Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 87

LEVI DIDN’T LIKE the idea of being alone in the Gold Mine, thinking about the Tennessee Mexicans that he assumed were lurking somewhere in the shadows. Anticipating that encounter was killing him. He used binoculars to make sure that the police officer watching the Gold Mine was still inside the unmarked car. Knowing that a cop was keeping an eye on him was comforting, in a weird, ironic sort of way, since he typically spent most of his time eluding the police. Now that he knew they were actively watching, he appreciated them.

He chuckled to himself as he dialed Moon Pie’s cell phone. “It worked. He’s still out here,” Levi said, adjusting the pistol tucked into the waistband at his back. “And I’m kinda glad.”

“As soon as I get my shit loaded and cross the state line, I’ll call ya.”

“About how long you think?”

“Maybe an hour and a half. No more than two.”

Levi was now sitting on the floor at the back of the lobby in the dark, watching the police officer. “Sounds good. Adiós, amigo,” he said, chuckling mockingly, and then flipped shut the cell phone and exhaled. He was bait, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

He leaned his head back and tried to think of Bailey. He wondered what she was doing. He couldn’t take her earlier call, and he was considering whether he should try to reach her. She was everything he wanted in a partner and was different from other girls he had dated. She was smart and hardworking, went to church, and was a stunning natural beauty with a giant, caring heart. Levi knew that he was smitten. He also knew to have any hopes of a meaningful relationship with her, he was going to have to get a real job. Love is a powerful incentive, and Levi was suddenly feeling motivated.

After he had been sitting on the floor for about twenty minutes, a mud-covered Chevrolet pickup truck parked in front of the Gold Mine. Levi pulled himself deeper into the shadows as he watched the driver open his door and step out. Levi instantly recognized Jake Crosby, and a smile formed on his lips. Levi flipped open his cell and hit the redial key.

Moon Pie’s patience had run thin with interruptions of his packing, but he resisted the urge to snap at Levi. He assumed the call was important. He answered, “Yeah?”

“You’ll never guess who just drove up and is standing outside the Gold Mine,” Levi said in a whisper.


“I wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t seein’ him right now with my own eyes.”

“Dammit, Levi! I ain’t got time for this shit. Just tell me who it is!”

Jake had walked to the front door and put his face and hands against the glass to look inside. Levi was invisible in the shadows behind a table, less than ten feet away.

“Jake Crosby.”

“Well, hell fire. I’ll be damned.”

“Live and in person,” Levi continued in a whisper.

“Is the cop still there?”

“Oh yeah. He’s still sittin’ across the street, pro’ly tryin’ to figure out what the hell’s goin’ on.”

“What’s our boy Jake doing right now?”

“Tryin’ real hard to see in…he’s lookin’ for something.”

“That crazy bastard’s lookin’ for me!”

“You think he’s got some gold he wants to sell?” Levi asked sarcastically.

“I think that note you handed him pushed him over the freakin’ edge.”

“He does kinda look nervous.”

“Damn! I wish I was there. Shit! Look, I gotta go. Call me if he does anythin’,” Moon Pie directed and then hung up.