To the Moon and Back

Chapter 43

‘Hello, dear, is Zack at home?’

‘Sorry, he’s away. Maybe I can help you.’

‘Oh, I do hope so! I’m Christine, dear. I used to be Zack’s PA.’

Ellie had heard all about her. Nicknamed Crimplene Christine by Zack, her skirts invariably reacted with the nylon in her tights and petticoat, creating a build-up of static charge each time she moved. Shaking hands with her, Zack had gravely explained, was a positive health hazard. Poor Elmo had been too terrified to venture into the office.

‘Come along inside. I’m Ellie. It’s lovely to meet you,’ said Ellie. At least, it was lovely so long as she wasn’t here to ask for her old job back.

‘Ah, there it is. You still have it, thank heavens for that!’

Christine was pointing to the largest of the plants on the window ledge, some temperamental creature with bright orangey-pink flowers and glossy heart-shaped leaves that was always threatening to keel over and die.

‘This one?’ Ellie moved towards it. ‘It’s yours?’

‘Not the plant. The pot it’s in. My bossy sister gave it to me for Christmas,’ Christine explained. ‘You have no idea what she’s like. Anyway, she’s coming to London tomorrow to stay for a couple of days. Before she got off the phone this morning she said, “And I hope you’re using that lovely plant pot I gave you; it had better not be hidden away in the back of a cupboard.” Well, I’m telling you, my poor heart nearly jumped out of my throat.’ She flapped her sausage fingers in dismay. ‘For a couple of seconds I couldn’t remember for the life of me what I’d done with the thing. Then it came back to me. I’d left it here. Now look, I know it’s a bit of a cheek, but do you think Zack would mind awfully if I took it home?’

Ellie managed to reassure Christine that Zack wouldn’t mind a bit. Relieved, Christine asked chattily how she was enjoying working for him. Then she started asking how Zack was, and if he was still seeing Louisa. The next thing Ellie knew, Christine had made them both a cup of tea and settled herself down for a nice chat.

Oh well, she wasn’t rushed off her feet. She could spare ten minutes.

Christine was gratifyingly pleased to hear that the relationship with Louisa was now over. Leaning forward in her chair, she confided, ‘Always felt as if she was looking down her nose at me. I brought in some homemade shortbread one day and offered her a piece. My goodness, you’d have thought I was offering her live newts!’

Ellie warmed to her. ‘She was a bit iffy with me as well. Accused me of chasing after Zack.’

Christine’s pale eyes twinkled. ‘And were you?’


‘I wouldn’t blame you, mind. He’s definitely got it, hasn’t he? If I were twenty-five years younger I’d have made a play for him myself !’

Oo-er, missus. Maybe it hadn’t just been the crimplene causing those sparks to fly.

‘And how are things with you?’ Ellie changed the subject, struck by how cheerful Christine seemed. ‘Zack told me about your husband not being very well. It must be so much easier for you, not having to work full-time anymore.’

‘Well, actually, I am working.’ There was an audible crackle of static as Christine shifted in her chair and rested the saucer in her lap. ‘It was all quite fortuitous really. You see, the day care place couldn’t cope with Eric anymore. Now, I love my poor hubby to bits, but the two of us being at home together was too much. I don’t mind telling you, it’s a lonely old business. Anyway, my doctor suggested considering some respite care and I did a bit of research. We ended up going to look at a nursing home not far from us, then while we were there I happened to see a notice up on the board saying they were looking for part-time staff. Well, I spoke to the lady who runs the place and we reached an agreement. I’m working there three days a week and Eric comes along with me. And once or twice a week he stays overnight so I can go home and have an evening out, or just a rest on my own and get a proper night’s sleep. It’s working out really well, all things considered.’ Christine smiled bravely. ‘It’s nice to get to know other people in my situation. And Eric likes it too. Just because he’s losing his memory doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy other people’s company. It’s a good place, Stanshawe House. The staff are wonderful, and everyone’s so understanding. No one minds if Eric starts a game of chess then wanders off halfway through.’

Stanshawe House, Stanshawe House, why did that ring a distant bell? It only took a couple of seconds to make the connection. Should she mention it? Or keep quiet?

‘I think a friend of mine knows someone who lives there.’ For a moment Ellie couldn’t remember the surname; she had to conjure up a mental image of the painting in the flat, hanging above the mantelpiece in the living room. Having pictured it, she concentrated on the signature in the bottom right-hand corner: Martha Daines, that was it.

Christine took a sip of tea. ‘One of the residents? Who is it?’

‘Mr Daines.’


‘That’s the one.’

‘Oh, my dear, I’m sorry. Didn’t your friend tell you? Henry died a few weeks ago.’

Ellie sat back. ‘Oh, right. I didn’t know. Well, that’s… sad. What happened?’

‘Nothing dramatic.’ Christine shrugged. ‘Bless his heart, he was such a dear gentle soul. He just passed away in his sleep, which isn’t the worst way to go. He wasn’t in any pain. Do you think your friend knows he’s dead?’

Ellie shook her head. Tony had called for a long chat last night and he would have mentioned it. ‘I don’t think he does.’

‘Oh my goodness, I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn.’ Looking worried, Christine said, ‘Maybe he should speak to the family… Henry’s wife…’

‘Martha.’ Ellie needed to double-check that they were talking about the same man.

‘Yes, Martha. Poor darling, she took it very hard.’

‘It must be a terrible time for her.’ Ellie nodded in agreement. ‘I’m sure he’ll do that. I’ll let him know.’

They chatted for a while longer about Zack, then Ellie lifted the plant in its blue pot and carried it outside to Christine’s little car.

‘Bye then, dear. Thanks so much for the plant. And I’m glad you’ve settled in here. Give Zack my regards.’ With an unexpected twinkle, Christine said, ‘You can give him a kiss from me, if you like.’

Which was slightly alarming, and ironic to think that Zack had hired Christine in order to be safe, when it was becoming scarily apparent that she’d had a crush on him all along.

It just went to show, no matter how unprepossessing the exterior, a flirty soul could still lie beneath.

Back inside the house, Ellie leaned against the office door and gazed at the radiator.

For quite a while.

No, it was no good, she couldn’t do it. She just wasn’t that kind of person.


She had to use the plastic flyswat to reach across the desk and poke around behind the radiator until the postcard from Australia slid out. On her hands and knees, Ellie retrieved it from the floor under the desk, then straightened up again and put it in Zack’s in-tray.

A loose splinter from one of the oak floorboards had managed to rip a hole in the knee of her tights, new on this morning.


This was her reward for doing the right thing.

Jill Mansell's books