Finding Faith (Angels of Fire)

Finding Faith (Angels of Fire) - By Ysabel Wilde

Being this is my very first novel it goes out to several people. The first is to the John in my life, my husband. When he’s not working putting himself out there to help others, he has to listen to the incessant clicking of keys next to his resting head into the early morning hours. He does it with only a minimum of grumbles and I love him for it.

Staci, you refuse to read the book because erotica embarrasses you, yet you still encourage me as you laugh. Joy, you have been one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders. Every time you told me what part you were at and what was your favorite scene I would smile. Words can’t express how thankful I am to have been friends with both of you for so long.

Kim, my editor, I don’t know how you still have all your hair after all the fixes you had to make. Even though this isn’t your genre of choice, I’m happy you still enjoyed it.

Finally, this goes out to a very special group of ladies in my life, my book club. Not just any book club, a special one that only those in it are lucky enough to understand. We bonded over one book in a forum and it’s been us ever since. Each of you brings something special to our group and to me.

Sabine, you’re always quick to tell me to knock it off, which I need. You say you’re not nice, but I know different.

Karleigh, I love our conversations when you ask me if we’re talking about John and Faith like they’re real. I say yes and we keep going.

Diana, you are so full of energy I can feel it through my screen, and you’re always ready to point out things to get me ahead and help me.

Fiona, I love when you’re saying good morning to me from Ireland when I haven’t been to bed yet, and when you interpret phrases for us.

Stacie you are last, but certainly not least. You are optimistic, feisty, and a no nonsense kind of girl like myself. Keep the wine flowing for me.

The feedback and encouragement you girls have given me is worth its weight in gold. I owe all of you the most thanks for telling me I could do this. Without every single one of you this wouldn’t be happening.

“I have to do it, Hope. I can’t stay here anymore,” Faith spoke gently as if her sister was a fragile piece of glass ready to break from a strong wind. She leaned over and wiped a stray tear from her small shadow’s red-rimmed eye.

Both girls sat cross-legged on her white eyelet covered bed in the childhood bedroom Faith shared with her sister Joy. Faith soaked up every last detail of the room, burning it into her memory, knowing this was the last time she would see it.

She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. The smell of summer flowers swirled in the air, instantly calming her. Faith always felt happier in the summer so she tried to keep it going throughout the year, filling her room with blooms even in the dead of winter. With a few more deep breaths, she let the scent fill her head, allowing it to plant a seed of possibilities instead of regrets.

Her younger sister, Hope, sat curled up with eyes so red and swollen they had become slits. They were usually wide and sweet, but only able to gape across the suitcase now. Faith knew Hope was holding back her own emotions, not wanting to upset Faith about how she felt about the choice. Hope was still making small gasping sounds, trying to hold in her heartache as her chest shuddered with the chore. Faith felt guilty for being the cause of her sister’s pain and she didn’t want to leave Hope with that as her last feeling of the sister that promised to always be there for her and lied.

Both girls were surrounded by white floral print wallpaper that Faith and Joy had picked out with their dad for a birthday too many years ago to remember which, a happier time in Faith’s life. She wished she could still be that naïve little girl with only thoughts of fairy tales.

Faith’s other sister, Joy, refused to sit and watch what was happening and would only come into the room to get something, adamant on not looking in the direction of the scene that was unfolding between her other two siblings.

The visits Joy made to find random objects were getting more frequent. She would stand at their dresser, scanning the space for nothing in particular.

Faith asked, “Is this how we’re going to leave things, Joy? It’s not you I have the problem with.”

A sigh came from deep in her chest as she let her shoulders slump forward, letting the strain reveal itself for the first time.

“Whatever, Faith, you’re a big girl now. You can do whatever you want,” Joy snapped, her chin jutting out in anger.

Hope could only watch. If she tried to speak nothing would come out, and her older sisters wouldn’t listen to her anyway. Faith had been fighting with her mom for so long now that Hope knew this was a long time coming.

“I just think it’s pretty lousy that you’re not going to tell John about what you’re doing. Mom I get, you’re pissed at her. But, John? What did he do to deserve this?” Joy shook her head in obvious disgust at her sister.

“He’ll get over me. He’s been siding with her,” Faith said, turning her eyes away from the mirror image of herself.

