Marriage Matters


Chloe’s parents were due back from Italy any moment. For a welcome home dinner, June had cooked her famous chicken potpie, and with Chloe’s assistance put together a salad, a side of green peas, baby carrots and rolls. As they cooked, June kept humming.

Even though Chloe had given her a Look more than once, they had not discussed the incident in the garden. Her grandmother had tried, but Chloe held up her hand like a stop sign. “Things we do not speak of. Move on.”

In spite of that little incident, Chloe and June still had plenty to discuss. Geoff was coming to dinner that night to meet both her and Chloe’s parents. “This is serious,” June kept saying. Chloe just smiled.

It was so strange to think that it had only been six weeks since she’d been on that silly practice date with Ben. She’d spent so much time with Geoff—meeting him for impromptu study group at his office, grabbing a quick dinner downtown, sleeping over at his place—that she already felt like they’d been together for much longer.

“You think Mom and Dad will like him?” Carefully, Chloe poured olive oil into a container, waiting for June’s answer.

June dropped a handful of garlic croutons into the salad bowl. “Geoff is Rue Gable’s grandson. What’s not to like?”

To be honest, Chloe wasn’t worried whether or not her parents would like Geoff. She was worried about whether or not he’d live up to June’s standards. Based on a few bits and pieces of stories she had heard over the years, June had been extremely reluctant to welcome her father into the family. Although their relationship had eventually improved, Chloe knew that disapproval had hurt her dad. Besides, Chloe knew firsthand how much it hurt to have June disapprove of someone who she loved.

Over the years, June had been more than clear about not wanting Chloe to end up with Ben. Obviously, that was never even going to happen, but still it hurt her that her grandmother refused to recognize all the good qualities in him. It was almost as though Chloe’s devotion to Ben automatically put him on June’s watch-list. She didn’t want to see the same type of thing happen with Geoff.

“I’m serious, Grandma.” Chloe set the dressing dispenser on the counter and pulled her hair off her neck. The kitchen was hot and the stress of the evening was already weighing on her. “I really need you to be nice to him. Even if you don’t like him.”

“My precious girl, you have nothing to worry about,” June said. “I’ll adore him. According to Rue, he likes you very much.”

“I knew it.” Chloe couldn’t help but smile. “I knew the mahjong group simply could not go on without gossiping about our relationship.”

The fine lines around June’s mouth twitched. “It’s what we do best.”

“Good,” Chloe said, suddenly hopeful. If the mahjong group approved, maybe June would, too. “Just don’t say anything weird when you meet him. You can talk to him about Rue and that connection, but don’t put him on the spot about the future or anything like that. And do not, do not mention that one night in the garden.”

Wiping her hands on her red gingham apron, June said, “If this young man truly wants to be a member of the family, he is going to have to accept the slings and arrows of true conversation. I am not going to censor myself. I will say whatever pops into my mind, as always.”

“Fine.” Chloe shrugged. “I’ll tell Charley you used to spy on him.”

June turned pink with pleasure. “Go ahead. Charley and I have no secrets.”

Chloe laughed. “Mom’s going to freak out, you know.” She tried to picture her mother’s response to the fact that June was dating. “Have you told her anything yet?”

June let out a sound that might have been a giggle. “We thought about putting on some skit to fool her. Charley would stop by and demand I cut back my maples. Then I would get really angry, pull out a gun and shoot him. With fake bullets and a ketchup packet, of course.” June’s voice got low and dramatic. “He’d fall to the floor gasping for breath. I would cry, Oh, what have I done? and start to weep. After kissing him on the lips, pledging to love him if only he would come back to me, he would open his eyes.” June licked her lips in satisfaction, as though imagining the scene play out. Finally, she grinned. “What do you think?”

“I think Mom would think you actually shot him.” Chloe’s voice was dry. “And then she’d citizen’s arrest your ass.”

The doorbell chimed and June stood up straight. “Well.” She took off her apron, folded it carefully and placed it in the pantry. “This must be your young man.” With the tips of her fingers, she smoothed her wavy blonde hair.

“Grandma.” Chloe had one final moment of panic. Rushing over, she grabbed June’s arm. “Seriously. Be nice to him. Okay?”

“Of course.” June was already making a beeline for the front door. “Nice is my middle name.”

* * *

June gave a secretive little smile. Of course she was going to be nice to Rue Gable’s grandson, especially if he was in love with Chloe. There were only two things she wanted in this world: for her daughter and granddaughter to be happy. If Geoff Gable could do that, then June would roll out the red carpet.

