The Wolf King

Demetri sat once more on the edge of the bed. “Now, I believe you had something to tell me.”

The man was acting as if Justin hadn’t seen those beastly wolves or Demetri’s eyes glowing. If that meant that Justin wouldn’t be eaten, he’d pretend it hadn’t happened as well. Did Caleb know about those creatures? Justin wanted to ask his best friend, but it appeared that Demetri wasn’t going anywhere until Justin confessed his feelings for the older man.

Did he still feel the same way after what he’d witnessed?

Demetri caressed Justin’s cheek, and Justin knew the answer was yes. Justin might be terrified that Demetri could control a pack of wolves and that the man’s eyes glowed, but he couldn’t deny that he wanted to bathe in the man’s dominance, that he craved to be owned by Demetri Frost.

Justin’s eyes fluttered closed as he leaned into Demetri’s hand, rubbing his cheek against the man’s palm.

“So responsive,” Demetri said softly. “Tell me why you were spying on me, Justin.”

“Because I love you.” Justin’s eyes snapped open, and he pulled back when those words escaped his lips. He hadn’t meant to say them out loud. “I mean, you know, because you’ve taken care of me for all these years.”

If he thought his fever made him hot, that was nothing compared to the volcanic eruption occurring over his entire body. Demetri’s hand trailed from Justin’s cheek to his shoulder and down to his hip. The touch was nothing short of intimate. Justin tried to grab the sheets to cover himself, but they were stuck underneath him.

Demetri gripped Justin’s arm, stopping him. Justin swallowed tightly when his erection flared to life. He cupped himself, trying to hide the evidence.

“Explain what you mean by love me.” Demetri’s grip tightened slightly. “No lies.”

Justin opened his mouth to say that his affections were completely innocent, but he knew that if he played this down Demetri would know and become upset. For some strange reason, Justin didn’t want the older man mad at him. He ducked his head, trying not to stare at his full-blown hard-on as he whispered, “I’ve been in love with you for years.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I know you have someone in your life, and I don’t mean to lay this on you.”

“Who do I have in my life?” Demetri asked. The man seemed genuinely confused at Justin’s statement.

“I heard you,” Justin said, and jealously reared its ugly head. “Aberdeen said you needed to take someone to bed so that person could take his or her place beside you.” His words were filled with acid.

“Jealous?” The amused smile on Demetri’s face infuriated Justin. He yanked at his wrist, but Demetri refused to let it go.

“Screw you.” To hell with it. If Demetri banished him from Frost Manor, so be it. Justin was not going to sit there and let the older man poke fun at him. It seemed the Frost men found Justin’s feelings toward Demetri entertaining.

“Are you still a virgin, Justin?”

The question came from left field and made Justin snap his head back. He gaped at Demetri. “Why do you want to know?” The anger was still pulsing through him, and Justin’s tone was tart.

“Answer me.”

“Get off of me.” Justin used his casted arm to shove at Demetri’s unyielding body. “That’s none of your business.”

The glow returned to Demetri’s eyes as his face hardened. Justin stopped struggling and feared Demetri would throw him to the wolves. “It is very much my business. Now answer the question. Have you let any boys touch you?”

“I–I don’t deal with boys,” Justin stammered out as his chest suddenly felt as though it was compacted in a vise.

“You know what I mean,” Demetri said as his eyes narrowed. “College kids. Your peers or anyone older?”

“I’m not a slut,” Justin defended.

“I didn’t say that you were,” Demetri said coolly. “Stop avoiding the question.”

Justin rested his cast over his exposed groin as he shook his head. “No, no one has touched me.”

Because all I’ve ever really wanted was you. Justin clenched his jaw at the humiliation Demetri was forcing him to endure. The older man had never acted like this before, and Justin was perplexed as to why he would be this way now. When he chanced a glance, he saw the pleased smile on Demetri’s sculpted lips.

“Don’t look so damn happy,” Justin snapped.

“Curse at me again, and I’ll paddle your backside.” Demetri gripped Justin’s jaw and leaned in. Justin had enough time to inhale before Demetri’s lips feathered over his. “Is this what you want, love?”

Justin found himself nodding as he held his breath.

“Say the words, pup.”

“Yes,” Justin said.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I want you to kiss me.”

Demetri smiled. “Has anyone kissed you before?”


Lynn Hagen's books