Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 86

SEBASTIAN AND WALTER leaned against the rental van and looked up at the old Henry Clay hotel. Only one other building in town even came close to it in terms of height. The hotel had changed names and ownership several times since being constructed in the mid-1840s. Walter chewed his cigar and imagined that this old building had seen countless interesting events. But none could rival someone walking through that front door carrying over a million dollars in cash. Both the old men were unsure what to do about the missing money or the missing Bailey.

“Bailey hasn’t answered her phone all day,” Walter finally said.

“Would you?”

“We should drive by her place. Maybe she told a neighbor where she was goin’.”

“I’m ready when you are.”

“What are we gonna do if we find her? Pull a pistol and rob her?”

“Yeah!” Sebastian said immediately, and then thought better of it. He continued, “I mean…maybe. Hell, I don’t know.”

They heard a car stop behind them and turned around at the same time. A police cruiser had stopped. The same officer they had bumped into Saturday night was smiling at them. Walter waved awkwardly.

“How y’all doin’ today?”

“We’re doin’ just fine, Officer,” Walter replied somewhat sarcastically, but the officer didn’t pick up on it.

The cop, obviously happy to see them, said, “Big football game this weekend in Starkville. You guys goin’?”

“Nah, we’ll probably just watch it on TV,” Walter said, looking at Sebastian. “We don’t really like crowds.”

“Or long walks,” Sebastian added.

“Yeah, I know. I gotta work the game. At any rate, I just wanted to stop by and thank y’all for the bag.”

Walter and Sebastian traded looks of confusion.

“Y’all didn’t have to do that. But I gotta tell ya, I really do appreciate it. It’s perfect for my gear,” he said.

Walter struggled for what to say or ask. He wanted to learn more but feared asking many questions. All he could come up with was, “I hope we got all the magazines out.”

“Yes, sir. It was empty and laying on my desk. Thanks again. Gotta jump,” the officer said. Then, with a salute, he drove off.

Sebastian and Walter looked at each other. They knew who it had to be. Only one other person was there Saturday night. At the same time they said, “Bernard!”