The Wolf King

Justin came awake to find Demetri sitting in a comfortable looking chair by the fireplace, a glass of his favorite amber liquid clutched in his hand. The older man stared intently into the fire, lost in thought. Justin lay there, gazing at the beautiful and powerful man. The conversation he’d overheard came rushing back, and Justin had to bite his lip to stop the sob from escaping.

It felt as if his heart was being torn out of his chest, leaving a gaping hole behind.

The fire crackled as Demetri lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip. Justin watched the man’s throat muscles work and felt himself growing hard. Lowering the glass, Demetri turned his head, and their eyes locked.

“You’re awake.” The man’s voice was as deep as rumbling thunder and as smooth as the silk sheets Justin was lying under. “You had us all worried.”

Justin sat up, the sheets pooling in his lap, and realized that he was still naked. He yanked the sheet up to hide his reedy chest. “I didn’t mean to worry anyone. I’m sorry I’m such a bother.” He couldn’t help the bitterness in his voice. Images of Demetri making love to another person set Justin’s teeth on edge. It would probably be a woman who filled the man’s bed, but Justin liked to think Demetri was gay. It had given him plenty of hope and images to jack off to.

Demetri’s gaze intensified as he set his glass aside. “If I felt that you were a bother, then you wouldn’t be here. I knuckle under to no one.”

No. Justin didn’t see Demetri capitulating to anyone.

Slipping back down, Justin settled himself under the sheets.

“Tell me why you were eavesdropping outside my study,” Demetri said.

Justin felt his pulse quickening as his stomach knotted. There was no way he was going tell the older man that he had sought Demetri out in hopes of gaining a kiss. He’d been humiliated enough for one night. “I was looking for Caleb.”

Demetri stood and walked over to the side of the bed, staring down at Justin. “I will not tolerate lies from you.”

Justin’s throat grew dry as his fingers strangled the edge of the sheets. He stared into those gorgeous amber eyes and knew his time at Frost Manor was quickly coming to an end. When Demetri found out how much Justin adored him, how much Justin craved for Demetri to make love to him, the guy would toss Justin out on his ass. “The truth?”

Demetri gave one stiff nod. “That’s all I ever want from you.”

Justin’s attention wandered over Demetri’s large and powerful body. From the man’s broad chest to his thick waist and down his sculpted thighs his gaze traveled until Justin’s eyes fixated on Demetri’s groin. The man was wearing slacks and a button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Justin licked his lips as he stared at the dark hair dusting Demetri’s arms.

“Why do you call me pup?” Justin asked. He prayed like hell that Demetri didn’t say anything about being needy, yappy, or cute. Justin was already devastated enough.

“It’s an endearment,” Demetri answered. “Nothing derogatory.”

“Do you—” Justin couldn’t bring himself to ask Demetri if the guy viewed him in a feminine way. It would shatter Justin’s heart if the man said yes.

Demetri sat on the edge of the bed. “Do I what?”

Justin shook his head and felt his cheeks flaming with heat. This was all so embarrassing and awkward. The older man was looking for the truth, and if Justin gave it to him, he feared that Demetri would laugh.

Demetri brushed his knuckles over Justin’s cheek, and Justin leaned into the touch. For a second Justin swore he saw that amber glow again.

“You should not be embarrassed to tell me anything,” Demetri said, his brows furrowing slightly. “What is it?”

“You’re my best friend’s father,” Justin replied. “Of course I’m embarrassed to tell you anything.”

Demetri’s hand fell away as his jaw worked from side to side. His eyes searched Justin’s face before he said, “Stop avoiding the question.”

Justin’s heart slammed behind his ribs, and he knew that there was no way to get out of this. He was going to lose the only family he truly cared about. Justin would give anything to go back in time and stop himself from eavesdropping. In doing so, he had sealed his fate. “If I tell you, I’ll lose the only family that I ever cared about,” Justin confessed sadly. “Please don’t make me tell you.”

Demetri’s eyes softened as he began to run his fingers through Justin’s hair. “I don’t think there is anything that you can confess to me that would make me turn my back on you. I would hope you thought higher of me.”

Lynn Hagen's books