The Summer We Came to Life




“Mina? What’s happening? Mina.”

“Samantha, find me.”


Minaminaminaminamina. I can’t see her. Mina as a little girl. Mina’s face. Why can’t I picture it?

“Mina, I can’t see anything. There’s only light. Can you see it?”

It doesn’t matter where I look, the light fills my entire body. But I can’t feel my body, I don’t have any edges, I think I am the light. I can hear my thoughts. There is only thought and light.

And panic. Panic with no heartbeat, no vise around my chest. I feel panic only in the fluttering tempo of my thoughts. The light is painful. I think I’m being erased. My thoughts are getting quieter, smothered under a pillow.

Mina. Please. I think I died.

Deborah Cloyed's books