The Wedding Contract

“Likewise.” Nick walks over to the edge of the boulder with that confident swagger of his and redirects his comments at me. “Sophie wants you. She said she was tired and wanted to do the boudoir shoot now, which was about an hour ago. I told you I wouldn’t shoot without you, so I waited.”

I try to grab my bra, but I’m trembling so much that it falls into the water. Black water pours through the holes in the pink lace, making it sink. I stare at it for a second before lifting my gaze to Nick. “You!” I have no words. I growl like a lunatic and pull on my dress. He’s seen me naked twice! Twice!

As I get to my feet, Deegan takes my hand and touches me gently. The caress sends a shiver up my spine. I nearly melt right then and there. It was the perfect touch. “I’ll be there for you anytime.”

I offer him a nod and mouth, sorry.


When I get to the shore, I shove Nick as hard as I can. “Why were you watching? What the hell is wrong with you?”

Nick laughs. “Everyone would have watched that.”

I don’t like the way he said the last word. “Excuse me?” We’re far enough from Deegan, but not close enough to the hotel for anyone to hear us. I shout at him, “No, they wouldn’t have. They would have kept on walking.”

Nick’s dimple appears as he smiles. Bastard. “You’re so cute when you’re mad, but you’re wrong, babe, and I’ll tell you why. Any person who heard the noises you were making would have stopped and stared because you were so loud it was impossible to ignore.”

“I was not!”

He shrugs his shoulders like it doesn’t matter. “Yes, you were and seeing a woman in the throes of passion and behaving so uninhibited, well, fuck Sky—anyone would look and stare...” His eyes drift over me before he adds, “and want you for himself.”

A rush of anger bursts through me. I pull my arm back and swing, but the punch doesn’t connect. Nick catches my fist and then gets into my face. In that sultry voice of his, he breathes, “Why are you trying to punch me? I’m telling you the truth. I’d just found you and was shocked. Did you want me to leave and go shoot Sophie’s photos without you?”

He’s still holding my fist. “No.”

I try to yank my fist away but his grip tightens. Nick leans in closer and those dark lashes dip to my lips. “I wonder.” He doesn’t finish his thought, which drives me nuts.

As I continue to try to pull away, he manages to hold on without hurting me. “I don’t care what you wonder. Let me go and if you tell anyone you saw me with Deegan—”

Nick releases me and steps back, chortling before walking away. “Called it!” He raises his fist in the air and whoops like he won something.

I remain behind him, perplexed. “You called what?”

“I knew you were the slutty bridesmaid. Hey, when we do it, I’d prefer some place less slimy.” Nick hastens his pace, making it difficult for me to keep up with him even though I’m practically running. I lose sight of him somewhere between the hotel and the road.


When the big white hotel comes into view, it’s glowing golden against the night sky. I stop for a second and take in the view. I loved this place so much and now it’s tarnished with these horrible memories.

When I get to the house, there’s no sight of Nick. I smooth my hair and head to the elevator, very self-conscious of my free-swinging state and the sheer fabric of my dress. Mr. Stevens walks up beside me and presses the up button. “It’s so good to see you again, Skylar.” He fumbles my name when he finally takes a good look at me. My hair is a mess, I’m flushed, and I’m pretty sure my high beams are on and very visible.

I stare straight ahead and act like nothing is abnormal. “Thank you. It’s nice to see you, too.”

The elevator door opens and a few guys from the wedding party walk out. Their eyes dart straight to my nipples. They smirk like they know what I was doing and would be happy to do me again. One winks as he passes, but makes certain no one else can see. He acts like he’s holding the elevator door for me, but leans in and whispers, “Room 207.”

I don’t respond. Mr. Stevens can’t avoid the cramped space without making it look as if he doesn’t want to be near me. So instead of excusing himself, or answering a non-existent call, he steps into the box with me and presses the number for his floor. The old guy stares straight ahead, only asking, “Which floor?” I tell him and he punches the button.

The doors close and silence ensues. There is no music to cover my horror or to make the ride seem shorter. We both stare straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge that anything is amiss.

Finally, Mr. Stevens says, “Nice weather we’re having.”

H. M. Ward's books