They had never been apart, not even for a day. Knowing it would be a long time until she would see the same long, black hair styled exactly like hers, crystal blue eyes that could read the other’s thoughts, and lips that looked like they were constantly pouting made her stomach churn.

Joy’s eyes were frantically darting around the dresser, hoping something would appear for her to grab so she could dash out like a scared rabbit.

“That’s because he loves you, Faith. He wants you to stay like we do. That’s the only reason he’s taking her side,” Joy replied as she kept scanning the nearly bare dresser for something, anything that would let her leave the discussion she didn’t want to have.

Faith knew her twin was close to breaking.

Sliding off the bed, Faith dipped around Joy to grab some tops out of a drawer that Joy was standing in front of. Not that she was planning on taking the tops, she was going to start fresh in every aspect, but it was an excuse to get closer to her sister.

With a free hand, Faith turned her sister to face her. Joy’s body spun, but she refused to turn her face away from the dresser.

A sniffle came out of Joy, who was older by five minutes, but by the way she acted you would think five years.

With the same hand Faith had turned her with, she turned Joy’s face and saw the tears welling up in her sister’s eyes. Faith discarded the tops to the ground and replaced them with her sister and said to both girls, “I’m not leaving you guys. Believe me, its better this way.”

As she strangled Joy with a hug, Faith made eye contact with Hope, who was still on the bed with tears streaming down her cheeks, her chest heaving to the point that Faith thought she was going to hyperventilate.

As tears flowed freely now from the other girls in the room, drowning Faith in their sorrow, she felt the need to explain for what seemed the thousandth time.

“I can’t stand the suffocation anymore. She won’t let us live our own lives. Any decision I make is wrong. You’re the good one. I’ve always come in second in her mind.”

Her tone was laced with misery and her eyes solidified that feeling. The shine that usually sparkled freely in crystal blue pools was dulled with her reality.

Faith didn’t want to tell her sisters the real reason. All she could hope was that her moving out would make her mom get her act together. The only solace Faith had was knowing her sisters were old enough to take care of themselves, if need be, and would soon follow behind her.

“Can’t you wait for me? That was always our plan. We were all going to live together when we were able to. The Three Musketeers, remember?” A shadow of a smile crept onto Joy’s face at the memory.

“No, you’ll have to meet me,” replied Faith, shaking her head emphatically. “I’ll make sure I get us a nice place and when you’re done with school you can come. You have to finish. Promise me!”

Faith’s phone beeped before Joy could answer her.

“Listen, I’m sure that’s John. I was supposed to meet him fifteen minutes ago. You know how he worries about me.”

“What are you going to tell him?” Hope managed to squeak out with a trembling voice.

“I don’t know yet. I’ll have to figure it out as I go. He doesn’t plan to leave this place anyway. He’s even told me he’s going to work with his dad on their farm, so it’s got to end,” Faith said, sucking in a deep breath to keep from cracking.

Finding her way to a tattered wooden bookcase, she took the two books she knew would give her solace, reminding her of the people she loved the most in her life. Once she tucked the book about small women and another about a knight into a beat-up brown suitcase she was sure wouldn’t be missed, she walked out the door.

Seven years later...

The stench of alcohol from drunks mixed with the lemon scented odor from the antiseptic cleaner of the hospital was giving me a headache.

I was leaning across a counter with my head buried in my folded arms.

“I swear to God, Grace, if I have to help one more boozer up off our table tonight I’m going to scream, and when you get off shift you’ll be visiting me down in psych.”

I picked my head up long enough to shoot daggers from my clear blue eyes into the back of my best friend’s head, as if the way the night was turning out was her fault.

Grace trotted over to the film processor, trading a can of the sour disinfectant spray she’d used to try to rid the stink of a truck driver’s smelly feet for her films.

She looked more like a beach bunny from California with her blonde hair, tan skin, big boobs and never-ending legs than an X-ray tech from a broken home in Detroit.

“Hey, I’m not telling them to pinch your ass every time you turn around. Can I help it if they think it’s cute? Take it up with them, don’t go yelling at me,” Grace said holding her hands up defensively, still focused on the X-ray she was checking.

Grace knew what look she was getting from me and could only chuckle. We had instantly become friends the first night I started working with her, bonding over our horrible family lives.

