Take Me On

“They don’t know you, do they?” I move toward him as the confusion and chaos fades.

West glances up, startled. “Who?”


A grim smile pulls on his mouth. “They know me. They know me very well.”

“I don’t think they do.” I touch his biceps. I’ve trained with West for over a month. He was fit before but he’s leaner now, sculpted and shaped. West has made me laugh, he’s held me at my lowest and he’s stood by me when no one else has. Matt had words—plenty of useless words. West is all action.

The same fight from before barrels into the forefront of my brain. At the end of three rounds and the winner declared, I sat defeated on a stool. My grandfather squatted in front of me, gave me that rare smile and patted my knee. “You did good, kid.”

It almost killed me to meet John’s eyes. “I failed.”

He shook his head. “In my book, you won. You’ve got fight in you, girl. Three rounds of pounding to be exact. More importantly, you’ve got heart. I couldn’t be prouder.”

Who West was before he slammed the brakes of his car inches from me isn’t my concern because the man in front of me...he has heart.

“Matt offered to end all of this,” I say. “He’ll put an end to the fight in a few weeks. He’ll prevent any retaliation on my family that I’ve feared from him or the Black Fire boys...He’ll make everything go away if I broke up with you and returned to him.”

He grinds his teeth. “Over my dead body. If you even think of returning to him—”

“I’m not accepting,” I cut him off. “I’ve chosen you. I’m ready, West. I’m ready to be with you.”

His eyes widen. “Why?”

“Because...” I inhale deeply. “Because you have heart.”


Did she just say...? No, I heard it wrong. It’s not possible.

The scent of wildflowers fills the air as Haley skims her fingers along my biceps. It’s a tickling touch, pleasurable enough to heat my blood and awaken parts that should remain silent.

“I like you,” she says. “When it comes to you, everyone else has it wrong.”

Haley wraps her hand around my wrist and as much as I want to ignore the truth, I can’t. “I’ve made mistakes,” I say. “Big ones.”

“So have I. You’re not the only one who’s messed up. You told me once to let you know when I was ready for us to be a couple...” She trails off and my brows rise.

“Are you sure about this? About me? Us?”

“I’m scared.” She sucks in a breath and her hand trembles. “Matt and I didn’t work out.”

The need to protect her sweeps through me. I cup her face and slide my fingers over her cheeks. “I’m not Matt.”

She moves her head in my hands as if she agrees, but the fear consuming her eyes tells the story engraved on her soul. Someday, she’ll trust me enough to tell me the truth. For now, I’ll be that home she lost—I’ll be that soft, secure place where she can land.

I lean so that our foreheads almost touch. “I mean it. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not him.”

“I know,” she whispers. “But it doesn’t make falling any less frightening.”

My nose drifts along hers and the pull I’ve been fighting strengthens. “Don’t think of it as falling. Think of it as jumping—with me.”

I feel the curve of her smile beneath my lips. “How is jumping better?”

“Falling happens. Jumping you choose.” And you chose to do it with me.

“I still don’t see—”

“Haley,” I cut her off while tunneling my fingers into her hair. The girl way overanalyzes. “Stop thinking and jump.”

My muscles react like I’m stepping into a hot shower as my lips melt against hers. Our bodies transform into liquid, shaping and forming into the other. Her hands roam my back and mine fist her hair. The kiss builds in intensity. Her lips are soft and pliant, and as we angle closer, Haley opens her mouth and I accept the invitation.

Our tongues meet and every cell in my body explodes to life. My hands seek lower—the curve of her waist, the hollow of her back, craving hot skin. Haley caresses my face and the intimacy of her touch weakens my knees and causes me to lose track of reality and time.

I wrap my arms around Haley’s waist and lift her so that her head is above mine and her feet dangle off the floor. Her silky hair brushes against my cheeks and I moan with the sensation. She’s tiny in my arms—a weightless feather tickling my skin.

We never break the kiss as I carry Haley to my bed. Both of her hands explore my jaw, my hair, tease the strands near the base of my neck. All of it sends a ripple of excitement through my bloodstream and the resulting shockwaves cause me to silently beg for more.

Katie McGarry's books