Lush (A Delicious Novel)


You sure you know how to do this?” Paddy tried to keep his expression grim, but Damien noted the smile at the corner of his lips.

“I know how to ATV. How to ride a dirt bike too.” She was so small Damien understood why Paddy was being so careful. But she was strong. So much stronger than he’d suspected when he first met her.

Damien handed her a helmet and some goggles. “She’s a tough cookie, Paddy.”

Vaughan loped up. “Been a while since we did this. Seems like a good day for it.” He took the helmet down and put it on, strapping the goggles on as well.

Paddy took the lead, Vaughan followed, then Mary. Damien brought up the rear. He wanted to keep an eye on her anyway. Ezra met them at his place, and once they cleared all the houses, they opened up and hit the sort of course they’d created over the last several years.

She was fearless. A few times he’d nearly swallowed his tongue at how fearless she was. Once she got the lay of the land, she took hills quickly, bumping down the other side without hesitation. She liked it fast, which made him grin. Inwardly of course; he didn’t want bugs in his teeth after all.

It was rare that outsiders could keep up with the Hurley brothers. But she did. She kept at it, never complaining that she got muddy or that it was hot. She didn’t fall behind or signal for a break. And when Paddy finally rolled to a stop at the overlook, Damien pulled out the lunch she’d made earlier and they all dusted themselves off enough to sit.

Of course, despite her game attitude with ATV’ing, she also was clever. She’d brought some wet wipes to clean up with.

“What? I’m going to be touching food. Can’t do that with dirty hands.” She handed the container to Ezra, who’d been staring, but he took it with a nod.

“I like a woman who thinks ahead.”

“My ass is going to hurt big-time tomorrow though. It’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

Paddy laughed. “You’ll have to come down more often so you can keep in practice.”

She handed around the food and everyone was quiet for long minutes as they scarfed it up.

“It’s really a good thing I’m such a nice guy or I’d be trying so hard to steal her from you.” Paddy winked at her before looking back to Damien. “She can cook. She can handle Mom. Dad thinks she’s awesome. The animals love her. And she’s not afraid of getting dirty.”

Mary sent him a look from under her lashes and a bolt of heat shot through him. No, Mary was not afraid of getting dirty.

Oh, he’d been with women. Lots of women who did lots of sex things. But she truly enjoyed sex in a way he’d never really experienced in a partner before. She didn’t just do stuff because he liked it, or because she thought it seemed sexy. She was a dirty girl who loved to f*ck. She wanted to make him hot, wanted to make him come, but she wanted to come too. She wasn’t shy about it, didn’t pretend she didn’t want to get off. So totally sexy.

“I find it hilarious that you even think you could steal her from me.”

“I’m older and wiser, Damien. The ladies like that.”

Mary laughed, leaning back into Damien. “We do. But I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got. He’s a year younger than I am. I suppose there’s something to be said for younger men too.”

Vaughan laughed then. “Well, if you ever get tired of Damien, keep in mind that I’m younger than he is.”

“Boy oh boy. You four are going to ruin me forever.”

Damien pulled a leaf from her hair, blowing it away with a puff of breath.

It was a good day. One of the best he’d had in a very long time. Funny how all his good days of late were because of her.

Ezra stood, stretching. “When you’re all ready, I think we should take her by the stream. It’s pretty down that way. Plus I want to check the fence. We did a fix a few weeks ago but I want to be sure it’s still holding.”

“We have a problem?” Damien stood, brushing his ass off.

“I don’t think so. But I’d prefer to keep Haley’s cattle away from our stream.” Haley was the cattle rancher who lived several miles away. But the farthest edge of their land abutted the farthest edge of Sweet Hollow Ranch, and their water could be devastated if the cattle got into it. Vigilance was a good thing because clean water was a necessity for their crops.

“I’m ready when you are.”

He held a hand out and pulled her to her feet, pausing to brush a kiss over her lips. She smiled up at him.

“You having a good time?”

“I really am. Thanks for inviting me.”

“I wish it could be for longer. Gonna suck when you go back home.”

“There’s time. I’m not going anywhere just now.”

He took her hand, squeezing it. “Good thing.”

* * *

She handled things in Vaughan’s kitchen like a boss. She currently wore a bathing suit cover-up as she moved efficiently around the room. Damien was her appointed assistant that day. His mother had checked in, edged into the kitchen, but she’d been pretty respectful. He was glad Vaughan had suggested she cook there instead of their parents’ place or even Damien’s.

Paddy and their dad were in the pool. Ezra sunned himself and Vaughan split his time between the kitchen and his backyard.

He’d wanted this for his family. A gesture to say thank you for the way they always supported him. He was out on tour for months at a time, but when he got back his parents had dealt with his mail and his mom kept his place aired out. They’d loved him through a lot of f*ckups, a lot of changes. That support had meant everything to him. And now Mary was making them a feast and it meant even more than having a random caterer do it, or to take them to a restaurant.

