They Walk

Chapter Thirteen

As the day wears on everyone seems to distance themselves. Since Austin is gone, the idea of getting out of the house alive is starting to slip away. No one’s really left the room much, too afraid to be close to the dead outside the windows downstairs.

Even from in the upstairs bedroom, you can hear the scratching.

By midafternoon, Claire convinces me to help her make lunch. I realize then that none of us have eaten, but I guess seeing your friends die and get back up to attack you can take away your appetite. So we go and scrounge up some food, and manage to solicit the help of the girl Emily. Apparently Austin’s family was big on take out, because we couldn’t find much beside snacks. Plus, the fridge was full of to go boxes and none of it smelled all that fresh.

When we came back into the room, the three of us were carrying two plates each full of crackers, cereal bars, and chips. We also had plastic bags over our shoulders holding a couple bottles of water. Splitting up we made our way around the room. I couldn’t help but notice that no one was even talking to each other clearly we’re not holding up with moral. I make my way to Dan and Maria first, and notice Matt giving me the evil eye. Ignoring him I offer then each a bottle of water and one of the plates. Dan seems relieved when Maria nibbles on a cracker right way, and he offers a smile of thanks to me. Gabe is sitting next to them, and I can see him watching me out of the corner of my eyes. But I turn to go over to where Matt is stationed near the window, which everyone’s been ignoring since Austin smashed through it.

As I walk over to him, he doesn’t even look at me, and I can’t help but deflate a little bit.

Ever since we got into the house last night he’s been acting different. I mean everyone is acting different because we’re all freaked out. The thing that’s got me wondering is why he is just acting strange to me. Is he mad at me, that we’re stuck here? I admit he was persistent about getting to his car, but we almost didn’t make it. He even got hurt over it.

Maybe it’s a guy thing?

I kneel in front of him, and offer up the plate for him. He looks at me then and his eye are full of something weird I can’t figure out what.

“I know it’s not much, but it’s all we could find.” I say.

Glaring at me, he thrusts his hand out and tips the plate out of my hands. It falls to the floor with a clatter and spilling its contents. I sit back in shock, and can only stare at him with wide eyes.

“You’re just useless, aren’t you?” He says.

Dan leans around Maria and his eyes shoot daggers at him. “Don’t talk to her that way. It’s not Maggie’s fault there is shit to eat.”

Matt just looks at him, and shakes his head. He turns back to me, and I’m still too shocked to even stand up for myself. Not sure if I even need to, I feel like I just got planted into the middle of a conversation and I don’t know what’s going on.

Turning back to me he says, “Now go back and get me something else. If you come back with more crap like this, I’ll make you pay for it.”

“What the hell Matt? You’re acting nuts, it’s just food. If you don’t like it then don’t eat.” I move to stand up, but he grabs my arm. Startled I stop midway, so that I’m hunched over facing him. He leans his face close to mine, and I can feel the heat from his breath.

“You’re really asking for it, you stupid bitch.” He practically spits the word in my face, and all I can do is let out a shuddering breath. I’m too shocked to do or say anything, so I just stare at him. I can hear some retorts from the others in the room, but I can’t take my eyes off of Matt to see who.

Out of the corner of my eye’s I see Gabe stand up, he comes over so that he’s standing off to my left side and is facing Matt. He leans down towards him, and speaks so low I can hardly hear him.

“If you don’t let go of her right now, I swear I’ll show you who will pay. And understand this, I won’t hesitate.”

Slowly, Matt takes his eyes off me and turns to face Gabe.

I can’t help too notice that his hold on my arm gets a little tighter, and my heart speeds up. But then, eye’s still locked on Gabe, he releases my arm. I stumble back a step and cradle my arm rubbing the red mark he left on it. Matt pushes himself up the wall and starts to take a step toward me, but Gabe gets in his way. I can see the muscles tighten along his shoulders, and I know he’s about to take a swing at Matt. Even over Gabe’s shoulder I know Matt is just itching for a fight.

Before either one can spring, I force myself between them and place a hand on each of their chests. I can feel some of the others stand up and start to move towards us. But I just look between the two of them. My eye’s land on Matt, and he’s grinning at me.

Or I should say he’s smirking, as if he’s mocking me.

Letting my hands fall to my sides, I face Matt fully.

“Listen, we can’t do this. Fighting with each other is beyond stupid. Considering what’s just out the front door.”

He makes like he’s about to say something, but I cut him off.

“If you have a problem with me, then I suggest you be a man, and just talk to me. So quit being a jackass and starting fights we don’t need right now.”

It’s so quiet in the room that I glance around. Gabe is still standing just behind me, and he’s glaring at Matt over my shoulder. Dan is standing in front of Maria, and clenching his hands into fists but he’s looking at me. Claire is on his left with Brian holding her shoulders like he’s trying to hold her back. Sam is sitting on the floor next to them with wide eyes and he’s shifting as if he could get closer to the wall. Near him on the bed, sit Lucy, Peter, and Alex all leaning against the wall. They just look board with it all.

My eyes rest on Matt.

Sighing I say, “If you think you could calm down, we can talk in private. But if you grab me one more time, I’m telling you now that it’s over.”

Behind me, Dan and Claire try to voice their opinions, but I just hold up my hand to stop them. At my back, Gabe comes around so he’s facing me.

“Maggie, I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I keep my eyes focused on Matt, and I can see that he’s really thinking about what I said. Whether in a good or bad way, I have no idea. Then he’s suddenly grinning at me, and it’s hard for me to remember that he was just yelling and hurting me. My heart speeds up again, but I squash it down, not trusting my feelings.

He looks away from me for a second, and says to Gabe.

“Sure, let’s go somewhere more private.”

Amy Lunderman's books