Throwing open the door, she stopped in surprise. Geoff had the same sharp nose, high forehead and handsome coloring as Rue. “My goodness,” she said. “You and Rue could be twins.”

Geoff rubbed his five o’clock shadow. “Don’t tell Rue that. She’ll book an appointment to get her face waxed tomorrow.”

June burst out laughing. “Young man, I think I just fell in love with you.”

Linking her arm with his, June led him into the foyer. She watched as his eyes sought out her granddaughter. He rushed over to greet her with a kiss and June’s heart gave a silent cheer.

Dr. Geoff Gable was most certainly The One.

* * *

Kristine and Kevin walked up the sidewalk to June’s brownstone, their hands entwined. Stopping, Kristine stared up at the house with suspicion. It was lit from top to bottom, and through the window she could see June chatting with a man she didn’t recognize.

Their flight back from Italy had arrived early that afternoon. Kristine and Kevin had spent the day in bed wrapped in each other’s arms and drifting in and out of sleep. It had taken three phone calls from June to get them up and on their way. Even though she was excited to see her mother, Kristine was a little too jet-lagged for a welcome home party.

“Should we run?” she asked as they trudged up the front steps.

“Only if she’s serving Italian.” Kevin pushed open the door. “I’m ready for a good old-fashioned burger.”

“I hear our guests,” June cried, sweeping into the foyer. Grabbing Kristine, she practically smothered her with kisses. “Don’t ever leave me like that. Oh! What did you do to your hair?”

“Looks good, huh?” Kevin reached over and ruffled the new do.

Spinning her around in a full circle, June said, “It looks marvelous.” With a conspiring smile, she added, “But of course you look good. You’re my daughter.”

Stepping forward, Kevin opened his arms. “Come here, cupcake.” As June squealed, Kevin pulled her into a tight hug. Laughing, she shook a finger at him. “How was Italy? Did you love it?”

Kevin nodded. “I hate to say it, June, but you were right.”

“Oh, pish-posh.” June patted her hair. “It doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right. What matters is that you two were together. Now, follow me.”

Kristine and Kevin trailed behind her, exchanging baffled looks. “Maybe they had to medicate her,” he murmured. “Because you were away.”

In the dining room, the lights were turned down low and the table practically glowed with candles. Chloe stood next to it, a huge smile on her face. Someone who could only be Dr. Gable stood next to her wearing a tweed jacket, button-up shirt and a navy ascot.

Chloe rushed forward and hugged them tight. “Mom and Dad, I want you to meet my boyfriend.” Kristine could tell her daughter loved saying that word.

As Geoff kissed her cheek, Kristine noticed that he smelled like spearmint, as though he’d been using breath spray or chewing on mints in preparation for their arrival.

“It’s so nice to meet you,” he said. “Chloe has told me so much about you.”

Kristine smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

Kevin, on the other hand, eyed him like a bug. “You a Bears fan?” he growled.

“Yes, sir.” Geoff shook his hand. “I’m from Chicago and—”

“Do you have a job?”

“Dad.” Chloe giggled.

Geoff nodded, looking as serious as ever. “I own my own practice. Psychology.”

Kevin smiled, his face splitting into a grin. “Alright. Then you and Chloe might get along.”

The chime of the doorbell rang through the house like wedding bells, startling all of them.

June flushed. “Now, who could that be? Kristine, would you mind getting the door?”

Even though she would have much preferred to pull up a chair and get to know the man who was clearly making her daughter so happy, she headed out to answer it. To her dismay, Charley Montgomery stood on the stoop, clutching a bouquet of yellow roses.

“Kristine.” His blue eyes sparkled. “Do you mind if I come in?”

Charley had always seemed so kind, but inviting him in would not go over well with June. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Let me check with my . . .” Turning, she saw that everyone was standing in the foyer, and June was grinning like a cat with a mouthful of feathers.

Kristine’s mouth dropped open. “Mother . . .” She looked back at Charley, who was smiling, too. “Seriously?” she cried in delight.

Sweeping forward, June announced, “Kristine, I would like you to meet my boyfriend. The ultra-handsome, unbelievably charming Charley Montgomery.”

Kristine couldn’t believe it. “That is wonderful! Charley, I . . .” Reaching out, she clasped his hand and squeezed it tight. “I don’t know what happened here. I left the country and everyone went crazy.”

“Not at all,” June said. “You left the country and . . .” She gave a meaningful look in Kevin’s direction. “We all came to our senses.”

Cynthia Ellingsen's books