To Love and to Perish


MY GAZE MOVED UP the gun past the sparkling pear-shaped diamond and black leather-clad arm to the shoulders and white turtleneck beyond. Then I stared at her face. Hatred, pure hatred. That’s all I saw.

Beth Smith motioned for me to enter the house by wagging the end of the gun. “Come on in. I know I can’t keep you out.”

I stepped inside, staying clear of the gun barrel, and scanned the area.

Brennan’s home had an open floor plan. I saw gleaming hardwood floors, a floor-to-ceiling grey stone fireplace, chocolate- colored leather couches, chrome and glass tables, the television broadcasting the midday news, and a panoramic view of the lake from the windows. No one was visible in the living room, nor in the dining area beyond. The granite kitchen countertops jutted into the living room, forming a breakfast bar over a line of stools, but I couldn’t see inside the kitchen. A few leaves followed me inside on a gust of wind to swirl in the foyer.

“Brennan’s in the kitchen. So’s your friend Cory. Why don’t we join them?” Beth used the gun again to point.

She moved away from the door, leaving it ajar.

I walked ahead of her, looking for a weapon—or at least a phone—and finding neither.

We entered the cherry kitchen with its black granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Brennan stood in front of the stove where a tea kettle whistled softly as though he’d been ready to brew a pot. It would be hard for him to do now because handcuffs kept his right hand locked to the handle of the stove. They weren’t regulation like Ray’s but they seemed sturdy enough to do the trick. A file box sat nearby on the countertop. I wondered what, if anything, of interest it held.

A second scan of the room revealed Cory lying facedown on the floor, just inside the back door, immobile. I didn’t see any blood, although only his head and shoulders were visible.

Brennan tipped his head in my direction, acknowledging my arrival. He must have read the concern for Cory on my face. “She hit him in the forehead with the butt of the gun when he came through the door. I think he’s unconscious.”

I moved closer to check if Cory’s back rose and fell to prove he still breathed. It did.

Something poked me in the shoulder. “Stand over next to him, facing me.”

I crossed the floor and turned to face Beth.

She kept the gun trained on me as she rummaged in Brennan’s kitchen drawers with her other hand. “Don’t you have any cords in your drawers, Brennan? I need to tie your friends up. Otherwise, I’ll have to shoot them now.”

Brennan didn’t respond.

She yanked open the drawer next to the refrigerator. “Ah hah. Everyone has cords.”

She yanked out what looked to be a cell phone charging cord and threw it at me. It fell at my feet. “Tie up Cory with his hands behind him.”

When I made no move to pick up the cord, she stamped her foot, “Tie him up or I’ll shoot him.”

I stooped and picked up the cord. Then I loosely wrapped it around Cory’s wrists.


I tied it tight enough to satisfy her but not tight enough to hold Cory for too long if he came to. He hadn’t even reflexively twitched when I touched him, not a good sign he’d wake anytime soon.

Beth motioned toward the nearby kitchen table. “Sit down.”

I took a seat on one of the wrought iron chairs and studied her.

She moved back to the far side of the room. Her hand dropped a bit as she held the gun, perhaps from the weight of it. Aside from the gun and the ugly twist to her expression, she appeared calm and determined. Brennan probably hadn’t recognized her with the funky new hairdo when she knocked at his door. He would naturally offer her refreshment after her long drive.

Brennan broke into my thoughts. “Now what, Elizabeth?”

“It’s Beth. Not that you care. Not that you ever cared.”

“We were friends once, Beth. I cared.”

“You never came to visit me after the crash, even when you were still in the hospital recovering from your coma. You never came once to visit me.”

“I tried. Your father wouldn’t let me. He thought I’d upset you.”

Beth’s brow wrinkled as though this were news to her. Her eyes glittered like a wild animal’s.

Brennan continued to talk as if he didn’t notice, although I had no doubt he did. “I’m sorry about the accident, Beth. I never would have hurt you intentionally.”

