Take Me On

A sexy smile tilts her lips. “Are you impatient or something?”

I prop my hands on either side of her head and kiss a trail from her renegade tank top strap to her neck, keeping my body from touching hers. “We haven’t been alone in weeks, Haley, and I’ll be living with your brother. How much alone time do you think he’ll be giving us?”

We barely find enough alone time to kiss now and I don’t foresee our opportunities improving with her brother sharing a room with me. But it’s all worked out for the best. Haley’s been talking with Mrs. Collins regularly, which means Haley’s been dealing with some heavy shit. Because of that, we’ve been taking it slow. Doesn’t matter. I’ve waited this long for the perfect girl. I don’t mind waiting a little while longer for her to be ready.

A contented sigh escapes Haley’s mouth when I part my lips and kiss her neck deeper and longer. Her hands wander to my biceps and begin a gentle massage that causes my head to spin.

“You don’t fight fair,” she breathes.

I chuckle against her sweet skin. “You’re the one that taught me all about offensive attacks.”

Before I can react, Haley twists her legs with mine and we roll without my consent, but how can I complain when I have such a beautiful creature lying on top?

She waggles her eyebrows. “Amateur.”

“Give me a couple years and I’ll be a pro.”

Haley doesn’t scoff at me like some of my old friends do when I tell them what I’m doing with my life. Instead, a twinkle in her eye says she believes in my dreams. It’s a step-by-step process that will take years.

I’m allowing Dad to pay for my education at the University of Louisville. In return, I will work for him thirty hours a week during the summer and twenty during the school year. I work another five to ten for Denny at the bar and the two of us continue our fucked-up relationship of never mentioning he’s my father.

The rest of the time, I spend at the gym training and helping others train. I’m going to see how far I can take this...how far I can go.

Haley reaches back and produces a letter from her back pocket. “It’s my answer on the scholarship. The one we did the videos for.”

“What did it say?” I wrap my arms around Haley and I sit up so that she’s straddling me.

Haley and I discussed Dad’s offer to pay for her education. I even brought her to the house and Dad talked to her as well as my mom. She won’t accept our money. She’s hardheaded and stubborn and I love her more than my own life.

Haley’s enrolled both at the University of Louisville and the community college. This scholarship will answer where she’ll spend at least the next year.


She loses her spark. “I don’t know. I haven’t opened it yet.”

Adrenaline pours into my veins. I’m more nervous about this than she is. “Are you going to?”

Haley slides off me and I immediately miss her warmth. She and I are like two separate halves to a whole. Separate in that the two of us could live life apart and be successful, but when we are together—when we are whole—that’s when the magic happens.

She tucks the letter into the crevice between the bed and the wall. “I’ll tell you what. Kiss me and when we’re done, I’ll open it.”

I know her. Haley doesn’t think she won. I slip my hand around her waist and pull her back into me. My lips roam her neck and my fingers lift the soft material of her tank top. “No matter what, you’ll be okay.”

Haley melts into me. “I know.”

She lays a hand over mine and I stop, giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. It’s hard for her to not live in her head and the time to process those thoughts is all she really needs.

“I’m scared of the rejection, but more...” She inhales deeply and I urge Haley onto my lap. With her head resting on my collarbone, she traces the spot on my chest where I had been bruised for weeks. “I want to be a sports trainer. Sort of like John, but not. I want to help athletes recovering from injury. Watching your sister learn how to walk again...personally learning how to battle through emotional injury... It’s what I want to help people do for life.”

I tip Haley’s chin so her eyes meet mine. “Okay.”

Her head shakes against my fingers. “No. I need someone to know this before I open that letter. When I applied for it, I was looking for money and I would have majored in kinesiology because that’s what I had money to go to school for. I need someone to know before I get my answer that I’m choosing this degree...that it’s not choosing me.”

Of all the people in the world, she knows I understand. I lower my lips to hers and kiss the soft part between. She presses back and her hands move along my chest—a tickle, a caress and it’s enough to set me on fire.

Katie McGarry's books