Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 83

LEVI QUIETLY WALKED through the back door into the Gold Mine and immediately heard Moon Pie talking to himself. All the lights were off except in Moon Pie’s office, where he was rummaging through desk drawers. Levi knew that he was troubled when he saw the pistol lying on the desk and Moon Pie looking like he hadn’t slept in days.

“You okay, Moon?” Levi asked.

“What the hell do ya think?”

“I’m just askin’. Here’s your clothes.”

“Wadda them damn Mexicans say?”

“That they’re gonna kill us if we don’t come up with the money, but he didn’t freak out or anything like I expected. He was actually calm, and it kinda spooked me.”

“That’s cuz they stole it and they got somethin’ up their sleeve.”

“How do you think they got the safe combination?”

“No clue. Hand me those bullets.”

Levi handed him a half-empty box of 9 mm rounds. “I just don’t see how they coulda figured it out.”

“Those high-tech bastards probably got some kinda computer they hooked up to it and it went through the possible combinations. It don’t matter how they got the money,” he said as he tightly packed a bag with gear. “The point is, they got it.”

“Hey, did you notice the plainclothes cop across the street, watching the building?”

“You sure it’s a cop and not a freakin’ Mexican hit man?”

“The car has a municipal tag.”

“Dammit. I don’t need their shit right now! I gotta lose him. He probably followed me from the jail and saw me get dropped off.”

“How ya gonna shake him?”

Moon Pie stopped packing and then went to look out the front door. “We’ll switch clothes, and I’ll wear that cap you got on. Since we’re about the same size, and he woulda seen you come in too, he’ll think it’s you leaving and that I’m still here.”

“What about me? They’ll be on me, and I need to get gone too.”

“Let me think about it. I’ll figure out something.”

“You still goin’ up north?”

“Nope, change of plans. Since Tam’s got my good truck, I’m goin’ to ’Bama to stay awhile with my taxidermist buddy.”

“That’s better. You’ll be a lot closer if I need you.”

“True. Here, we’ll use these prepaid phones. I expect they’re listenin’ to mine.” Moon Pie handed Levi a throw-down.

“I’m sure glad you’re stayin’ kinda close. Maybe we can talk our way outta this mess with the Mexicans or Tam might help us.”

“Tam might…I’ve already thought about that. He owes me a favor now; I just don’t know if he’d consider it a million-dollar favor. I just need to buy a little time until I can get him involved. I think he might stick up for me.”

“Hard to put a price on freedom,” Levi said as he sat down in a chair. “I’m serious. Maybe Tam would take us on full-time instead of this once-a-month shit and help us outta this bind.”

“It’s possible. I just gotta talk to him. We may have to start over—you know, reinvent ourselves. It’s better than being dead. I’ll call Mike on my way outta town and see if he’ll talk to Tam.”

“So whatcha need me to do?”

“Let’s switch clothes. Can you get someone to come by and pick you up later?”

“Yeah, sure,” Levi replied.

“Good. I’ll leave your truck at the trailer. So when are you gonna skip town?”

“I don’t know. I got this new girlfriend I really like, and I’m thinkin’ she may be the one. I may just get on the houseboat and move up and down the river until things quiet down. That way I can still see my girl,” Levi said as he pulled off his ball cap and shirt.

Moon Pie looked at him with disgust to mask his jealousy. He had always wanted a serious relationship but never seemed to find the right girl. His lifestyle seemed to attract ones that couldn’t be trusted. “So who is it?”


“You’re shitting me.”


“That little uppity bitch wouldn’t give me the time of day.”

“We’ve kinda hit it off.”

Moon Pie was now standing in Levi’s clothes, and from a distance, he could probably pass for him.

Moon Pie said, “Whatever. I’m goin’ to the trailer to pick up some things, and then I have a few business deals before I leave. Watch the cop and call if he’s followin’ me. And if he don’t follow me, I need you to stay here until I’m outta town. I’ll call you.”

“I got it.”

“Good deal. I’ll see ya, little brother.”

“Good luck, Memphis.”

Moon Pie stopped and turned. “This could get crazy. You up for it?”

“Oh yeah.”

“You better watch out for Woody too.”

“I got it.”

“Okay. You take care of yourself, now.” Moon Pie smiled and walked out the back door.