They Walk

Chapter Fifty

I wake up to something warm and heavy sliding across my bare abdomen. I’m opening my eyes and preparing to fight off whatever is attacking me, until I remember the night before. Turning my head, I find Gabe inches away from me. We’re still on the small couch in the office, and he is what woke me as he tried to get up. His movement’s still though, when he notices that I’m awake and he slides his arm back around me and pulls me close.

Sighing, I snuggle up close to him and close my eyes.

He holds me even tighter. I can’t imagine ever being happier.

“It’s almost time to go.” He whispers into my neck as he places a gentle kiss there.

I open my eyes in alarm and turn in Gabe’s arms so that I am facing him. He’s forced to lean back a little as I move, but shifts back so that we are a breath away from one another.

“All ready?” I ask.

“It’ll be full daylight soon, and we said to meet at dawn.”

He tilts his head indicating the dim light flickering in through the small window across the room. Seeing it makes me remember why we are doing what we’re doing today, and makes me want to regret deciding to go. Being here safe in Gabe’s arms I never want to go outside again, but I know I have to.

“I think we might be late already.” I say with a smile as I bury my face into Gabe’s chest and close my eyes again.

He chuckles and his body shakes with and forces me to open my eyes and mock glare up at him. Looking down at me he gives me a gentle smile, and lifts a hand to moves my hair that has fallen into my face.

“I love you Maggie. I just want you to know that, no matter what happens from here on out.”

Placing a hand on his chest, I flex my fingers and try to enjoy the feel of him. Last night was wonderful and I’m glad we had the chance to be together, but now I’m just sad. Who knows what could happen? All I know is that I don’t want to find out what it’s like to lose him.

“I love you too, and nothing is going to happen. I don’t plan on going anywhere, unless you do?”

I sit up with a smile and stare at him in question, trying to lighten the mood. He sits up then, and places both hands on my cheeks and draws me closer to him. I expected a long and deep kiss, but his touch is feather light and he pulls away too soon for my liking.

“There is no place I’d rather be, than right here.”

As he lowers his hands from my cheeks, and slides off the couch, I have the unsettling feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. I know leaving here is a big deal and we don’t know what we are getting into, but I haven’t felt it until right now. We both don’t say anything as we get dressed and it’s just as well, it’ll only feel like a goodbye and neither of us wants to do that. All I know is that while I slip my hoody over my head, I look forward to having my ax back and maybe some of my confidence along with it.

By the time we’re heading to the Pal Hop, there are already some people heading to breakfast and we run into the others at the lobby waiting for us. Claire is standing along the wall between hallways and Hanna and Logan are with her. They look up as we approach, and Claire fixes me with a knowing look that makes me blush all the way to my toes. Having to glance away, I find that Noah and Hunter are on the other side of the room talking with a couple of the guards. We don’t have to wait long to figure out what is going on because, they are heading in our direction before I can even relax against the wall beside Claire.

Is it my imagination, or is Hunter glaring between Gabe and I? It must be nerves or something.

“Sorry we’re late. What’s going on?” Gabe asks Noah as soon as he and Hunter are in front of us.

“I was just securing us our weapons we checked in and a way out beside the front door. We have to go right now though before the guards change shifts.”

My eyes go wide at this, since I didn’t think there was another way out beside the front door. Maybe we’ll make it out of here alive after all. We all nod in agreement for Noah, and wait for the rest of the plan.

“Gabe, you take Hunter with you and collect the weapons you checked and meet us in the hockey stadium hall, there is a side door there we are using.”

Gabe nods his head and walks back in the direction of the Pal Hop and doesn’t wait to see if Hunter follows him or not. Hunter does though, and for some reason glances back at me and makes me look away first. Noah pulls Hanna off to the side and says his goodbyes, so I face Claire to give him some privacy.

“I’m sorry I’m not going with you Maggie. I’m being selfish I know.” Claire says in a small voice with tears in her eyes.

I take a step closer to her and place a hand on her arm.

“I didn’t ask you to Claire, and I know I wouldn’t want to go if I had already found me parents. I don’t blame you.” I tell her.

“Just be careful alright? Dan would totally kick my ass if anything happened to you.”

I crack a smile and pull her into me for a tight hug.

When she starts shaking, I know she crying in earnest now and I can feel tears in my own eyes. I hold on to her as tight as I can, and can’t help the feeling that I’m losing my sister. We pull back from one another wiping our eyes when Gabe and Hunter return with all our weapons. I literally have to refrain myself from full out running to them and snatching the ax out of Gabe’s hands, but I don’t have to worry. He comes right up to me with a smile and hands it over, and I swear my hands shake when I take it, like I missed it or something. Who am I kidding? Of course I missed it. He and Hunter divvy up the rest of the loot between them and I even get my own gun now.