Her arm dropped ever so slightly. Now the gun pointed at Brennan’s kneecaps. I tried to judge the distance across the room to her and knew I would never make it if I attempted to overwhelm her.

I looked for a weapon as Brennan talked on. “What can I do to make it up to you, Beth?”

She raised the gun to his face. “I’m going to kill you.”

My gaze shot from the knife block on the countertop by the stove to Brennan’s face.

His expression never wavered from compassionate and kind. “Why?”

“Because you ruined everything.”

“In what way?”

“In high school, it was all about you. Monica couldn’t go anywhere or do anything without you. I was the tagalong to make a foursome with Wayne. Nobody cared about me.”

Brennan shook his head. “We cared. We were the four Musketeers, remember?”

“I remember when you broke up with Monica. She went to Wayne for comfort, not me. He would never even look at me. Then she got pregnant. I was the first one she told. She didn’t even know if it was your baby or his. Disgusting.”

Brennan winced. “What did she do?”

“She counted the weeks and decided Matthew had to be Wayne’s. He didn’t know any different, but when I met Matthew a few months ago, it was obvious to me.”

“Why didn’t Wayne take custody of Matthew after Monica died?”

“No father was named on the birth certificate because Monica wasn’t absolutely sure. James said he was Matthew’s closest living relative. He and Suzanne were married. They all decided a family environment would be better for Matthew. Wayne became his godfather, but he didn’t really pay too much attention to Matthew. Wayne never paid too much attention to anyone but himself. The Gleasons never told Matthew about Monica being his mother. He thinks Suzanne and James are his real parents.”

Brennan’s head jerked at those words. He opened his mouth then closed it again.

I knew he was thinking about the phone call from Matthew, who knew Monica was his mother. How did he know? Apparently Brennan thought it best not to tell Beth that Matthew knew more than she thought. And if Matthew knew about Monica, did he know about Brennan, too?

Brennan cleared his throat. “I know I didn’t push James Gleason into the road. Did you push him, Beth?”

She grinned wickedly and stamped her foot again, this time with glee. “I shoved him. No one noticed, including you. Everyone was looking at the cars.”

“Why did you kill James?”

“He didn’t want Matthew with me. He was going to ruin everything.”

“But why blame me?”

“You walked right up to my wheelchair that day. I can’t walk very long so I still need my chair for events like the festival. You looked right at me and you didn’t even recognize me. I got out of the chair to follow you to tell you off for all the years of pain. Then James showed up. He was going to tell you about Matthew. See, he knew Matthew was your son, too. The older the kid got, the more obvious the resemblance became. James wanted money from you.”

“And you want money from Matthew?”

Her smile was twisted. “You told Monica in the car that night all about your father’s will. You wanted her to have Matthew tested to see if he was yours. She didn’t want to. You were arguing with her when the deer crossed the road. You swerved to avoid the deer, lost control of the car, and hit the tree.

“Poor Monica.” Beth said her name as if it left a bad taste in her mouth.

Brennan sagged against the stove, a lost and bewildered expression on his face. “When did you decide to go after Matthew and the money?”

“When he came knocking on my door six months ago, asking about Monica. He’d found her diary and he suspected she was his mother. I’d got by on nothing for years. And no men ever wanted me for long once they got a peek at my scars. But Matthew couldn’t wait to spend time with me. I was the link to his mother. And I played him just right. I told him he reminded me of her and how much I loved her. It was the perfect time to move in on him, when he felt so betrayed by James and Suzanne.”

Bile crept into the back of my throat. Beth was venomous.

Brennan cleared his throat. “But why kill Wayne?”

She waggled the gun in my direction. “When she showed up in his office asking questions about me, Wayne had a few of his own. He talked to me, and then he decided to get in touch with you. I knew the two of you would figure it out. I needed to marry Matthew first. So I called in the message from you and Wayne went running. All I had to do was beat him here.”

Brennan closed his eyes.

I felt something touch my ankle and recoiled. It was Cory’s hand. He’d gotten loose from the cord while Beth talked.

