They Walk

Chapter Thirty Three

I stare out into the horde of the dead before me and I try not to be afraid. Gabe is standing beside me, and he gives me courage. They shuffle about one another, waiting and forever searching. The illusion that they are weak, linger around them. But I know better. They thrive on the need to kill, to feed, and to infect. They almost come alive with it, making them quick on the hunt. Just one person out in the open, lures them in like fish to bait. Our flesh and blood call out to them and we suffer for it. One day I know I may succumb to it as well, and I try to make peace with that.

But I know one thing for sure. It won’t be today.

Today we live on, and we fight. See, we have something those things don’t have; perseverance. And the will to fight for what is ours.

All we have to do is stay alive.

It’s been a day and a half since Gabe and I talked about leaving the apartments to go in search of our families. Surprisingly, we’re not the only ones that wanted to accompany Noah. And I have to smile as I think back to the morning after; we could barely wait to talk to the others. We ran into Claire first, who was asleep on the couch and told her our plan. She was a little leery while listening, but like me she wants to find her parents. Now, I turn to her on my left and she reaches for my hand. I hang on to her. We both squeeze as if our lives depended on it and in a way…they kind of do.

Sam had come out of the bathroom right after talking to Claire, and he knew right away something was up. Claire all excited told him we’re leaving, and asked him to come. I can’t know for sure, but I swear his cheeks got a little pink before he went to his sleeping bag on the other side of the room. I lean over Claire and peer at Sam, and am glad he decided to come with us. He can be jumpy at times, but when it counts he comes through in the end.

All of us together went in search of Dan; he was sharing another room with Michael and Maria. She has been bed ridden like me, but she has more trouble moving around. Kelli managed to set her bone in the leg, but she has to be careful not to disturb it. They were already awake, but were quiet as we retold our plan. Dan got off the bed and stood in front of me, and told me to tell mom and dad that he loves them. I knew then that he wouldn’t be going. I should have known, with Maria and all. He goes up to Gabe next, and they do the awkward guy hug thing, but then he does the unthinkable.

He threatens Gabe to bring me back alive, and if he fails he’ll kill him.

This gets him an eye roll for sure. Brothers, they can be so emotional.

We spent as much time together the next day, and there were an awful lot of tears going around.

When I met Noah for the first time, I didn’t expect what I saw. I figured he’s being an older guy, since Gabe seemed to idolize him, but he’s only a year older than us. The resemblance to Matt made me nervous around him though, but Gabe assured me he was a decent guy. He told us that we would have to stock up on some supplies to take with us, since he didn’t know for sure how far we’d have to go. He mentioned that he knew of a couple possible places in Lewiston that people were being taken, but there were also backup places elsewhere. Here’s hoping they are at the first stop we make, but I know we’re not that lucky.

After talking and strategizing with Noah, we had to tell Randy and Kelli the plan. They weren’t very happy to see us go, but Kelli told me she’d take care of the others for us. I know I can hold her to it, I just hope she has enough patience for Dan. He can be a pain sometimes. Randy and Noah got started right away by getting the things we’d need. He loaned us a couple weapons and even gave us a ton of ammo. He told us that when we got back, that we have to return the guns. I hope we make it back to return them, but he seems pretty sure we will. Brady and Lauren helped pack up some bags of food and water for us and wished us luck.

Standing at the back door of the apartment building, I know we’re going to need all the luck we can get.

Between us and Noah’s car, is over thirty charred dead people. I grip the ax in my right hand, and shifting the pack of clothes over my shoulder, I try to be brave. Beside me, Claire has a bow in her arms, with a pack of arrows over her shoulders. We both have pretty awesome leg sheaths with knives in them. Sam has his fire poker still, but has a new gun in his belt. This took a lot of reminders for him to keep the safety on. He’s also holding a pack of food for us over his shoulder.

Next to me Gabe has the freshly loaded handgun and Michael’s rifle over his shoulder. In his other hand he’s holding two gallons of water. Beside him is Noah, who has another handgun and a shotgun over his shoulders. He has a gallon of fuel in his other hand. We are all just staring out the back door, and wondering how the hell we’re going to get to the car.

Noah steps toward the door then, and reaches for the handle. Before he turns it completely, he pauses and glances over his shoulder at us.

“You guys ready for this?” He asks.

My mouth goes dry, but I swallow and try to be calm.

Claire gives my hand a squeeze, and I let her anchor me. I glance away from the door and find Gabe watching me, and he offers me a small smile. Not taking my eyes off his, I take a deep breath. I can see Sam raising the fire poker on the other side of Claire, and I know we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be.

Noah pushes the door open then, and the summer heat washes over us.

The dead turn at the sound and begin to make their way over to us.

“Here we go.” I say, as I raise the ax in my arms and take a step out the door.

Amy Lunderman's books