone had that slight warning sound in it. “We’ve been over this before. That child is nothing more to me or to Trey than a niece or a nephew. Period. Got it?”


“Yes, Tristan,” I replied, rolling my eyes.


I lay there for a few more minutes thinking about what he had said. I wondered if it was really so easy for he and Trey to view it from that perspective. Women felt different attachments than men perhaps. That is what Tylar had told me. I knew it bugged the hell out of her though. That was one reason she had been so hell-bent on getting pregnant before Tess’s surrogate did.


I realized then that Tristan hadn’t eaten any dinner since he came home. I wasn’t sure if he had managed to grab something to eat at the club.


“Tristan - are you hungry?”




I looked up at him. He was dozing peacefully, his one arm up over his head resting on the pillow. I loved this man so much.