He lowered his hand back flat to the floor. His other hand moved to the same position as though he was ready to push up to his feet, but he remained motionless, perhaps waiting for the ideal moment.

Beth didn’t seem to notice his movements or the fact he wasn’t tied up anymore.

Brennan’s chin had sunk to his chest. He seemed speechless at this point in the face of Beth’s brutality.

I knew he wouldn’t be any help overcoming her chained to the stove as he was. I couldn’t count on Cory, even though he’d managed to untie himself. After a blow to the head, he might not get on his feet fast enough to be of help.

My gaze slid back to the knife block, then dismissed the notion. Guns trump knives every time. Although Beth’s hand drooped from the weight of the weapon every once in awhile, she could still get it in position fast enough to kill me. Even if I threw the knife block at her, she could duck and shoot me at the same time.

I had no idea what to do.

Brennan’s eyes were closed. I didn’t know if he was grieving for his lost friends, thinking about how to save us, or simply praying for a miracle.

Beth glanced at Brennan and curled her lip in distaste. Then her gaze slid to me. I looked away, knowing animals always felt threatened by eye contact. And Beth seemed like an angry tigress to me.

Her gaze dropped to Cory. Her eyes narrowed and she took a few steps forward to train the gun on him.

A loud crash came from the front of the house. Startled, I jumped in my chair. The front door must have slammed against the wall from the wind.

Beth twirled around to investigate, leaving her back to me. I leapt to my feet and shoved her as hard as I could. She fell to her knees, dropping the gun, which skittered across the wood floor and came to rest under the kitchen cabinets.

“Cory, get the gun.”

I heard him scrambling behind me as Beth crawled across the floor, her hand outstretched, reaching for the gun.

She was much closer to the gun than Cory and completely blocking both our paths to it, so I jumped and planted my butt in her back like a wrestler, slamming her to the floor and knocking the wind out of her.

Cory tumbled over us and fell next to the gun. He got it in his hand and clambered to his feet. He threw the gun inside a drawer and stood with his back to the closed drawer, shaking.

Before I got off Beth, I felt around in her pockets. The right pocket of her leather jacket held a keychain, plus one single key. I pulled them all out and stepped over to Brennan, unlocking the handcuffs with the single key. He massaged his wrist as he stared down at Beth, who lay sobbing on the floor, kicking her legs and pounding the floor like a spoiled child.

“I’ll call 911.” I moved to the phone mounted on the kitchen wall. As I dialed, Brennan stepped over Beth to examine Cory’s forehead.

The dispatcher said she would send the nearest patrol car as well as contact Ray.

I hung up the phone and turned around.

Now Beth stood in the middle of the kitchen, blood spattered on her chin from where she’d hit the floor.

Seeing her, Brennan reached for a paper towel from the dispenser next to the sink.

She took off, throwing open the back door and disappearing into the wind.

“Aw, shit.” Ray would never forgive me if I let her get away now. I ran after her, Brennan and Cory close on my heels.

We rounded the back corner of the house in time to see her step off the front porch and run across the grass toward her car.

I started after her, the wind buffeting and trying to push me back toward the house. Brennan and Cory passed me, closing in on her.

When they were halfway across the lawn, Beth reached her car door, flinging it open and jumping inside.

I stopped. “Cory, Cory.”

He turned to look at me over his shoulder.

I dangled Beth’s car keys in the air.

Cory put an arm out to stop Brennan as I walked toward them. “She’s not going anywhere.”

Beth got out of the car and started screaming and yelling, a whirlwind of fury in the middle of the road. Like a thwarted child, she shook her hands at the sky and stamped her feet. The wind carried her words away from us, but I could still make out the enraged sound.

I could also hear sirens.

And the roar of an oncoming semi.

“Beth, Beth.” I started running for the road again, passing Brennan and Cory. “Get out of the road, Beth. Get out of the road.”

She didn’t seem to hear me. But she saw me coming toward her. And she ran.

Right into the path of the semi.

Lisa Bork's books