Still ignoring the glares, Grace said, “Guess I’ll go wipe down the table before the ER brings over our next patient.”

Once she got all the way into the adjoining room to make sure she was a safe distance away, she added, “It was a bar fight and he lost. They want to see how mangled his face is. It was over a girl.”

I could hear the smile in Grace’s voice from the last bit of information she shared, knowing what kind of reaction it would elicit from me.

Without fail the mumbling of curse words floated from where I stood in our work area, causing a chuckle to float from Grace in the adjoining room.

It was nights like tonight that I regretted leaving my pleasant, quiet town in Iowa to come to a big city like Chicago. I had felt so unwanted by my parents, mainly my mother. I blamed my father by association. I had to get out. A person can only handle so much.

The animosity had gotten so bad with my mother I had started to feel like everyone was against me, including my longtime boyfriend. It was like there was a Faith-doesn’t-know-shit club and everyone was quickly becoming part of it. Of course there was no real club, I had only created it in my head. People told me I couldn’t leave, that I would regret it. Namely, my sisters and boyfriend.

Instead of living with a blind eye to my mother and going with the most likely option, I tried to prove a point. With no warning, I packed a bag and moved away from everything and everyone I loved to reinvent myself. My sisters were the only ones who knew the night I left that I wouldn’t be back.

I have days that I wonder how my life would have turned out if I’d stayed and dealt with the issues. They’re very rare, but they do happen. I question whether the plans I had made with my sisters would have actually happened? Would we have stayed close? I guess now we’ll never know.

The days I think about my life with my ex-boyfriend aren’t as rare, unfortunately. What would my life have been like if I had married him? Not that he asked, but we were serious, and the idea popped into my head more than once. What girl doesn’t think about it? Unbeknownst to him, what was supposed to just be a romantic night turned out to be our last one together. We had the most amazing sex, and that was exactly how I always wanted to remember him, my knight.

For the most part, I was happy with the new life I had created, but I always had a nagging feeling in my stomach that seemed to be growing bigger as the days passed.

Under circumstances that had been swirling around me as of late, tonight was one of many nights that I wished I could go back in time. Maybe if I had put myself in my sisters’ shoes, then I’d still have them in my life now.

A sudden shiver ran from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, reminding me that getting my old life back wasn’t an option, and I quickly dismissed the thought like I had so many other times before.

Glancing up I saw a chilling reminder. I was confronted with the dark, menacing stare of the one other person in my life who could make me feel like nothing but a piece of trash. Dr. Brad Price was tall, lean, all muscle and my most recent ex-boyfriend. His short, messy hair was as dark as midnight, with eyes that matched. A thin, sharp nose and a jaw that could cut glass helped define everything. His features were set against smooth, pale skin, making women’s heads turn because of the stark contrast.

We stood in silence staring at one another. If my feet weren’t glued to the ancient floor in fear I would have run. He always had that effect on me when he gave that look. His anger usually resulted from not getting what he wanted. While together I tried my damnedest to stay as far away from that emotion as possible.

“Aren’t you going to say hi?” Brad asked, his eyes penetrating me.

Running my tongue over dry teeth chattering behind my lips I squeaked out, “What do you want?” I could hear how pathetic I sounded.

Brad stepped up, taking a piece of hair that had fallen out of my pony and tucking it behind my ear. “What are you going to tell them?” he asked gently, but his eyes were burning into my face while he waited for my response.

“I don’t know, Brad,” I said, staring off to the far corner of the room. Where the hell was Grace when I needed her?

A quick, sinister laugh slipped out between Brad’s curled lips when he said, “Faith, you know what you’re going to say. Everyone already thinks you did it. Who knows, maybe I’ll even be willing to take you back when it is all over.”

I couldn’t respond because my tongue had joined my feet.

“If you had listened to me in the first place you wouldn’t even be in this mess,” he continued casually. “That was always your problem, questioning everything. Is it my fault everybody who works here can see you for what you are?”

Yes, it was. He started the nasty rumors, and being who he is around here the wagon filled up fast.

Tears burned my eyes as they welled up, fighting to come out. How much more of this was I going to have to endure? Surely, I’d end up in a corner if he continued. My hands began to tremble, and I stuck them in my pockets to hide the reaction. But he didn’t miss a thing. His black eyes gleamed, causing me to brace myself for what would come next.

