To Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men #2)

Blood pumped through my veins like rushing lava. Hot and explosive. Unable to control my staccato breaths, I backed her into the small space of wall next to the closed door. But that wasn't enough for either of us. Not nearly enough. She climbed me, clinging to me with her legs as she wound them around my waist.

I bumped my hips up between her thighs and ground against her hard. The way she gasped and arched into me, throwing her head back and pulling taut in my arms as she bit her bottom lip, was so fucking hot I almost came in my jeans.

Sinking my teeth into the base of her neck, I thrust against that warmth I wanted to burrow into. Her fingers in my hair tried to yank me bald. The resulting pain was so damn hot I growled and caught her knee, spreading her just a little wider.

Before I knew quite what I was doing, my palm skated up bare skin until my hand was under her skirt. Damn, I loved this skirt. And with no pantyhose in my way, I found my way inside the barrier of her panties as soon as I encountered moist cotton.

She was wet. So wet. For me.

“Noel,” she moaned, writhing against me, grabbing fistfuls of my shirt and yanking me closer.

I thrust a finger into her and we both let out a sound of shocked abandonment. “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck,” I breathed. She was so... “Fuck.” I nudged another finger in and, damn, it was so sweet. So fucking sweet.

Aspen knocked the crown of her head back against the wall and closed her eyes tight. Her lips parted as these quick, shallow pants exploded from her, each breath heaving out her pleasure. She was so beautiful as I kissed her neck. Fingers pumping hard and fast, I nearly came every time I went deep.

When my lips caressed the shell of her ear, I asked, “Do you feel that? Do you feel what we do together? This isn’t normal, Aspen. We are a force of fucking nature. How can we keep fighting this? How...God. I want to be inside you so bad right now.”

“Uhn...” That seemed to be her tipping point. She shuddered and the muscles hugging my fingers contracted. Crying out, she came so hard and fast it shocked the shit out of me. I kissed her to muffle the sound, my digits penetrating until they were soaked and cramping. She kissed me back, and kept kissing me until I was breathless and dizzy.

As soon as her body began to quiet, I slipped my hand free and grappled for the top button of my jeans. Mindless with lust, I didn’t think the next step through. I just knew I had to be inside her as soon as possible or I was coming in my damn jeans.

When she scurried to help me, fumbling for my zipper and completely on board with my idea, I let her take care of that part so I could cradle her ass in both hands and secure her a little higher against the wall. Her legs spread open, allowing me all the access I needed, and with her skirt rucked up to her waist I could see how the crotch of her panties was still pushed aside from my fingers.

The dark curls between her legs were wet and glistening. My mouth watered as I caught a glimpse, and my dick pulsed in her hand when she tugged me out of my pants.

I needed this so bad. I needed her.

Holding me at the base, she guided me to her entrance. Our cheeks brushed as we both stared down, watching our bodies join.

“Do it,” she whispered, sounding as eager as I felt.

I shoved forward, impaling her.

She was so wet. And warm. And oh, my fucking God. The tightest thing to ever take my penis. When she keened out a high sound as if she was in pain, I jerked my head up to watch her bite her lip and close her eyes. I wondered if maybe it hurt, because, Christ, she was so snug I probably felt like I could split her apart.

Somewhere in my head, I knew I should stop for some reason, pull out, go slower...something. There were multiple reasons to end this and think things through. But I couldn’t concentrate on a single one because fuck, she was so... I pushed in a little deeper, groaning at the way she gripped and squeezed even tauter around me.

“It’s okay,” I told her, instead of asking if she was really okay. Why didn’t I ask? I had no clue. Then I kissed her hair and stroked the side of her neck as I held her by the ass with one arm and pulled out just enough to ease back in. “You can take it, baby.”

Actually, I wasn’t so sure she could. This was...this was...intense. But I made myself believe it, because, damn, stopping was not an option.

When I pumped her again, she made another sound, which I couldn’t quite tell whether it was pain or pleasure. I was trying to go as slow as possible, even though I had to keep moving because I couldn’t just not move.

“Noel,” she whimpered, clutching my head and turning her face in toward my neck. Her breath on my throat made me swell inside her.

“What’s wrong, baby? Hurt?”

“No. God, no.” She moaned and shivered. “It feels so good. I just...I need...I need...” The way she tightened around me and wiggled, her body demanding more, had me groaning and moving a little faster. “Yes,” she breathed, her sigh a gasp of thanksgiving. “Faster. Harder.” And then she bit me. She freaking bit me, right on the jugular.