They Walk

Chapter Thirty

The burning arrows hit the dead, and they ignite into flames. The ones closest to us are all hit and they fall back. Distantly I hear the sound of gunfire and all the dead blocking our path to the apartments fall to the ground. The others are still fighting some of the dead around them, but I see what’s on the other side of the dead.

In front of the apartment building, are two guys and a woman.

The guys are holding a gun in each hand, and the woman has a large crossbow up to her shoulder. In one hand, she is holding a lighter and occasionally lights an arrow. They are all older than us, but not our parent’s age. I can’t make them out clearly though, but I do notice they are yelling and waving us towards them.

I see Dan helping Maria over to them, and Michael is by their side in an instant, warding off attackers. Sam is yelling to me, but suddenly I can’t hear anything over the roaring of my ears. My vision starts to go dark, and I’m having trouble feeling my body. My fingers loosen and I hardly feel the ax fall from them. My stomach rolls, and my visions swims again. Falling forward onto my hands, I feel bile rise into my lungs. I gag and cough something warm and wet up and spit it out. There are hands on my shoulders, and feet come into view. I don’t have the strength to be afraid, but I do raise my eyes. I see a shadowed version of Gabe, and Claire is yelling beside him. He comes in closer, and I don’t even feel it as he scoops me into his arms.

As I get lifted up, there is a sharp pain behind my eyes and everything goes dark.

When I open my eyes again, I see Matt and I know I’m dreaming.

He had just got to Austin’s and is gazing down at me smiling. Slowly we lean into each other and our lips barely touch, when the scene changes. I’m sitting in Emily’s living room now, with Gabe beside me. He has his head in his hands and I ache to touch him again. Then I’m back in my bedroom with Dan and Claire teasing me about going out. They are both smiling at me, and I’ve never been so happy. Now I’m back in Austin’s garage laying on the ground with Matt on top of me. He’s snarling again, and I have to turn my head away since his face is so close to mine. My arms are shaking as I try to push him off, and I just get my legs between up when the scene changes again.

I’m on Austin’s lawn again and the blonde girl with one arm is just biting into my sneaker, and then Gabe is there kicking her off me. I stare up at him in shock, as he kicks her again when she comes at me one more time. Now I’m back in the garage again, and I’m staring down at Matt’s body. I had just cut of his head and I’m to numb to feel anything. I’m back in the truck now, and I look through the window as Dan and Gabe are getting surrounded by the dead at Austin’s. I know they can’t make it alone, and as I reach for the door handle the scene changes again.

I’m in the truck again, and I see Brian fall down and get attacked. I turn to Claire as she yells for him, her eyes are wide and her face is pale, and there are tears running down her cheeks. Now we’re in the truck still, but now are driving down the road from Austin’s. I see Dan wrapped in Maria’s arms, and she’s sobbing into him but she’s smiling. I’m in the bathroom at Austin’s now, and I’m staring at myself in the mirror. I’m covered in Matt’s blood and have tears silently running down my face. I look down at my blood covered hands as they grip the sink, and I wonder if I can ever get through this. When I look back up to the mirror I don’t see myself, I see Gabe. I’m outside now on my knees, and amiss the chaos, all I see is him. He’s saying something but I can’t hear what it is, and as he gets closer his images darken. The last thing I see is the tears that fall from his eyes, as he lifts me into his arms.

Or maybe that’s just a dream.

I’m in the darkness again, and my body feels empty and hollow. I can’t tell what is up or down, but I have the sensation of moving. Then at once, I feel myself falling and crash into a pain filled body.

Slowly, soft voices filter into my subconscious, and most of them are unfamiliar.

“You need to let me help her! Brady gets them out of here now!” A woman’s voice yells.

“Don’t you dare hurt her, or I swear-“Gabe screams, but he gets cut off and a door slams.

I feel hands holding my shoulders, and as a sharp pain fills my head, I can’t control myself from thrashing around. There are more hands on me now, holding me down and stilling my movements.

“Hold still, we’re here to help. This might sting a bit, and I’m sorry.” The woman says again.

There is something cold and wet being placed on my head and a pinching sensation on my arm. My head spins in spirals and then I’m being pulled back into the darkness and away from the voices and the pain.

Then there is blessed nothingness.

Amy Lunderman's books