To Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men #2)

I clenched my teeth. “Christ, what is going on with you? Why are you suddenly so pissed off? Saturday night—”

“No! How dare you mention Saturday to me? Damn you.” She shoved against my chest. “Even the idea of you coming into my class with your flirty little note just minutes after hearing you’re going to be a father disgusts me.”

“A father?” I took a step back and ran into the door. “Say what?”

“Yes! A father.” Her green eyes shot hateful daggers just before they filled with pain. “I heard you talking to that poor girl on the phone, yelling at her. Jesus, Noel. How could you treat her that way? You’re just as responsible for this as she is, yet you didn’t seem to have an iota of remorse or—”

“Okay, stop right there.” I lifted my hands, glaring at her. “Maybe you should know all your facts before attacking me.” I snorted out a bitter laugh. “Jesus. Your faith in me is incredible. I can’t fucking believe you automatically thought that was my kid.”

“Well, you sounded pretty fucking sure you’d have to take care of it, going on about how much harder this was going to make your life. Why wouldn’t I think it was yours?”

“Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not into incest. That was my seventeen-year-old sister, Caroline, and yes, I was furious to learn she was knocked up. I’m also fairly certain the baby’s daddy isn’t going to be there for her, so I will have to help her take care of it and this will make our lives that much harder to handle.”

“Oh.” She blew out a harsh breath. Apology hung heavy in her gaze, but she didn’t beg for any kind of forgiveness. “I...”

When she couldn’t even say sorry, I snorted.

“This is just great.” Spiking my hands through my hair, I whirled away but couldn’t even step a foot from her; the closet was too small for me to escape. I felt sick to my stomach. “I can’t believe I’m falling so hard for you that I’m willing to risk school, my family, my entire future—everything—and you still think I’m capable of juggling you and a new kid. Fuck, I was even willing to try a monogamous, committed relationship with no qualms whatsoever, which I’ve never even considered before.”

Rage consuming me, I spun back to her and pointed a finger into her chest. “I may have had drunk sex with complete strangers more times than I can count, but I have never, not even once, forgotten protection. I’m a safe fuck, got it? And if I did manage to impregnate some girl, I sure as hell wouldn’t turn around ten minutes later to send secret love notes to my goddamn English teacher! Is that perfectly clear?”

Her green eyes were so wide I could see every remorseful thought inside her. “Yes,” she whispered. Then her face crumpled. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Why do I keep misjudging you?”

“The hell if I know.” I clenched my teeth and glared. “I fully realize this thing between us is doomed, okay. I know we can never...” I closed my eyes and bowed my head. “We might not stand a chance, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop craving that connection we share. It’s so fucking strong, I’ve been willing to... God, I would do anything for little stolen pieces of you, Aspen. But if you can so easily assume I’m... Christ, if you don’t feel the same way about me—”

“I do. I feel the same.”

“Then prove it, damn you. Show me I’m risking everything for a reason. Because, right now—”

Warm lips crashed into mine, cutting me off. Aspen clutched my face and rose up onto her toes, pressing herself against me and fitting us together like two halves of an inseparable whole.

“I do. I swear it,” she rasped against my mouth between kisses. “I feel the same. Exactly the same. Please. Please. I’m sorry. I feel it, too. I’m just scared and—”

“So am I.” I literally shook from fear, and some residual anger, as well as growing lust. The lust won out. Hauling her up into my arms, I slotted our mouths firmly together.

Every molecule in my body ignited. As heat consumed me, my brain shorted out and my body took over. Or maybe it didn't quite short out, but it definitely went into caveman mode.


Must possess.

My words hadn’t gotten through to her, so I was compelled to just show Aspen how much she affected me. How different she was from every other woman. I had to somehow cement what we'd started so she'd know this wasn't merely fluff.

My mouth attacked hers, forcing her to open and let me in, to accept every piece of me. My fingers imprisoned her face, trapping her in my kiss. I turned into some kind of madman, unable to get enough. The fact that she was just as frantic for me only fed the beast.