Indelible Love - Emily's Story

“So, where are we going? You promised to tell me,” I whined.

Jake grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in to him. “Where have all the kisses gone?” he asked while practicing the same moves I played on him in the car. Heading into terminal three bound for San Francisco, he didn’t have to answer after all.

As soon as we got on the plane, a nervous thought ran through my mind. “You don’t have to go in to work today, do you? They can’t make you come back from San Francisco, or worse yet, find you an operation to perform up in San Francisco?”

This time, Jake shook his head and laughed. “Does my job make you that nervous?”

“Yup. I think I’m going to reconsider dating a doctor—or at least I’m going to date a doctor who doesn’t ever have any emergencies.” I peeked over to see his expression. It didn’t change.

“Yeah? What kind of doctor would that be?”

“Maybe a dermatologist or perhaps a podiatrist.” I knew this would bother Jake, as a podiatrist was vying for my attention when Jake and I started dating.

“Trust me, after today, you’re not going anywhere from me.”

“Very confident there, Dr. Reid. We’ll see about that.”

At SFO, Jake rented a car and we headed north. In a little over an hour, breathtaking scenery filled with rows and rows of grapevines came into view. Our final destination—Napa Valley. Though the calendar read December, Mother Nature still boasted fall with trees full of leaves in gorgeous hues of oranges, reds, golden yellows, and greens. Quaint wineries resembled Hansel and Gretel cottages, and the CIA building looked like the Greystone Mansion. Every building looked inviting.

“Wine country reminds me of Tuscany, only flatter.” My thoughts rambled out loud.

“Have you been to Tuscany?”

“Yeah…it was the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited. I want to go back and hear Andrea Bocelli sing in some open meadow.” Feeling so at ease, I rattled off one of my dreams. I looked out the window and fantasized being in such a place with Jake—traveling together…possibly growing old together.

“A kiss for your thoughts?” Jake woke me up from my reverie.

I waited.

“Well?” An uneasy smile tugged at his lips.

“Where’s the promised kiss?”

He lifted our interlocking hands and brought them to his lips.

“I was admiring all the unique architecture.” Not confident enough to describe my fantasy, I stated a blasé fact.

“That’s it?”

“My answer was about as exciting as that kiss you just gave me.” I hid my smile by facing the scenery through the passenger window.

Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me and gave me a full-blown kiss with his eyes on the road. The car swerved a bit. It took me awhile to regain the composure I’d lost after that embrace.

“Well? Shouldn’t that kiss elicit a better answer?”

I had to laugh. “I thought it would be nice to go back to Tuscany…” I would see what he’d try next in order to get the rest of my answer.

The next kiss I got off the side of the road was too indecent to put into words. My cheeks stayed blushed for a long while after the kiss was done.

“…with you when I’m old and gray…” Leaving everything hanging, I didn’t dare look him in the eye for a while.

The smug look on Jake’s face made me uncomfortable, so I changed the subject. “It’s so beautiful up here. Are we spending the whole day here?”

“Would you like to?” he asked with a smile.

“Sure. But I don’t really care where as long as we’re together.” This statement erased the insecure look Jake had been wearing since he saw Max appear from my guest bedroom. I took advantage of the stop light and leaned over to return the kiss he bestowed on me just a few minutes ago. “I’m really happy to be here with you,” I whispered. A myriad of honking car horns broke our embrace reprimanding us to keep driving.

Our lips unwillingly parted.

Jake eventually parked the car on the side of a beautiful two-story house. I knew exactly where we were.

We were at one of the world’s greatest, three Michelin-starred restaurants!

“How did you get us a table here on such short notice?”

“You know where we are?” he asked without a hint of surprise. “I had to pull favors from a few people last night. I didn’t know till we landed in SFO that we’d gotten a reservation,” he explained as we got seated right away.

My dream restaurant sat on a gracious piece of land. What looked to be a two-story brick house was comprised of offices on the second level and the restaurant on the bottom. There was a small courtyard and an organic garden, which most likely supplied all their greens. It was visually stunning. I assumed it would be no less than a sensory treat for the palate.

“How did you know this was my dream restaurant destination? I can’t believe we’re here! Thank you, Jake.”

DW Cee's books