Before I could bring myself down anymore, Grace reappeared in the doorway with a tall, lanky officer at her side. His duty belt hung heavy around his slim waist, looking like it would pull him down if one more bullet was stored inside.

The disheveled dishwater blonde hair complemented his washed out green eyes, giving the impression that he had just woken up instead of having been working most of the night. His baby face was one any mom would trust, and any woman would want to pinch.

Their heads whipped between Brad and me before Grace said in an acid tone, “Can I help you, Doctor?” Her eyes becoming slits as she watched us with suspicion.

With his eyes locked on me Brad said, “No thank you, Grace.” Breaking our connection he turned to Grace and Mike with a sweet smile on his face and finished, “I need to get back to taking care of the patients.”

He tossed a casual wave in their direction while sauntering out of the department as if he’d just come in to give a friendly hello.

Once Brad was out of view two pairs of concerned eyes were on me, waiting for the breakdown I fought with every fiber to hold back. I would not let them feel bad for me.

If I didn’t get my mind off of what happened I would become a worthless shell of a human and I couldn’t do that to Grace.

A slow smile crept onto my lips at the sight of the concerned man before me. “Hey, Mike. You must be the lucky guy taking care of the facial bones, huh?”

Initially, the sight of a patient sitting on my table in cuffs while the officer stood next to me with a loaded gun rattled me, but it was done so frequently I was now accustomed to it.

Some of those officers had even become some of my best friends. Mike was one of them.

Mike put a hand on his belt, pushing it down further, and moseyed over to the control panel where I stood.

As I turned dials that looked like ones on a washing machine, he widened his stance next to me, making sure he could see the delinquent through the window, before getting comfortable and leaning against the wall behind me.

A slurred shout from the X-ray room about “where’d that starving pig go?” rang out.

With a roll of his eyes, Mike said, “What gave it away?” Mike always tried to act tough and in charge like Bruce Willis in “Die Hard,” but came off as Barney Fife instead, to me anyway.

Grace was a different story. She became a stuttering mess when he around. It was obvious how much she was attracted to him, even if she wouldn’t admit it openly.

“I see Dickhead is working tonight,” Mike spit out, not even entertaining the rants that were coming from the drunk in the other room. If the guy made a wrong move, Mike would be on him before the loser could blink.

Because of recent events, Brad gained the loving nickname Dickhead from Mike and Grace.

With my eyes trained on the man in the other room, I groaned, “Yep. He just came in to say hello in his oh-so-nice way.”

I stopped talking long enough to time the picture I was taking between the drunk’s garbled curses. Even with the criminal’s face pressed up against a cold slab it didn’t deter him from being belligerent. If anything it made him swear more.

“I don’t know what I ever saw in that man to begin with. Can you just shoot me now to get me out of this nightmare?”

I sulked into the patient’s room to make adjustments before Mike could answer.

When I reappeared Grace was leaning along the wall next to Mike. Her hands were tucked behind her back that was arched like a bridge, pushing her breasts out even farther than they already stuck out.

If I knew Grace, that was probably for two reasons. First, to control the urge to attack Mike, and second, to show off her assets.

“Don’t let Brad get to you, Faith. The truth will come out. You’ve been here so long everyone knows you. His story doesn’t even make sense. Why don’t we go out? It might help you get that shit off your mind for a while,” Grace said, coming to where I stood and gently rubbing my back for reassurance.

At a feeble attempt to change the subject I asked, “So, who brought Mr. Lush in?”

Mike was taking care of this guy once he got checked out, but the firefighters had brought him in.

“George and a new guy, John, were the lucky winners tonight.” Mike peered over at Grace who was wrinkling her nose at the mention of George.

Not wanting to get started down that road, Mike changed the subject back.

“Yeah, we all know Dickhead's a snake. Don’t worry about what people think about you, Faith, you’re golden. A bunch of us are meeting at Halligan tomorrow. It would be great if you two could come.”

Mike’s eyes volleyed between the two of us, hanging on Grace, whose wrinkles had smoothed out with his stare. Grace’s eyes lit up to the invitation and Mike’s shoulders relaxed in response.