Not being a fan of them before, I sure value them now.

Whatever keeps you alive right?

“Alright guys, the guard is already waiting for us. We should go.” Noah says.

He starts for the first hallway we entered when we arrived at the Collisee, and the rest of us follow behind him. I walk between Gabe and Claire, and pray that this isn’t the last time we are all together like this. The way Claire holds my hand when we walk; I know she is thinking the same thing. When we get the hallway sure enough, there is a guard there waiting for us just like Noah promised. He is dressed in the usual black attire we already accustomed too, and has a rifle strapped over his shoulder. He looks so severe that I don’t even think he’s really going to help us, but he opens the side door with ease as we approach.

My breath catches as the door opens.

I expected to be bombarded by the dead, but we are just met with silence.

“You have the all clear, so just treat lightly to the front of the building. Your time is limited, so may God be with you all.” The Guard says in a deep voice, that send chills down my spine.

“Thank you for your assistance, I owe you one.” Noah says to the guard and then turns to the three of us. “We have to be precise about this, so I’m taking lead. Gabe I want you to have my back. Hunter you are to get my car started and make sure Maggie gets to the car. Got it, we only have this one chance?”

Noah takes his keys out and tossed them to Hunter who catches them with ease, and then he turns and takes his sister in his arms saying goodbye one last time. Gabe is a little irritated that Hunter is to look after me, but still says goodbye to Claire after I do one more time. Taking a step to the open door, the four of us get our weapons ready and with one last look behind us, we walk outside.

After being inside for a few days with just the dim light of candles, the sun feels very blinding.

The side parking lot of the Collisee isn’t as big as the front, but it still has the same kind of damage around it. Luckily there isn’t any of the dead in sight, but when the door slams behind us, I know it won’t be long before they sense us coming. With Noah in the lead and his two handguns drawn, he guides us along the side of the building and towards the front. Gabe is in front of me and Hunter behind, and they both have two guns out like Noah. We don’t go very far when we can already hear the feat of the dead up ahead, and Noah brings us to a stop.

“Here’s the deal, I’m going to jump out and start shooting and you three head for the car. Gabe I want you to keep a couple paces behind me so that you can get anything I miss.”

Noah turns away when he’s done and doesn’t wait for a confirmation before he is already charging the front of the building and firing his gun. And I don’t even have time to be afraid as Gabe quickly follows him and Hunter ushers me forward from behind. The sound of gunfire is defining, but what is worse, is the amount of the dead that have accumulated here since the last time we went out.

It seems all the killing we did when we arrived here didn’t even make a dent.

If possible there are more.

But I try to ignore them all as Noah and Gabe clear a path for Hunter and I to run through and I try not to think of Gabe in the middle of it all. Bodies are falling left and right, so much so that I don’t even have to contribute as we near the car. It’s still parked away from the front entrance and we have to dodge between other vehicles. It’s not until we are almost to it, that more of the dead come from around the abandoned vehicles and charge us.

Hunter shoots a couple of them, and when his back is turned an older man missing half his facing is coming for me. Letting everything else fade, I concentrate on the dead before me and take a deep breath as I raise the ax. I’m just about to swing as it gets closer, but its body jerks suddenly before falling still to the ground.

I look up to find Hunter lowering his gun.

“Get in the car, Maggie.” He says breathlessly.

Nodding, I look to where Noah and Gabe are shooting while running backwards to the car.

They will be here any moment.

Backing up myself, I hit the side of the car and jump inside with Hunter in the front and me in the back. He starts the car and I’m just sliding all the way over to the other side, when Gabe and Noah both jump into the car and slam the doors behind them. No sooner are the doors closed that the dead are already crashing into the side them.

“Drive damn it!” Noah yells at Hunter.

He slams on the gas then, and I have to hold onto Gabe and the side of the care just to stay upright, as the car fish tales right out of the parking lot and onto the road. The dead follow us, but Hunter does slow us down, and eventually the dead diminish behind us until we are alone on the road. We are all breathing heavily, and I can’t believe we actually made it to the car and out of there. Of course with no help to me at all, since it was all Noah and Gabe’s mad skills, but hey who’s complaining. The drive to Bates is a short one I know, so I quickly scoot closer to Gabe and latch onto him, and he easily takes me in his arms. While he hugs me, his attention is outside the car, and I know what he’s thinking.

This is just the beginning, who knows what we’ll find at the college.

Amy Lunderman's books