Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 59

A MUTED CELL phone had been silently ringing for twenty minutes in Levi’s pocket while he explained in great detail to his date that the most bacteria-infested place on a man was his wallet. She had been fascinated with his trivia knowledge but didn’t like hearing how bacteria colonies were formed in a guy’s sweaty wallet and were being passed around through the exchange of currency.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, glancing over at her as he drove south through the rainy night.

“Let’s talk about something else, anything…please.”

“Sure. Wadda ya wanna talk about?”

Levi’s date unbuckled her seat belt and sat Indian-style facing him. “What’s next?”

“Wadda ya mean?”

“What do you want to do with the rest of your life?” she asked. “This gold rush probably won’t last forever.”

“I dunno,” he said sheepishly.

“You haven’t thought about it?”

“Oh, I have, but you’ll laugh if I tell ya.”

“No I won’t.”

“I love trees.”


“Yeah. I’ve been takin’ some online courses from Mississippi State…and I’d like to be a guy who travels around saving old trees.”


“Yeah…think about it. There are trees that have been around since the American Revolution. They can live a long time, and they’ve experienced a lot of history. There are trees around here that were alive when the Union and Confederate forces marched through back in the 1860s. But every year, I notice one dyin’ somewhere…in a neighborhood or a pasture. I wanna save trees.”

“I hadn’t ever thought about that. Can you make any money doin’ it?”

“I don’t really know, but it’s what I really wanna do. I figure if I save up enough money to bankroll me for about a year, then, if I’m any good, maybe I’ll make a decent living, and at least I’ll be happy.”

Levi’s date appreciated his honesty and smiled at him as she brushed her hair behind her ear. “So, what’s a tree savior called?”

“An arborist, but some folks call ’em tree surgeons.”

“Oooh…I like that. I always wanted to tell my friends I was datin’ a doctor, but a surgeon would work!”

“So…we’re dating?”

“Well…you’re not a surgeon yet.”

Levi smiled and turned up the volume to the CD he had bought at the concert and sang “Bless the Broken Road” to his date. It had been an enjoyable night. He’d had a good meal and seen a great concert, he had luckily crossed paths with Moon Pie’s nemesis, and now he was telling a beautiful woman his dream and she wasn’t laughing at it or him.

Levi had been on a direct course for incarceration, particularly over these last few years. His half brother was the worst influence imaginable. However, given the proper inspiration and influence, Levi had the basic values to be a productive citizen. He just needed the proper motivation.

Meanwhile, in his pocket, Levi’s cell showed seven missed calls and two unread text messages from his quickly angering half brother. The last text read, “Call me asap u stupid shit!!!”