Lush (A Delicious Novel)


She stood to the left of the stage and watched him. Watched her man play drums and sing, a huge grin on his face.

Raven was next to her, along with Erin and Daisy. “Kinda cool to know the drummer’s girlfriend so she can get us backstage.”

“Ha! Not like you’re already besties with Erin, who I’m sure has plenty of backstage-pass connections.”

“Seems so odd that it’s been a year since we did this before.” Gillian and Adrian had become parents to a beautiful baby girl they called Poppy. Poppy was already an honorary member of Delicious and Mary often shipped freshly made baby food from Sweet Hollow Ranch.

Where she’d been living for three months.

She’d given up her life in Bainbridge and had come to Oregon. It had been more and more difficult to manage the supper club once it had become more well-known that she was with Damien. Gawkers had tried to crash, especially if Damien had been there. And that was often because he liked to spend the weekends with her in Bainbridge.

So he’d offered her his home and his kitchen to do whatever she wanted with. Which, at that point, meant working on a second cookbook since the first had hit the bookstores and the bestseller lists.

Her life was not where she imagined it would be the August before as they stood on this same stage in the Columbia River Gorge, listening to a man she had only known a few months play his drums.

But it was better. Full of love and laughter. A new family to go with the one she already had. The Hurleys, who loved her like their own.

Sweet Hollow Ranch’s new CD, Revolutionary, had come out three weeks before and was enjoying the success it deserved. For the next three months she’d go on tour with them, being at his side as they went from city to city.

Eating the best the country had to offer. She already had the kernel of an idea for the new cookbook. Regional recipes she’d create as they traveled. And then they’d head to South America and Australia.

Daisy squeezed her hand. Levi stood behind her friend, his arms around her. She wore the engagement ring he’d given her over the holidays and of course Mary would do the food for the wedding. And Jules would do the cake. Because that’s what Delicious did.

They took a pause and Damien turned her way with a huge smile before speaking to the audience.

“Thank you all for coming out here tonight. A year ago this month we were here opening up for Adrian Brown. He and his family are here tonight and he’s graciously agreed to come out and do a song with us.

Adrian came out on stage. The crowd went wild and Mary just kept smiling. Gillian had left the baby back in the trailer with Miles, who guarded his baby sister like a lion.

“Look at our men, Mary. You and I have rock stars in our beds. Who’d have ever thought?”

“Without you and Adrian I’d never have met him. So thanks for finding your rock star and marrying him so I could find one of my own.”

Damien drummed a little to get everyone’s attention. “So Revolutionary is a record about personal change. Revolution in your life and heart that changes you to the bone. During the time we wrote and recorded, I had my own revolution. Her name is Mary, and I would very much like it if she’d agree to marry me.”

She wasn’t the only one who gasped. All around her, her friends sucked in surprised breaths and then laughed.

“What do you say, Curly? Will you marry me?” He got out from behind the drums and moved in her direction, pulling her out on stage and then getting to one knee, pulling a ring box from his pocket.

“Holy cow. You’re so sneaky! What if I said no?”

“But you won’t. I’ve got you hooked. Part of my plan, you see. First taste is free and then you’re mine forever. So what do you say? Huh? Be my missus. Have my babies. Protect us all from demon pigs and crappy road food.”

Tears came in a way only he seemed to be able to evoke. She nodded. “I guess I’d better.”

He slid the ring on her finger and stood, pulling her into an embrace as the entire Gorge cheered them on.

“I guess I should tell you now that the thing I’ve kept bandaged for the last week that you thought was from my doctor’s visit is really a tattoo. I’ll show it to you later. In private.”

It was on her hip. His initials, curled with hers in the shape of a four-leaf clover. Erin’s brother Brody had done it when she’d gone to visit Seattle the week before.

“Hot damn. I sure do love you.”

“I love you too. Now go play me some music and let those girls out there know whose bed you sleep in every night.”

He kissed her hard and fast and thrilled her. As he always did.

Lauren Dane's books