The second I saw their responses I was left with no choice but to say yes. How could I deny Grace? I wasn’t the only one dealing with an ex, and denying Grace a chance to hang out with her secret crush, even if I had no desire to be around people, would be heartless. Grace would never go if I didn’t tag along. We did everything together. We had grown more into sisters than friends, and more than ever Grace felt a need to protect me.

“Come on, Faith, what are you going to do? Go home and curl up in bed alone? Why not find someone to curl up next to and take your mind off of stuff for at least one night.” Grace was biting the corner of her lip in anticipation. If I waited too long she would need stitches.

“I even know a few guys who would be more than happy to help you with that if you want,” Mike said, raising an eyebrow mischievously.

Grace dropped her jaw in lieu of chewing her lip and gave Mike a smack in the gut.

Even though my friends tried soothing my concerns, I couldn’t shake the feeling that coworkers thought of me as a druggie and a thief. It didn’t help that Brad was telling everyone who would listen that I was exactly both of those things.

For Grace to suggest a one-night stand was insulting. I had never slept around, and didn’t intend to start now. What was Grace even thinking? That was easy to answer looking at the girl. She wasn’t. She was drooling over Mike. If he stayed any longer I would have to get a mop and bucket to dry up the floor underneath her.

The two conspirators got an annoyed look from me as I stepped into the opening of a black upright cylinder, spinning it shut in silence. Like a magic trick, when the door opened up to them again I was gone.

Mike could be heard saying, “That’s the coolest thing ever! It reminds me of something you’d see on a Star Trek show. I never get tired of seeing it.”

His childish amusement made me smirk. I let out a gush of air that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding until I was away from their interrogating eyes.

The room I transported into welcomed me with a low orange glow cocooning me with a sense of protection. Even if for only a few minutes I would soak up the calm. While in the closet-sized room, I thought how thankful I was that the hospital was horrible with budgets, keeping them in the archaic age. If they had gone digital, this room would become obsolete, taking away this little haven I ran to whenever I needed to escape while working.

When I emerged from my hideout, Grace and Mike were both still leaning against the wall in front of the black roll door. Their bodies were facing each other while their eyes watched me come out of the tall cylinder. Their arms crossed in front of them now, looking like they were waiting for a bus to pull up. First stop, the loony bin. Everyone whose life is in the shitter, please step up.

Not making eye contact with either one, I walked past them in the direction of the X-ray room. The two immediately started trailing behind me in silent anticipation.

Abruptly stopping before entering the perp’s room, I whipped around and said with a resigned breath, “Fine, but not a word about my situation. I don’t want it to turn into a night of bashing the creep, or worse, a pity party for me.”

I gritted the last part out through clenched teeth, pointing a finger in both of their faces. “Especially Luke and George. Warn them ahead of time that I don’t want any of their usual come-ons,” I said.

“Deal.” Mike grabbed the hand I was pointing with to shake on it. That word let me relax my jaw. Then Mike added, “This works out perfectly. I want you to meet the new guy who works with them. I think you’d be great together.”

He glided past me, pulling the drunk off the table by his cuffs and continuing toward the door. “We call him Killer because the ladies can’t get enough of him,” he finished, ignoring the man who was wiggling around like a worm on a hook.

Mike was halfway out of the room when the drunk turned to me, giving me a look from head to toe. Through foggy eyes he responded with what sounded like “I’ll be your killer,” flashing a bloody, toothless grin and a swag of his eyebrows.

The bloody come-on made me grab at my stomach that had begun to heave, causing me to instantly regret agreeing to go out. And to be purposely introduced to a guy nicknamed Killer even more so.

Mike was already halfway down the hall when I yelled, “My warning goes for killers too, Mike. I mean it!” The attraction I had to bad boys was how I had gotten into trouble with Brad in the first place.

The guys gave me the nickname Killer, as in Lady Killer, and they couldn’t have been further from the truth. The only thing I wanted to kill nowadays were spiders. How in the world had I ended up here?

One minute I was outside, the next I was following Mike through a throng of people in the minuscule bar on one of the busiest nights of the year, Thanksgiving Eve.

It had been six years since I’d set foot inside a bar, and I didn’t miss it one bit. The guys from the department had given me such a rash of shit the day before about not hanging out that I felt I had no choice. Even if it was only once to shut them up, I still didn’t like it. I promised myself that I would only stay five minutes, long enough to get the guys off my back.

