Moon Underfoot (A Jake Crosby Thriller)

chapter 53

AS JAKE AND crew pulled into the line for concert parking, they could see blue lights flashing all around the Hilton Garden Inn. Jake and Morgan wondered aloud about what could possibly be happening. The spectacle stalled traffic to a crawl as everybody slowed to rubberneck. Katy and her buddy didn’t seem to notice because they were busy texting their friends and probably each other.

During the drive north from West Point, Jake had contemplated everything that R.C. had explained to him and shared most of it with Morgan. He had held back the part about Moon Pie living just across the river. He knew that would freak her out completely.

The BancorpSouth Arena was packed with country-music fans from all walks of life. The Crosbys’ seats were to the side of the main stage. Jake and Morgan enjoyed watching Katy and her girlfriend dance and sing. Once the concert had started, Jake and Morgan momentarily forgot all of their problems and thoroughly enjoyed the show. Morgan sang along, looking Jake in the eyes at just the right times. It was just what they needed.

Levi and his date sat lower in the arena than he preferred, but her company caused him to forget the cost of the seats. On one of several trips to buy cold beer, he recognized Jake Crosby. Levi had seen his picture on numerous occasions and had been with Moon Pie on several drive-bys of Jake’s office. He was positive it was Crosby and texted Moon Pie to tell him the situation.

Moon Pie, however, was as drunk as Cooter Brown, as his momma used to say, and pissed off at the weather. Ole Miss was finally ahead of LSU, which made him somewhat excited, but it was raining too hard to go shinin’. Deer just wouldn’t be moving in such bad weather. It didn’t matter that he had already killed six before the season opened; he hadn’t gotten one that day, and it was eating at him.

When Moon Pie received the text, he laughed out loud and thought hard about what he could do. He strongly considered trashing the Crosbys’ house, but he knew firsthand that it was under surveillance and had an alarm system. Ever since he had been spotted in their backyard, the Old Waverly community had really tightened up their security. Killing their dog was an option that he strongly considered until he opened the front door of the trailer to check the weather. He decided to stay put and drink another beer.

“How?” Levi texted back.

Levi nodded at the next text from Moon Pie and smiled at the thought of impressing his half brother. He also wanted to get back to his hot date. He had priorities. Following Moon Pie’s instructions, he borrowed a pen from a security officer. He wrote a simple message on a napkin, read it several times, and then decided to rewrite it. He handed back the pen, shook his head, acknowledging the meanness of the note, and carefully folded the paper and slid it into the pocket of his down vest as he hurried back to his date.

“What took you so long?” she yelled as she continued to dance.

“Long lines,” he responded.

Levi eyed Jake, who stood straight while everyone around him was dancing or swaying to the music, but he was clearly having a good time.

After about twenty minutes, Levi checked the current radar on his iPhone and saw a band of rain covering Tupelo. Anticipating the end of the concert, he bent down to his date, and in an attempt to sell an early exit he said, “Let’s beat the crowd. It’s raining now, and it’ll be crazy.”

“Okay,” she replied, following him toward the stairs.

When they got there, Levi allowed her to lead. As they approached the row Jake Crosby was on, he paused, letting his date to turn down the tunnel and disappear. Jake and his wife were facing away from him, watching the stage. Levi pulled out the folded napkin and grabbed the shoulder of the man on the end of the row.

“Excuse me, would you pass this note to my buddy down there?” he hollered as he pointed at Jake. The guy took it and nodded his understanding. Levi patted him on the back, hopped down two steps, and disappeared. His date was standing there waiting, hands on hips. He put his arm around her and apologized, saying that he had seen an old friend.

Jake Crosby jumped when his shoulder was tapped. He turned and took the note from a stranger’s outstretched hand, trying to understand what was going on.

“Your friend said to give this to you,” the man yelled and then walked off.

Confused, Jake yelled, “Thanks,” as he slowly unfolded the napkin. It read, “Your wife looks good tonight. But she looks so much better through the bathroom window.”

Jake quickly wheeled around and frantically grabbed the stranger. “Who gave you this?”

“I don’t know. He said he was your buddy,” the guy responded and pointed down the tunnel. “He went down there.”

“Jake? Jake? What is it?” Morgan asked as she watched her husband looking worriedly into a sea of unfamiliar faces.