
Chapter 30
Josie was passing through on her way to the back door. "What now?" she asked.
"That stupid Keith," I said. "Get this. I'm on the schedule for five days next week, but for three of them, I'm on training duty."
"Oh man, that sucks," Josie said.
"Yeah, and check this out. Wanna know who I'm training?"
Josie sidled next to me and looked. Her brow wrinkled. "Brittney Adams? Is that the blonde who came in to see Keith the other night?"
Josie winced. "Ouch. Poor you."
"No. Poor Keith," I said. "Because right after I'm done here, I'm gonna strangle him."
"Good luck with that," she said. "He left like an hour ago."
I looked around. "Then who's in charge?"
Josie shrugged. "Got me. The day shift manager starts at six."
"But that's not for another hour," I said. Even for Keith, this was beyond strange. "So there's no manager on duty?"
"Not anymore." She grinned. "Unless you want the job."
"Hell no," I said. "What I need is a real job."
"Hey, you and me both."
"Do you know, I sent out like twenty resumes last month?" I said. "Not that it did any good."
"You think you got it bad?" she said. "My brother? He's got a master's degree. Wanna know where he's working?"
"Flannigan's. As a bartender."
"Really? He can't find anything better? What's his degree in?"
I gave her a sympathetic look. "Not the best-paying field, from what I hear."
"Got that right," she said. "He's better off tending bar. With tips, anyway."
I could totally relate. It was the same dynamic that kept me waitressing. Probably Josie too. She had a bachelor's degree in something or other, for all the good it did her.
We said our goodnights, and I headed back to my locker. Twisting the combination, I thought of Keith tampering with my cell phone. Somehow that weasel had gotten into my locker, and I needed to find out how.
But in the meantime, I definitely needed a new lock, something with a key this time.
Pulling out my cell phone, I found a new voicemail from Erika. It was short and to the point. "Call me as soon as you get this. Or else."
I glanced at the clock. It was five in the morning. She didn't mean now, did she? I checked the time of her message. Three o'clock in the morning. Just two hours ago.
Well, she must've meant it, right? I gathered up the rest of my stuff and headed out to my car. While waiting for the engine to warm up, I gave her a call.
We were still talking by the time I pulled into the Parkers' driveway a half hour later.
Turns out, Erika's parents were cutting off her financial support, right after the current semester.
"Are you sure they won't reconsider?" I said.
"Not a chance." She gave a hollow-sounding laugh. "Guess I shouldn't have flunked that last history class, huh?"
Erika was on her fifth year at college, going into a sixth. She'd changed her major three times and was back to undecided.
"I'm really sorry," I said. "What are you gonna do?"
"I guess I'll have to find a job," she said.
"First time for everything, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess. So anyway, that's probably why I blew up at you. I’m really sorry."
"Nah, don't be sorry," I said. "I was a total crab-ass. I had it coming."
"That's for sure."
Alright," she said. "Enough about me. What'd you decide about that man of yours?"
"Nothing yet," I said. "But we've got plans for Monday."
"What kind of plans?" she said.
"I don't know. He just said he had something to show me."
"I know what it is," she said.
"Don't say it," I warned.
"His massive cock."
I groaned. "I knew you were gonna say that."
"Oh c'mon," she said. "Give the guy another chance. You know you want to."
"Maybe," I admitted. "But just because I want to, it doesn't mean I should."
"This is what you should do," she said. "Go out with him, do whatever, have a good time. See what happens." Her voice turned serious. "I've known you a long time, Chloe. You haven't had a lot of fun in your life. Maybe it's time to just let go for once, you know?"
I did know.
Erika's life had been full of fun. Maybe too much fun, the way it sounded. But look where it had gotten her. If her parents didn't change their minds, she wouldn't be a whole lot better off than I was.
"Maybe," I said.
"Stop saying 'maybe.' Say 'I'm Chloe Malinski, and I'm a sex machine.'"
I laughed. "I'd never, ever say that."
"Then don't just say it. Do it."
"I'll think about it," I said. "But hey, before we go, here's a question."
"Remember that photo I texted you the other night?"
"The one of that couple in the back seat? Yeah, I remember. The guy looked exactly like your boss. Same tie and everything."
"Actually," I said, "it was my boss."
"No way!"
"No lie," I said. "So anyway, you still got it, right?"
"The picture? Not anymore. I mean, I figured it was just a joke." She hesitated. "It wasn't?"
My heart sank. Here, I'd been counting on Erika to keep it. But had I actually told her to keep it? No. I hadn't. It wasn't her fault it was gone. It was mine.
"Yeah, just a joke," I said.
Too bad the joke was on me.

Stark Sabrina's books