Before I had been found by Mike, I was deciding whether I should go in or not. People shuffled around me in a hurry as if I didn’t exist, which is how I felt most days. The chill in the air was making my face numb, but I didn’t care. The decision I was trying to make was weighing heavy on me. The last thing I should be doing was going out to bars. I had no desire to date, no urge to socialize outside of work.

I had gone out of control for a couple of years, sleeping with random women and drinking practically every night of the week into oblivion. I didn’t think it mattered back then. No one cared about me, so why not live up to that.

Then my younger sister Sarah started to emulate my habits. Our oldest brother Steve was no help, pretending that everyone was fine.

When I saw what Sarah was doing, it hit me like a slap in the face and I knew I had to stop. The partying and night life quickly worked its way out of my system and had been replaced with taking care of my baby sister.

If I left before someone I knew saw me I’d be off Scot-free and could make up an excuse later, deciding I’d rather take the jabs at work than go in.

Finally, committing to my change of heart and feeling a huge sense of relief, I spun on my heel to make a quick get away. Instead, I ran right into a goofy smile.

Damn, Mike.

Faded green eyes sparkling with kindness from Mike’s boyish face reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t place who.

“Hey, Killer, great timing. Let’s go in and find everybody,” Mike said enthusiastically, wrapping his slim arm around my shoulder. “Wait until you meet the girls I invited to come hang out with us. They’re some real hotties.”

If Mike wasn’t such a likeable guy I would have told him to get lost. Unfortunately, I couldn’t let myself do it. We had met on one of the first calls I had been on. Mike was at the scene and one of the few who had gone out of his way to make me feel welcome. Oblivious to my hesitancy, Mike kept urging me further inside the sardine can until he took over the lead.

The impression I got from Mike wasn’t exactly screaming womanizer. For all I knew, these hotties were only pretty after some well-placed beer goggles that I had no intentions of putting on tonight.

We shimmied through the crowd of strangers. The smell of beer hung like a blanket in the air, giving me a headache without even having the fun of drinking one. We kept walking, making me think we were going to keep heading out the back door, which would have been fine by me.

Mike had been shouting over his shoulder the entire time, but over the music and the voices I wasn’t able to hear what he was saying. I followed without answering, nodding my head in agreement occasionally, pretending I knew what he was talking about. I was too busy concentrating on pulling my feet off of the sticky stone floor without losing a tennis shoe to bother listening to Mike blab.

In the dark bar I caught the top of Mike’s head swerve off to the left toward a corner and through another doorway. The neon sign that hung above the doorway flashed a picture of a pool table; I figured we must be getting close.

We had walked through the entire expanse of the place and I still hadn’t seen anyone I recognized. When I crossed the threshold a quiet tingle started running up from my toes into my legs, becoming more noticeable as I made my way into the room. They felt like they were asleep but on the verge of waking up. The closer Mike and I got to one corner, the stronger the strange feeling started to hit me.

I was vaguely aware that I acknowledged some of the guys from the department, but with no more than a one word remark or a nod as I kept going.

The guys I worked with on shift were all huddled together. Everything around me felt like a fog. All the voices that were aimed at me were bouncing off like I was wearing armor.

I wasn’t able to shake the feeling that this was a dream. With each step I took closer to the tables, the more enthralled I became. Not only did the sensation get stronger in my lower half like an electric shock, but it now started in my chest and was working its way down both arms. For a second, I thought I might be having a heart attack.

A sudden flushed sense of relief was immediately followed by terror when the sensations created a bulge in my pants, instantly making them a size smaller.

It had come out of nowhere. I hadn’t had that happen to me since my ex-girlfriend. I never thought I’d feel like that again. A brief wave of aching flowed through me, making me realize how much I’d missed that feeling.

I tried to adjust my pants to accommodate the strain that was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. What I didn’t understand was I still hadn’t seen the reason for the reaction.

Like a hawk looking for a mouse, I scanned the room for the explanation of the sensation, ignoring everything else around me.

Mike halted abruptly, causing me to run into him. I had completely forgotten about him. After I regained my balance I saw her. Well, the back of her. My already hard cock became stone just from the view I had from behind.

