The Wolf King

Demetri’s hand slid behind Justin’s neck, cupping his head gently as his other hand held Justin’s exposed hip firmly. “Were you saving yourself for me?” Demetri’s breath whispered across Justin’s lips.

Justin became lost in Demetri’s scent, his closeness, the possibility that he was going to finally know what the man’s lips tasted like. He was drowning in need and swimming through carnal lust. “Yes.”

“That pleases me.”

Demetri’s tongue slid over Justin’s bottom lip so slowly that Justin felt faint. He wanted to keep his eyes open, but they fluttered shut of their own accord. The first thing Justin registered about the kiss, beyond warm and wet and soft, was the taste. He could taste the liquor the older man had been drinking, along with a strong spice that was purely Demetri. To know that Demetri was pleased with him sent Justin’s pulse skyrocketing.

Demetri pulled Justin close, their bodies touching as he plunged his tongue deep into Justin’s mouth. He sucked it with fervor as he writhed in the man’s arms. So good. Justin moaned and opened his lips wider while his tongue chased that taste into Demetri’s mouth. Demetri chuckled into the kiss even as his hands slid from Justin’s face into his hair, feathering it between his fingers. He tilted Justin’s head to the side so that he had deeper access for the kiss.

He’s teaching me, Justin realized. Showing me what he likes.

A moan rumbled through Demetri’s chest before the man pulled away. “So needy.”

He was going to explode if Demetri didn’t do something about the heat racing through his body. “I—” Justin wasn’t sure how to ask for what he wanted. He’d suppressed his feelings for so long that he was used to keeping his desires to himself.

“What?” Demetri slid his hand over Justin’s hair. “Tell me what you need, love.”

With a shaky hand, Justin pulled Demetri’s down to his lap.

Demetri’s eyes flared with heat. “No, you must tell me.”

“I need release.” Justin was once again blushing as his eyes lowered, and he chewed on his bottom lip.

“Lie back.” Demetri’s inflection was rich and smoky as he eased Justin onto the bedding. His chest expanded, and Justin felt himself shaking as the older man slid his fingers over Justin’s erection. Justin gasped and thrust into Demetri’s fingers. “So eager,” Demetri said huskily. From that single touch, an electrical shock shot from Justin’s core to the tips of his toes.

“Wet my fingers.”

My dreams are finally coming true. Justin squeezed his eyes shut and sighed softly before sliding his tongue out, wetting Demetri’s strong fingers.

“Eyes open.”

Justin did as the man commanded. His eyelids fluttered, and he was staring into the eyes of the one man he’d desired for so long. Justin sucked Demetri’s fingers into his mouth, licking and laving.

“Are you ready for the moment when everything between us changes?”

Justin wasn’t sure what the change entailed, but he nodded, spreading his legs open in invitation. Demetri’s eyes slid down Justin’s body like a lover’s caress before they settled on Justin’s erection. The older man pulled his fingers from Justin’s mouth and wrapped them around Justin’s shaft. Justin hissed and threw back his head.

“Don’t worry, love. There will be plenty of times where I will just”—Demetri leaned in, his lips brushing against the lobe of Justin’s ear—”fuck you into your mattress. But tonight will be about slaking your need.”

Justin groaned as his cock jerked. Demetri began to work his fist, moving it up and down with a tight grip. His thumb slid over the swollen head, and Justin gasped. He writhed on the bed as his head tossed from side to side, crying out at how Demetri was making him feel.

Heaven. I’ve died and gone to heaven.

“I’m going to teach you everything there is about making love,” Demetri said. “For now, enjoy this pleasure.” The grip around Justin’s cock tightened. “And you will not allow anyone to pleasure you except me, understood?”

Justin nodded, too far-gone to fully understand what Demetri was saying. He didn’t care. All he wanted was release. He’d dreamt about this for years, and now that it was finally happening, he was going to relish every second.

Justin’s eyes flew open when Demetri slid one lone finger inside his backside. He arched his back and shouted as his seed erupted, hitting his chest and chin.

“So pretty,” Demetri murmured. “And all mine.”

Justin was struggling to get enough air into his lungs as Demetri pulled his finger free. The older man stood and walked to the bathroom, returning with a warm cloth. His large frame filled Justin’s vision as he bent over and wiped Justin clean. “Rest, pup.”

Justin had no problem following that order. He was exhausted. Demetri pulled the sheet over Justin and tucked it in before he placed a gentle kiss on Justin’s forehead. Justin sighed as he curled onto his side and let sleep pull him under.

Chapter Six

Lynn Hagen's books