Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 56

JAKE WAS IN the Tupelo police station pacing back and forth after explaining his situation to the desk sergeant, who was now on the phone with the West Point Police Department. Listening to one side of the conversation and trying to gauge what was being said on the other end was driving him crazy. Through the glass front doors, he could see Morgan talking on her cell phone. Katy and her friend had their heads lowered, texting, he assumed. Even if you’re as innocent as Job, police stations make me uncomfortable, Jake thought.

The desk sergeant wrapped up his call and leaned back in his desk chair, looking down at the menacing words on the napkin. Jake turned to face him.

“Well, you’ve got a pretty interestin’ past, Mr. Crosby.”

“I’m more concerned about the future. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

“I understand completely.”

“So, are there cameras in the arena that we could use to try to find him?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“What about askin’ some of the folks that were sittin’ around us to see if they saw him?”

“It’ll take us days to determine who was sitting where and actually contact them. And most people watch the band. I just don’t think we’ll find out much.”

Jake sighed and looked around the office, his mind racing, trying to think of some way to get the upper hand, but he wasn’t coming up with anything, “So what can we do?”

“I don’t think there is anything we can do tonight, to be honest. You should take your family and go home.”

“There’s gotta be something. I just can’t believe he was that close to me and I didn’t see him,” Jake said, starting to pace again.

“Look, we all know who Moon Pie Daniels is. We’ve arrested that punk several times over the years. Last time I saw him, he had gotten the shit beat out of him by some guys from the air force base. He said somethin’ very unpatriotic ’bout someone’s mama, and they didn’t appreciate it. Kinda tells you either how dumb he is…or how much he likes pokin’ hornets’ nests. I know you’re worried, and you got good reason to be…he’s obviously trouble. He’s big trouble ’cause he’ll do anything and he’s fearless, and that makes him that much more dangerous.”

“Believe me, I’ve heard.”

“Do you have a self-defense weapon?”

“Yeah. A pistol.”

“You know how to use it?”

“Oh yeah, that’s one thing I know I can do.”

“Good,” he said, acting sympathetic as an awkward silence fell across the room.

“Mr. Crosby, we are gonna have a unit follow you to the county line, and a state trooper will pick you up there and escort you all the way to West Point. Once you’re there, the West Point PD will follow y’all home and then check out your house.”

“You think that’s necessary?”

“Probably not, but we’re gonna do it anyway. Just to be safe.”

“Thanks” was the only thing Jake could think to say.

“Look, tomorrow I’ll work some of our contacts and see what I can find out about old Moon Pie,” the desk sergeant said, holding up the napkin by a corner. “We haven’t seen or heard of him in a while, but since he’s around, we can put some pressure on him and see what happens.”

The desk sergeant looked out at Morgan talking on her cell phone and said, “I suppose your wife’s freaked out about all this?”

“That would be an understatement.”

The sergeant rose from behind his desk and walked around to Jake. He gently grabbed Jake by the elbow, guiding him toward the door. “Well, let’s get you and your family home safely. You’ll all feel better then.”