They Walk

Chapter Fourteen

I step into the hall first, not even waiting to see if Matt follows me. I’m so furious at him I almost want to hit something. But more than being mad, I’m also confused. I have no idea what’s making Matt act this way. He’s never treated me this way before. I mean sure we’ve argued before, but I don’t think over who’s a better superhero counts. This is more real, and hurtful. Deep down though, I kind of feel like I deserve it.

I’m the one who was just yesterday questioning my feelings for someone else.

I don’t even make it too the stairs before Matt grabs my arm and turns me to face him. I make a squeaky girlie sound and he smirks and squeezes my arm to the point of painful. I don’t like what I see in his eyes. They are almost feral, with something dark underneath. Regretting coming out here with him, I try to back up and pull my arm free. This makes him pull me to him, I start to protest and he shoves me back into the wall. With a glare he moves in as if to kiss me.

Having had enough I shove at him with my hands on his chest.

“What is your problem Matt?”

He leans into me again, this time locking me between his arms.

“My problem is you.” He snarls. “You’ve been practically throwing yourself at him, and it makes me sick”

He steps back then, shaking his head. His whole body is tense with anger. I don’t know why he’s so angry, but I think back to the past day and have I been obviously watching Gabe. I didn’t think I have been. We’ve been a little busy what with all the death.

“Who am I throwing myself at? I haven’t even done anything and you’re not making any sense.”

“You know damn well, who I’m talking about, that jackass Gabe.” He waves his arms in the direction of the bedroom behind us. “I see how you are with him, and I know you’ve been sneaking around behind my back!”

Sighing, I start to walk downstairs. Matt grabs for me again, but this time I side step him and turn to glare at him.

“If you want to argue about fictional nonsense, fine. But I won’t do it where our friends can hear. They have more important things to worry about than you being jealous over nothing.”

Going down stairs, I say over my shoulder. “Come downstairs if you want. Otherwise, just leave me alone.”

At the base of the stairs, I don’t wait to see if he follows or not. I make my way into the kitchen near the back of the house. Almost to the afraid to get a drink, I freeze. Down here, I can hear the dead outside more clearly. They scratch and shuffle into the windows. They’re lifeless moans send chills down my spine. I’m about to turn to look out the window, afraid that I’ll see one of my friends now mindless. But I hear a quieter whimper, one much closer.

My first thought, is that one of the dead got inside somehow, but then I look down. Under the counter island, Austin’s Pomeranian is hiding. I never did get its name, but I know how he feels. Probably something like terrified.

I’m about to turn to the fridge, and I bump into Matt, who was standing behind me. I gasp, and bump back into the counter. Making the dog yelp and run out from his hiding spot. I glare at Matt, but he doesn’t say anything. He just stands there and stares at me, his arms are at his sides and his hands are clenched.

His body begins to shake, and he narrows his eyes.

“You’re a liar.” He says as he steps closer to me. “I can’t believe I ever fell for your crap. All of this is your fault you know.”

My eyes widen at this, but I don’t even know what to say, so I step away from the counter. Not wanting to get pinned again, I make my way towards a small hallway just off the kitchen in the direction of the patio. I doesn’t really lead anywhere though, just a door at the end of it. Thinking of it as a dead end I stop.

Matt is right on my heels though.

“What, not going to defend yourself? Because you know it’s the truth. We wouldn’t be stuck here if you weren’t whoring after that loser!”

I turn to face Matt with a cry of outrage, and find that he has stopped a foot away from me. Austin’s dog runs into the room then and begins whining and yipping at Matt. He doesn’t seem to notice him though his eyes are all for me. He’s shaking much more strongly now, and his eyes are full of rage. I know I should be worried or scared, but I’m angry at him too.

Before I can tell him where to shove his stupidity, he gasps and hunches over.

His shoulders are heaving, and he’s making a whining sound. Austin’s dog instantly begins barking with fervor. My earlier anger is gone, and I’m full of worry. Even if I’m mad at him, he’s still Matt and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. I take a step towards him, but he turns away and leans into the wall with his back to me. I start to reach my hand out to him, that’s when I notice the tremors going up and down his back.

His shoulders shake more violently.

He begins to make a high pitched wheezing sound.

“Matt? What’s happening are you alright?”

The dog runs up to him suddenly and begins to nip at his feet, making a low growling noise. Before I can tell the dog to stop, Matt goes still. He stands up straight and his arms fall to his sides. The dog is still barking, and Matt’s head tilts sideways and he moans quietly. In a movement to fast for my eye’s to really understand, he reaches for the dog. With one hand he lifts it up, making it yip in surprise. With a bone crunching sound he snaps the dog’s neck as he bites into its throat. He eats at the dog with such savagery, that I take in a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

I take a step back, trying to be quiet so as not to startle him.

Matt quickly turns to me to me then, and I swear my heart stops at the sight of him.

His eyes are fully dilated and I don’t even see any blue. Blood is coating his lips, and as he snarls at me some blood slides out. I realize then that this is no longer Matt. He’s turned into one of the dead. He drops the dog, and fully faces me. I freeze for half a second, not knowing what to do. I see his muscle tense, readying to spring.

I do the only thing I can think of.


Turning down the hall behind me, I charge for the door beyond. I hear him coming after me, but I’m too scared to look to see how close he is. I throw myself at the door with a crash, and my sweaty hands twist at the knob praying it’s not locked. I push it open and fling myself into a darkened room. Just as I slam the door closed, Matt is already smacking into it. I fall back into something as the door shudders under his attacks.

Leaning against something solid I try to slow my breathing. From the sound of the door cracking I know it won’t hold much longer with Matt fighting against it. I quickly turn around and look around the room I’m in, hoping for a weapon of some kind. I’m in the garage and it’s just big enough to fit one vehicle, which is what I was leaning against. It’s large, maybe a truck, but it’s covered in a dark tarp. There isn’t time to try to find the door and get in to hide. I do feel a relief though, if I make it out of this alive, we have a way out of here.

Hearing the door splinter behind me, I survey the room. The back wall in lined with tools and lawn equipment, and amongst them is an old wood ax. It’s hanging above a shelf, and I can see the blade glinting off the light from under the door.

My heart speeds up and I’m filled with salvation.

Amy Lunderman's books