“This kitchen is pretty fabulous too.” She checked on the chicken, apparently satisfied. “I could have made something way more complicated than fried chicken, you know.”

“I do know. But your fried chicken is ridiculously good and I wanted my family to know that too.” And his mother would approve of something simple versus something really complicated. Oh sure, she’d appreciate the skill, but a good fried chicken would be something she could admire. Practical as well as tasty.

“Oooh, potato salad too?”

She grinned at him. “Vaughan mentioned that he loved it.”

His mother liked that answer; he could tell by the way she stood up a little straighter.

“You need another root beer?” she asked Mary.

“That’d hit the spot. Thank you.”

It wasn’t that no one ever drank around Ezra. They did from time to time. But drinking in the middle of the day wasn’t something he engaged in usually. Maybe at lunch he’d have some wine or whatever. But this was family time and root beer would be just fine with fried chicken.

“Damien, can you take the tomatoes out of the fridge please?”

He did, placing the platter next to her. He watched as she cut mozzarella into discs and slid them between the tomato slices. “Now I can use that balsamic you gave me.”

The smile she gave him shot straight to his toes. Weird that a gift of some old vinegar would do that, but when he’d given it to her she’d teared up a little. And that had meant he needed to kiss her a few times. And that had led to a fast, hard f*ck on his kitchen table.

He caught her eye and knew she’d been thinking of that too.

She drizzled the balsamic and olive oil over the tomatoes and cheese. “Thanks for the tomatoes, Sharon. They’re really lovely. Perfect for this cheese.”

“Glad they could be of use. I’ve canned a million of them this year it seems. But this last crop I figured could be put to good use.”

Mary dished some up. “Damien, can you hand this to your mom?”

His mother took a few bites. “I admit to you now that I was not convinced such a thing would taste good. I figured I’d take a bite and then find a way to dump the rest. But damn if I wasn’t wrong. This is delicious.”

Mary beamed at his mom. “Thank you. That’s a wonderful compliment. When the tomatoes are fresh it’s a million times better. I don’t make this during the rest of the year, only when I can get local tomatoes that are fresh off the vine. Once you taste them this way, you’re spoiled for life.”

Mary checked on the corn. “Nearly done. The salad is ready too.” She peeked in the oven. “Give the biscuits another two minutes. We’re nearly finished.”

“I’ll get everyone out of the pool and have Ezra and Vaughan set the table as they’re dry anyway.” His mother headed out.

Damien got close enough to risk a kiss. “Thank you for doing this. By the way, I think you’ve totally won my family over. They like you better than me.”

She laughed, her eyes dancing. “Yeah? I like them a lot too.”

“Let’s eat, Curly.”

“Sounds good.”

* * *

She paused in the doorway of his practice room at his house. He went inside, a sweet pride on his face. “Just a place to play. I have a studio space where we practice as a band up in the barn.”

Ha, the barn. The barn was a sophisticated, fully kitted-out studio and rehearsal space. The barn had been filled with Hurleys. Here? Well it was just the two of them. At last.

All day they’d been out with his brothers, riding ATVs. Visiting the orchards and the horses. They’d even taken a dip in Vaughan’s pool and had a barbecue. She’d wanted him a little bit more with each passing moment.

He was so . . . hot. He stood there in low slung jeans and a T-shirt, his tats showing. No shoes. Every inch the rock star. It made her sweat.

“I think you should play for me.”

He turned back, startled. “Me?’

“Yes. Just because I’m not a groupie doesn’t mean it doesn’t make me wet to watch you play.”

He gaped for a moment and then smiled slow and sexy. “Yeah?”

She nodded. “Oh. Yeah. When I told you I wanted to lick you I wasn’t lying. I would have if it hadn’t been in front of tens of thousands of people.”

He pulled his shirt off and she sighed happily.

“You’re going to give me a swelled head.”

She laughed. “I hope so. Come on. Show off for me.”

She settled on a pillow she tossed in a corner.

He grabbed his sticks and sat. And a change came over him, over his face. He was more than the guy who’d taken her out on the ATV earlier in the day. He was Damien Hurley. The Damien Hurley. She swallowed hard and watched.

He started out slow. Setting an easy beat. And then he added something. And another something. She recognized a few songs. It was so clear to anyone with eyes just how much he loved music. He lost himself in it, in all the different movements. His gaze sort of blurred as he went away while he played.

He got sweaty as he played and she got wet, just as she said she would. He was so . . . God, she wanted him right then and there. She stood, tossing her shirt to the side, and his sticks clattered as he dropped them, moving to her, his face still intent, only on her.

