This Star Won't Go Out

Later that day, everyone (except Esther, who was feeling too exhausted to attend) was escorted via limousine to see the movie Eclipse at the IMAX. Then the group collected Esther for a lunch cruise around the Boston Harbor islands. She and her friends ended the day escorted by limousine to a Wizard Rock concert in Quincy, which was staged just for them. Featuring groups Draco and the Malfoys and Justin Finch-Fletchley, the partygoers were in heaven as the bands’ loud voices and electric guitars wailed on with their Harry Potter-related lyrics. The final day was spent together lazily at the hotel. Esther was visited by her endocrinologist, Dr. Smith, who stopped by with her own family in order to celebrate her beautiful young patient. That evening, from the comfort of the sixth floor at Mass Eye and Ear Hospital overlooking the Charles River, everyone sat together at a private event—with more pizza!—and watched the Fourth of July fireworks light up the sky.

It was a time of bonding and healing for those who participated. Esther had an amazing few days and said her favorite part was definitely the people: her family, Catitude, and the daylong visit with John Green. Throughout the extended weekend, multiple laptops within reach, Esther and her friends were piled up on couches, hotel room floors, and scattered on the beds like so many popsicle sticks! As busy as those days were, there was still ample time to sit together and enjoy the quiet.



Abby Drumm, Arka Pain, John Green, Katie Twyman, Teryn Gray, Madeline Riley, and Esther


with Evangeline

Lindsay Ballantyne, Esther, Esther’s physician Dr. Jessica Smith, Teryn Gray, Esther’s social worker Jennifer Rein, and Katie Twyman


Katie Twyman, Arka Pain, Teryn Gray, John Green, Esther, Abraham Earl, Lindsay Ballantyne, Abby Drumm, Madeline Riley

“Puff fight,”


July Fourth “Roar” with Teryn

Abraham Earl

Lindsay and Esther


One of my most favorite memories of Esther is from July 4th, 2010, during the Make-A-Wish trip. We had just finished watching fireworks high above the Charles River and everyone else was riding back to the hotel in another van, but Esther and I had ended up in her family’s car. It was a quiet ride back; the full day’s events had exhausted Esther of the energy she had. After a few minutes of sitting next to each other in silence, Esther reached out, grabbed my hand with both of hers, and pulled it to her lap. She put her head on my shoulder and stroked my hand with her thumb for the entire car ride back. She whispered to me, “I love you. I love you a lot.”

And that was really all I needed to hear for everything else to disappear. Esther made me feel like I was so important, and so loved. And I was so scared to lose her. But she kept on stroking my hand as we both cried quietly.

I’m not sure if it was entirely sadness that caused the tears, but there was so much love. And that’s all that mattered. Despite the fear, despite the sadness, despite the pain, there was love. To me, that’s how Esther was. She was all things human: imperfect, flawed, scared. But to me, what makes her so remarkable is that she was also so, so full of love and so willing and eager to share it.

Catitude continues to be imperfect, flawed, and scared, but we have a lot more love in our midst thanks to Esther. And we love her so much for that. I love her so much for that. I miss you, E.

There were others who didn’t come to Boston but who also loved Esther and wanted to encourage her. Along with members of Catitude, several online celebrities responded with letters for a scrapbook that was created to cheer her up. Wheezy Waiter, Cute with Chris, Lauren Fairweather, Harry and the Potters, Julia Nunes, and others contributed pages, and Catitude’s own Katie Twyman presented a large scrapbook to Esther when they met during the Make-A-Wish. Katie Twyman also wrote an introduction:

Dearest, AWESOMEST Esther, This book is a reminder that there are so, so many people who truly and deeply love you from the bottom of their Made of Awesome hearts . . . you have given us SO much. You’ve given us laughter and smiles and inappropriate smirks. You’ve given us pride and confidence and self-esteem. You’ve given us strength, encouragement, and bravery. But beyond anything, you have given us love.

Arka Pain, Lindsay Ballantyne, Esther, Teryn Gray,



Making a Difference “With Esther”

by Andrew Slack

co-founder of the Harry Potter Alliance