The Wedding Contract

“I’m not asking, Mandy. Go away,” I snap at her. Turning, I see that they’ve already started. The minister is going over things with Sophie and her parents. My mother is sitting on the first row, while my father is standing in the far back corner. The bridesmaids are scattered, but close to Sophie. Everyone is here. Holy shit. Even Nick. I didn’t see him at first. He was on his knee taking a shot. I don’t see him until he rises, turns back and smiles at me.

My heart starts to pound as an uneasy feeling settles in my chest. If Nick is already here, who was in our room? I glance around and don’t see who’s missing until Sophie voices his name. “Where is Steven?”

His parents tell everyone he’s running a little bit late. His mother adds, “There was an issue with his shower—there wasn’t enough hot water—so Mr. Ferro allowed Steven to use his.”

Half the bridesmaids swoon then and there, at the mere idea of Nick Ferro in a cold shower. We all look at him and picture his naked body, myself included. For a second, no one says anything, until Nick adds, “It was the least I could do. If it was my wedding, I hope someone would do the same.” He winks at me. The fucker. He knew I was going to mess with him.

My lips part and people turn to see who Nick is looking at. I try to say something, but can’t. A moment later, Sophie’s cell vibrates. She pulls it out and presses it to her ear. Super suck. “What? Okay, don’t worry about it. We’ll just do it later than we thought.” Sophie throws an evil glare my way before she hangs up. A false, calm smile resumes, spreading from one cheek to the other. “Well, he was on his way when something went wrong. The doorknob came off in his hand and he’s locked in Nick and Sky’s room. Hotel Maintenance said they’d have the door open in about ten minutes or so.”

Sophie’s mom presses her fingers to her lips. “Oh, but we’ll be late for dinner.”

Mandy grins like the Jersey devil. “No prob. I’ll fix it.” She smacks her gum and calls someone. People start talking and the last thing I hear is her annoyed snapping voice, “Well, then, I’ll double it. Just fix it, or it’ll be in all the society papers and not in a good way.” Mandy sighs way too loud when she hangs up. It’s as if she were lifting weights. She smiles this huge fake smile and says, “Well, that’s taken care of, we can be as late as we want. I’ll call over when Steven arrives and they’ll just reschedule everything. I had to book the room for a few extra hours, but anything for my cousin.”

“Oh, thank you, Mandy!” Sophie’s mom hugs the girl and the two of them disappear at the front, talking.

Nick makes his way back to me, subtly, with his camera hiding half his face. He’s grinning. “So, that didn’t go as planned, did it?”


I lift my camera and take a shot. It sucks. The light is flat and there’s nothing interesting going on. “I haven’t any idea what you mean.”

He laughs. “Uh huh. Next time don’t stash your gear right before you plan an attack. It’ll be less noticeable.”

I gape, turning to him. “You found it?”

“I had to grab Steven another towel, and imagine my surprise when I saw all your gear on the closet floor.” He grins at me, stepping closer, closing the space between us. That gorgeous face becomes one hundred percent serious. “You don’t want to mess with me. You’re a lightweight with this kind of stuff.”

“How would you know?”

“Hello? I’m putting you out of business.”

My jaw drops. “So you admit it?”

“Of course I admit it.” Nick’s camera is pressed to his face taking another shot. When he looks over at me, something flashes in his eyes. It’s as if he doesn’t want to do it, but will destroy everything I’ve made. I’ll have to go crawling back to my parents by the time he’s through with me. I won’t even have a penny.

I nod slowly. “So this whole time, you’ve been gunning for me.”

“Of course. You can’t have two studios that close together. It’s ridiculous.” He starts to walk away and I follow.

“Why me?” I mean it. I ask the question to his back and instantly hate myself for doing it. It makes me sound weak and whiny. I swallow hard, letting anger flow through my veins and wishing I could make my fingertips fire bolts straight at his face.

Nick turns around and answers. “Because you were the best.”

“I still am.”

Nick offers that sexy half-crooked Ferro smirk before leaning in close and whispering in my ear. “No, you’re not—not anymore.” He walks away without another word. All my suspicions were true. Amy thought I was crazy, but I wasn’t. The guy did everything on purpose. He did everything from stealing clients to spreading rumors about me.

I want to bury him. Before I consider what I’m about to do, I blurt out, “Care to make a wager on that?”

Nick stops in his tracks. He looks over his shoulder at me. “Please, how much more juvenile can you get?”

“Quite a bit, actually. But there’s already a bet going on, so this would just be a side bet anyway.”

H. M. Ward's books