He grabbed her to him, skin to skin. The heat from his body enveloped her. He smelled good. Like hard work and exertion. She licked up his pecs, pausing to flick her tongue over the bar in his nipple. He groaned, pressing into her kiss.

Humming, he tunneled his fingers through her hair and tugged, exposing her throat. He kissed, breathing her in. She surged back, sliding a hand down the front of his pants to grab his cock.

“Goddamn.” He snarled, taking her to the floor.

She forgot that she had planned to take him once he’d started taking her first. His hands were everywhere as her clothes seemed to disappear right and left, leaving them both naked as the sun poured in through the high windows.

Bent over her body, he pressed a kiss to her chest, right between her breasts. His hair fell forward, brushing over her skin. She traced over his tattoos and down to tweak his nipples. Sensitive. He mimicked her movements and it was her turn to moan as he tugged and then pinched just right.

“I want to suck your cock,” she whispered in his ear, pushing him back, scrambling to her knees.

“F*ck,” he murmured as she kissed over his chest and made her way south. His cock was in her fist, his pulse throbbing against her palm.

She took her time. Wanting to taste him in her own way. He was greedy, she knew. As greedy as she was.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She licked over the head and crown, tasting the salt of his pre-come on his skin.

She liked this power, his cock in her hand, in her mouth. He watched her, his gaze on her like a caress. She took him as deeply as she could. Over and over. She ran her nails over his balls and just behind. He liked a little ass play, she knew, so she slid her middle finger back and forth across his a*shole as she sucked and licked his cock.

He often liked to come inside her. But she wanted this. Wanted to finish this way. She held tight, continuing to flutter her tongue just beneath the head where he liked it as he tried to move her.

“I want to f*ck you.”

“Time for that later. I want you to come in my mouth.”

He cursed, a snarl of a sound. She knew that got to him. His pupils seemed to swallow the color of his eyes as he watched. His fingers found her hair again and she moaned when his hold tightened.

He guided her. Clearly holding back.

“It’s okay,” she whispered against his cock. “I know you want to. I’ll let you know if it’s too much.”

He groaned again, but his grip tightened so that tears sprang to her eyes. But it wasn’t from pain. It was so good when he let go, his hands pushing and pulling as he f*cked her mouth.

Delicious. Dirty. He f*cked her mouth and didn’t apologize. Didn’t hold back. He took exactly what he needed. That she could satisfy that need did something to her. Set off little brush fires of desire over her skin.

She loved pleasing him. Loved making him groan and snarl.

He kept going. Over and over. She breathed through her nose, not wanting to pull back. She knew he was close. His balls drew tight against his body and finally he exploded, arching his back, his hands holding her still as he thrust.

And then she was on her back and he was kissing her hard.

“Where do you come from?” He kissed her ear, nibbling down the outer edge.

“Bainbridge Island,” she managed to stutter as he sucked her earlobe.

His laugh sent little puffs of air over her neck and ear, and shivers of delight outward from there.

“You do something to me, Curly. Leave me breathless.”

She smiled, holding his head.

He had this thing he did at the back of her jaw that sent liquid heat through her body. Made her rubbery and languid.

He did that for a while until she nearly came unhinged and he moved on. He paused, kissing each rib. Up one side and down the other. He kissed and nibbled underneath her breasts, teasing until she was ready to beg before he got to her nipples.

“Your mouth is—oh my god—perfect.”

He looked up her body and into her face, pausing. “No. You’re what’s perfect.” He kissed one nipple and then the other. “Every part of you.”

“Again with the perfect mouth.” She knew she blushed, but he made her so deliciously giddy.

He kissed down her belly, licking a line from her belly button to her * before he rolled onto his back. “On me, Curly. I want you on my face.”

She managed to fire her brain cells enough to move. To sit astride his body and move up as he moved down. The rug under her knees dug in, but in a good way.

This position was raw. There was no hiding this way. She had no time to be self-conscious. There was just the two of them. Damien and Mary in the late afternoon sunlight. His hands on her hips, holding her steady, his mouth on her p-ssy.

No shame. No hesitation or fear. Just want.

His hair was cool and smooth against the skin of her hands as she slid her fingers through it, tugging.

He moaned and it echoed through her.

She knew he’d leave marks where his fingertips dug into the muscles of her hips and ass. She knew it and it got her off. Knew she’d look at the bruises when she was back home and remember this exact moment when pleasure raced through her, hot and savage.

He edged her closer and closer, his mouth on her, all over her, his tongue and teeth sliding over the most sensitive parts of her until she began to unravel, unable to hold orgasm back another moment.

She came hard and fast, slumping over until he finally laid her back on the carpet where she could catch her breath.

And then he moved close, his fingers clasping hers, and the emotion welled up so great that she was glad she didn’t have to speak.

Lauren Dane's books