
“I thought you were going to Callum’s?”

“I was but they were having a big family meal and I felt a bit weird staying, you know? His mum said I could but it felt wrong.”

“I know what you’re saying but I think she meant it. Seriously, she treats you better than Callum!” I am grateful for how much Callum’s family do for Josh: take him on holidays, let him stay over, even asking teachers about him at school parents’ evenings and then filling me in afterwards. Like Flynn’s parents have done for me, they have given him a sense of what family means.

“Yeah, but that’s why I don’t want to take the piss. Anyway, how was your night? Back in the land of love, are we?” The smoochy, kissy face he pulls is enough justification for another punch on the leg. “Oww!”

“So, how much did Grace tell you then?”

“Just that you fucked up and Neve is giving you a second chance.”

“Well, that’s all you need to know, baby bro. But, yes, all is good again. Thanks for asking. Now, let’s get some sleep.” I chuck a pillow at his head and move over to my own bed.

I fall asleep quickly, my brain freed from the torment which has become part of my bedtime routine over the last few weeks.

I dream of Neve.

I dream of us.

I dream of the future.

Any worries I have that Neve’s parents will be annoyed with me are soon dismissed when I get to their house. Flynn lets me in and Neve and her parents are already sat in the kitchen, eating breakfast and reading the newspapers, like they’re an advert for the perfect family. I can’t stop myself thinking back to the carnage in my kitchen which had stopped me attempting anything more than a glass of water before coming out.

“Hi, Jake. Fancy a bacon sandwich? I’ve got more under the grill and I don’t think Flynn will manage it all by himself!” Siobhan’s smile seems genuine enough and I start to relax.

“That would be great. Thank you.” I look across at Neve, who stands and yawns, arms stretching above her head. I squirm and try my damnedest not to look at the way her strappy top clings and moves with her.

She walks up to me and plants a kiss on my mouth. The smell of her hair and the momentary feel of her pressed against me is enough to turn me on and I have no choice but to sit on a stool, trying desperately to hide the fact that I have a hard-on in the presence of her brother and parents. She winks, knowing full well the effect she has had on me.

“I’m just going to get changed. Back in a mo!” She blows me a kiss and leaves the room. God, I love her, even if she does drive me the right type of crazy.

By the time Siobhan has put a plate piled with thick bacon sandwiches and a mug of tea in front of me, Neve is back and pulls up a stool next to me.

“What time are we leaving, Dad?”

“About two. I want to be back by nine.”

“Okay. We’ll be here by one so I can pack. That will give us enough time.” I have no idea what her plan is, but she clearly has one and I’m happy to go along with it, as long as I’m with her.

Once my plate is cleared, she tugs at my hand and says goodbye to her family. I’m in the van and pulling away from her house before I realise what’s happening. Or where I’m supposed to be going.

“I know I’m a man of many talents but telepathy isn’t one of them. You’re going to have to tell me the plan, Myrtle,” I say, taking her hand in mine to move the gearstick.

“I want to go to the gardens you’ve been working on.” Her answer surprises me as I expected her to want to go somewhere private, especially after her impatience to get back in my pants yesterday.

“Really? That’s how you want to spend our morning?”

“Well, not the whole morning, obviously, but part of it, yes. I want to see what you’ve done while I’ve been… away.” Her voice shakes on the last word and I am reminded of how much we have to recover from. I can’t deny her anything at this moment. Whatever she wants, I will give her.

Knowing the perfect place to start, we pull up outside Mrs Jones’s house a few minutes later.

“Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.” I get out of the van and hold her door open.


“Just another woman in my life.” I add a wink before she can worry and lead her up the path. Within seconds of me ringing the bell, the door opens and Mrs Jones greets us with the widest smile.

“Oh, Jake. How lovely to see you.”

“Hello, Mrs Jones. I just thought I’d drop by and see how the garden is.”

“It’s just dandy. Do you want to take a look?” I’d hoped she would say this.

“Yes please. This is Neve, my girlfriend.” I savour being able to say it, biting my tongue to stop myself repeating it over and over. My girlfriend.

“So, you’re the lucky young lady then? You’ve got yourself a keeper here. Such a lovely young man.” I blush as we follow her through to the back door.

Nicola Hudson's books