The Wedding Contract

Nick uses a smooth voice. “I like this side of you.” I don’t look back at him and instead keep my eyes focused on Sophie. “I hope it’s there when you lose. That confidence borders on defiance. I already have plans for us and that’ll make it all the more pleasant. See you around, Wendybird.”

When I turn to look back at him, Nick has his arms folded over his chest and a single brow raised. He smirks at me, like he knows he’s already won. “Don’t call me that.” I shoot him the bird and keep walking.

My mother gasps, horrified, as I pass her, but only one voice is laughing.


Deegan falls into step beside me. “Wow. You guys get along great.” He’s clean and looks nice in his suit, but like everyone else, he’s got a brow beaded with sweat. The night air is thick and soupy. It’s the kind of humidity that you can almost see.

I stare at the ground as I walk in swift, determined strides. “Yeah, that’s the asshole who’s trying to put me out of business. We just tossed a coin for the key locations to shoot from during the wedding and I lost all three times.” Figures. I have horrible luck. Part of me says it doesn’t matter, that I’m a creative genius (or lunatic depending on who you talk to), but my point is that I will find a better spot, a better shot. Losing the coin tosses won’t screw me. I ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that insists I’m totally screwed.

Deegan’s brows lift as his mouth gapes. He looks like a grouper or an orange roughy. Actually, I’ve never seen that fish, except on the menu at Red Lobster. Damn, I’m hungry. I glance at Deegan and notice how yummy he looks. The glance doesn’t go unnoticed.

Deegan grins and gives me a sweet smile. “Well, maybe I can help you take your mind off both the Sith Lord and your camera-wielding nemesis after dinner. Sophie mentioned you know the island pretty well and that there’s a mermaid cove not far from here.”

I laugh and try to hide my blush by turning away and making my hair fall forward. I press my camera to my face and snap a picture, mostly to hide my embarrassment. When we were little, we pretended we were mermaids and nicknamed the spot mermaid cove. “She told you about the cove, huh?”

“Yup, sure did.” Deegan places his hands behind his back and walks next to me.

“Did she mention that mermaids wear clothes and only appear for girls?”

“I’m down with that.” He lifts his palms up like he means no harm. “It’d still be fun to see with the right person. Between the Imperial March and the shower curtain rumors, I think you’re the right person.”

My face flames redder. “Oh God, you heard about that, too?” At least he didn’t add ‘crotch grabber’ to the list.

“Saw it.” I make a noise and try to walk away, but he takes me by the elbow and turns me toward him. “Have you ever heard the expression, imperfectly perfect? Well, that’s you.” Deegan offers a shy smile.

My stomach twists so hard I can’t look at him. This feels like high school and he’s my first crush. What happened to the confident woman who offered to castrate Nick Ferro? Tucking my hair behind my ear, I nod. I look up at him from under my lashes, not meaning to do it, but it happens anyway, “You made that expression up, but yes to the walk anyway.”

“Okay, Mermaid. See you after dinner.” Deegan returns to the wedding party and resumes his place by Steven. Nick watches us speaking, but keeps his distance. There’s possessiveness in Nick’s eyes that surprises me. I’m not his. I can talk to anyone I like. I could sleep with Deegan and Nick can’t stop me. Maybe I should be the slutty bridesmaid for once and have a fling with Deegan. God knows I brought enough sexy panties.


The moonlight is stunning. It dances across the dark water. Deegan and I sit hip-to-hip in the darkness, perched on the edge of a large rock that is submerged in the sand and extends out into the water. Our shoes are behind us. We walked barefoot to the edge and put our feet in. It conjures memories of the other night with Nick.

Deegan is safer, more normal. The Ferros aren’t average and their family is constantly involved in some scandal or another. I don’t want that life. I don’t want him. Even as the words form in my mind, I feel the lie and it’s growing. I have a thing for Nick. I know I do. I’m hoping that this beautiful young man sitting next to me can shatter my infatuation. Deegan is real and has been from the start. He’s also not some pampered ass, either, so I respect him more than Nick.

Stop thinking about Nick! I mentally scold myself. I remind myself that I’m sitting next to a hot guy, with a very nice package in those pants. Not that I usually think like that, but it’s hard to ignore it now.

H. M. Ward's books