Indelible Love - Emily's Story

“Where are we going with this basket?” What fun we would have today!

“Maybe you are not a part of the we. Didn’t you prefer Jane’s company last night? I’m taking someone else on a picnic today.” He smirked as I pouted. This had gone far enough. I turned the table on him and followed him around the marketplace but stopped talking.

He walked into a French-looking pastry shop, and bought two of every flavor of their Parisian macarons. How did he know macarons were my favorite dessert? We walked into the cheese shop for cheese, wine, and crackers; the salumeria for all things salty and pig; an oyster shop for clam chowder, mignonette, and hot sauce. He also bought caviar, foie gras pate, and we stood in the longest line I’d ever witnessed for coffee. I didn’t realize we were hosting a party today with all this food. What looked like a haphazard shopping trip translated into a wonderful picnic lunch. With a satisfied look, he led me back to the apartment, not noticing that I hadn’t said a word the entire time. How was I going to stay mad when he picked out only my favorites? His attentiveness might have saved him this time.

When we got back, Jane was grazing on everything we had brought back from our bike ride.

“Why did you guys ride this far? You could’ve just gone across the street.”

“I don’t know. Ask your brother.” I pretended to sound angry and headed into Jane’s room to take a shower.

Jake ran in behind me as I struggled to curb my giggle. He grabbed my hand and stopped me right before I shut the bathroom door on him. I tried my best to put on an angry face.

“Emily…” He dragged my name again. “Are you mad?”


“Sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He tried to kiss me, but I purposely moved away and startled him. He never liked it when I turned away his embrace.

“Jake,” I paused momentarily to swallow the guffaw that screamed to be let out. “I can’t be in this relationship with you if you continue to stay angry at me for not having sex with you. Here, let me give you back this ring.” I fumbled at the necklace, hoping that he would stop me before I unclasped it.

Locking my hands behind my back, he brought his lips hard on mine and left me gasping for air. If he knew only in the slightest how much I wanted him, there would be no apology necessary.

“OK, I’m sorry. I won’t be upset anymore.” His lips came down on mine a few more times. “But I’m still going to try to get you in bed every chance I get.”

“I’d be worried if you didn’t.”

Jake was finishing our basket when I came out ready for the rest of our day.

“Jane, you’re joining us, right?”

“No,” both Reid siblings answered at the same time. Jane looked offended that Jake had decided for her, even though she gave me the same answer.

“My old roommate, Allison, is coming over and we’re going out for lunch.”

“Allison?” Jake had a peculiar look on his face. “What’s she doing in town, and why’s she coming over all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know. I was going to ask you the same question. She called out of the blue, asked me where you were, and when I told her you were here, she insisted on coming over right away.” Within seconds, Jane shook her head. “Oh, my gosh. You didn’t finally succumb to her wiles, did you? Jake! Did you two date? Did you sleep with her? You’re such an idiot! No wonder she kept asking about you.”

“Who’s Allison?” I asked.

Jake ignored both of us and hurried me out the door. Of course his past was not so kind, and Allison—tall, thin, and gorgeous—came running toward Jake wrapping her arms ever so longingly around my boyfriend’s neck.

“Jake! I’m so happy to see you.” I let go of Jake’s hand so he could greet his whomever she is or was.

“Uh, hi, Allison.” At this point this woman had the gall to not only hug my boyfriend, but kiss him on the lips. I was floored, Jake looked appalled, and Jane gasped, horrified. Jake quickly pushed her aside and tried to grab my hands again but I didn’t give him the pleasure.

“Hello,” Allison turned her hand out to me. “I’m Allison, Jake’s friend.” She giggled.


“Nice to meet you. I’m Emily, Jake’s girlfriend,” I answered as sweetly as possible. Take that! As annoyed as I was with this woman, it didn’t rival Jake’s terrified look as he kept searching for my perturbed expression.

“Jake. I rushed over here because I need to talk to you. Can you spare a few minutes for an old flame?”

At this point, I felt bad for Jake more than anything else. I decided to bow out and let them finish their conversation.

“I’ll see you at the car,” I whispered to Jake. “Jane, will I see you before I leave tonight?”

DW Cee's books