Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

"Flawless," he whispered to himself, almost too low for me to hear as he looked at me. Lowering his head, he kissed my right nipple, sucking it between his teeth and rolling it around with his tongue. I was in pure heaven as he stroked and sucked, his hand not letting my other breast feel neglected at all. His right knee shifted, demanding access between my legs and I submitted, the strong muscles of his thigh pressing against my mound as he nibbled and sucked.

I'd told him he could come quickly, and here I was, not even nude yet and fully ready to explode. "Patrick, you're going to....."

"Not yet," he said, pulling his lips away. "I'm not ready for you to come yet."

There was a tone of command in his voice, not harsh, but undeniable. He wasn't going to tease me, or deny me. Instead, his command was for my benefit I could tell, and he wanted to bring me to a climax that would make me see stars. It was a loving command, not a greedy one. I took a deep shaky breath and nodded. "Yes.... sir."

"Maybe another time we can explore that more," he replied, looking me up and down. "But never Master. I'm not your Master, Tabby."

"No, not Master, but my husband... that you will be," I said, running my fingers over his face, tracing the contours of the face I loved so much. "I promise you my heart and soul."

"You have mine already," he answered, kissing my left breast over my heart, claiming it for his own.

With a raised eyebrow, he asked his question and I answered it, nodding and pushing down as I spread my legs more. Patrick paused once in a silly display of humor as he tickled my bellybutton with his tongue until I was nearly out of control, giggling and trying to roll away from him before he kissed me lower, finding my panties. “Mmm….very nice."

"I feel sexy in them, when you're around," I replied.

"Then wear them as often as you want," he said, rolling them down my hips. I'd carefully trimmed the hair that I had, leaving just a light patch of my natural red, darker than my colored flame red, more of a rich auburn. "I do have one request though."

"What's that?" I asked, shivering when he touched and circled my lower stomach. "You want me to change down here?" I'd had some laser treatments, so the hair was fine and not too thick at all, but I'd never taken it all the way to bald, except through waxes or razors. However, I thought Patrick would like the color, so I had kept it. I was worried, until he shook his head and smiled.

"No, I love it. It's beautiful. Actually, I was hoping for our wedding, you could maybe have your natural red up top too? It's such a beautiful auburn, like burning coals, embers of passion and love. I dream of it."

"Then we can let it grow out, or something like that," I said, not really knowing. I'd need to make a hair appointment, but if Patrick asked me to be bowling ball bald, I'd have gotten a razor two minutes later.

"Thank you," he replied, lowering his mouth. Just before he made contact, he looked up at me. "And you can come any time you want now."

"Yes sir," I grinned in reply, my words drawing out when he kissed my lower lips. With feather light caresses of his lips against mine, he teased me open, cupping my ass when my hips lifted up, needy and demanding, wanting his tongue to reach deeper, fulfilling my dreams.

The first time we'd make love, I had marveled when Patrick licked me to an intense orgasm. This time though, I was blown away as I watched him stroke and lick my soft folds before teasing my clit and alternating between licking my * and higher. I grabbed his hair, pulling hard as my first orgasm ripped through me, but still he didn't stop. Knowing I was multi-orgasmic, he kept up his loving oral assault, his tongue lashing my clit over and over, broad strokes followed by rapid strumming with the tip. I was soon on the edge of another orgasm, when my eyes caught sight of something I wanted even more. His cock was barely visible when he adjusted himself on his knees from my angle, but I could see it was already hard and ready. "Patrick, stop."

"What?" he asked, looking up at me with worry in his face. "Did I go too fast?"

"No, but I need something," I said. I lifted my leg up over his head and got on my hands and knees, my ass pointed at him. "I need you inside me.”