Stupid Fast

Chapter 17: IT'S 3 A.M.

I just turned my light off.

I’m achy and would like to fall asleep thinking about Aleah at my house that first day because that was good. But I can’t sleep. I can’t. I can’t!

In the past, after Andrew had a piano recital, which I would go to very grudgingly because I can be a jerk, he’d stay up until all hours of the night replaying the songs to try to burn it all into his memory or something. Jerri used to stay up with him, and she’d applaud after every replay and shout “Bravo!” They’d talk, and he’d play, and she’d clap and shout. I’d lie in the basement buried in pillows, going crazy, trying to get some sleep (even with my door shut, I’d very easily hear the piano vibrating through the floor like it was right next to my ear). He’d play and play and play. Crazy.

I understand.

I turned my light back on.

3 a. freaking m.!

Go. Go. Go.

Geoff Herbach's books