Lawyer Trap




On Friday night Gretchen wanted to go out and get drunk, so Draven decided to take her to an old biker bar that he used to frequent in downtown Golden, up the street a block from Foss Drug. It turned out to still be a bar, but the ragged edge was gone.

Someone had civilized the place.


Nothing ever stayed the same anymore.

Still, it wasn’t bad, so they grabbed a booth, sat on the same side next to each other, and drank Jack while they talked about what life would be like in California.

A couple of women sat at the bar drinking Margaritas.

One of them looked familiar.

The Asian one.

The one with the designer glasses.

Outside lightning cracked and the sky dropped rain with a vengeance.

Gretchen reached under the table and rubbed Draven’s dick.

“I love the rain,” she said.

R. J. Jagger's books