Lawyer Trap




When Teffinger got back to Davica’s house at four in the morning, she wasn’t home and hadn’t left a note. He called her cell phone and got no answer.


Maybe she’d gone to a girlfriend’s.

He brushed his teeth, took out his contacts, dropped onto the bed, and immediately fell asleep.

Then his cell phone woke him up.

Davica’s voice came though.



Talking a mile a minute.

Something about she’d been abducted.

Something about killing a man with a knife.

He got her calmed down enough to make sense. She was chained to a bed in a cabin in the mountains, but had no idea where it was. He threw on clothes, put his contacts back in and pointed the Tundra west.

On the way, he woke up Sydney and had her work with the cell phone company to pinpoint the location of the phone that Davica was calling from. Almost an hour later he pulled off Highway 119 onto a gravel road and took it west. In a mile it dead-ended at a cabin.

No lights were on inside.

A green VW Jetta sat out front.

He drew his weapon and approached.


Inside, he found Davica in a bedroom with an ankle chained to the bed frame, screaming for him to get her out of there. She was covered in blood. On the floor, next to the bed, lay a naked man with a knife in his back.

He looked like an Indian.

R. J. Jagger's books