While I inconspicuously pulled at my jeans to try to relieve the discomfort, I soaked up the mystery woman.

She was wearing a burgundy scrub shirt and black scrub pants. So she worked at the hospital. She must be a nurse. I would let her give me a sponge bath anytime.

God, I couldn’t believe I was thinking like that already. I hadn’t even seen her from the front, much less met her, and that’s where my head had gone. I knew it had been a long time since I’d had sex, but this was ridiculous. No matter how hard I tried to look away I couldn’t pull my eyes off her. The harsh colors of her clothes accentuated her creamy pale skin that I wanted to lap up like milk.

My eyes became greedy after my first assessment. Slowly trailing up her soft, delicate arm, my attention was drawn to her hair. Her deep amber hair was straight and long. Even while pulled back into a pony tail it hit just past her shoulders.

The image of me ripping the hair tie out and letting that silk float across my bare chest caused me to wince in pain.

By not walking away, I realized I was asking for whatever pain I was feeling. I couldn’t get myself to leave. There was a feeling I couldn’t get past. We had some kind of connection, but I didn’t understand it.

One thing I did know for sure, if I didn’t get relief soon I would scream in agony right there in the middle of the sardine can that was posing as a bar.

Maybe she wasn’t opposed to a quickie in the bathroom. That would fix me. My God, where did that come from? I hadn’t spoken to this woman, or even seen the whites of her eyes, and she was already driving me insane.

No matter how shapeless the uniform was it still couldn’t hide the fact that she had a tight little body that I would never get tired of pounding into again and again.

A voice in the distance caught my attention.

“Man, John. You okay? You aren’t looking so good. Your face is all flushed and you’re sweating.”

Mike’s voice broke the spell the woman unknowingly had cast on me. It was then that I noticed my face was burning and my hands were clenched into balls of fire at my sides. How I wasn’t setting off the smoke detectors, I had no clue.

“No, I really need to go,” I struggled to say through my tight throat, wiping at the beads of sweat that had formed on my forehead.

“What? Wait, I want you to meet my friends. The girls I was telling you about. Then maybe you’ll decide you feel good enough to stay.”

Even as Mike spoke I couldn’t break my gaze. I was too busy willing her to turn around for just one peek to give Mike my full attention.

George, one of the more boisterous guys I worked with, had her distracted. They were laughing and enjoying themselves. George kept brushing up against her as he spoke. She would step back occasionally to admire him from head to toe, giving me a chance to see the grace in her subtle movements. I couldn’t see her expression, but I wished I could be the one she ogled like that.

A tan, busty Amazonian blond reminding me of a Barbie doll stepped up to the naughty nurse, completely ignoring George.

George’s face contorted, pissed that she had interrupted. When he realized he wasn’t the main attraction, he went and met up with Luke and Colin, but not before giving my naughty nurse a kiss on her cheek while shooting a look that could kill to the clueless Amazon Barbie.

The Amazon Barbie and my naughty nurse were saying something to each other, and from the blonde’s facial expression she wasn’t too happy about whatever the answer was from the woman I was lusting hard over.

Amazon Barbie glanced in my direction and started pulling on my naughty nurse’s sleeve like she was a groupie. I would join that group any day I groaned to myself, not sure how much longer the zipper on my pants would hold.

Amazon Barbie was attractive in her own right, but she didn’t hold a candle to the back of the woman I’d been having filthy thoughts about since I’d laid eyes on her.

If viewing her from behind did that to me, what would happen if I saw her facing me naked? I would combust that much I was sure of.

I promised myself that after one quick glance at her I would leave. There was one thing I wouldn’t do and that was mess with another guy’s girl. Especially guys I worked with. Since I was still on probation, I didn’t want to cause any waves.

When I saw her reaching for her purse with a brief pause displaying her delicate hand that I wanted all over every inch of me, I was ready to crack. The pressure in my pants was excruciating.

The second I got home I’d take care of the cause of the discomfort with her image dancing in his head. No, not dancing, stripping.

A flash of panic hit me. If she did turn in my direction now I didn’t think I could control my body. What would happen? I’d probably come the hardest I’d come in years right in front of everyone. How would I explain that at work?

I shook my head, trying to clear out the thoughts the naughty nurse was filling it with, along with my pants. It was probably better that she didn’t turn toward me.