Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

"During the Christmas season, a lot of what we called the do-gooders would come around, handing out gifts or taking us kids on outings, stuff like that. It was about the only time of year until I got to running with the wrong crowd that I was able to wear new clothes or sometimes new shoes. One year I even got a sweet pair of Nikes for all of five hours until one of the older kids robbed me for them. There was lots of good food, you could check out the malls and not feel like a bum because there was a chance you could actually get something there, stuff like that.”

"But it was the loneliest time also. It was like that period, from about December fifteenth until the twenty fourth, was hectic, full of things to do. Christmas morning the staff would hand out the gifts that they'd been saving from the biggest charities, and we'd all have a big meal at lunch time, ham and mashed potatoes, gravy, the whole works. It was bigger than Thanksgiving even. But then after that, it was like all the adults and charity people said to themselves, 'Well, we checked off that box, on to more important stuff,' and the place emptied out. Minimal staffing, and lots of kids just sitting around bored. It was lonely as hell, and after the staff left, things always went a little Lord of the Flies. The good stuff was stolen by the older or stronger kids, while the weaker ones ended up with little or nothing. I got good at sneaking a marker out of the laundry room during the run up to Christmas in order to write my name in anything I got in someplace I could then point out but hide later when I went to school. Shirt tails, inside waistbands of jeans, stuff like that."

"I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories," I said, putting my glass away. I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his chest. My heart was near breaking, and I knew that I was making the right decision.

"Don't worry, it made me who I am today. And I guess it was what made this holiday so perfect," Patrick said, brushing the hair out of my face and kissing my forehead. "Tabby, in this house, I have a family. I have you, I have Sophie and Andrea and even Mark. I couldn't imagine a more perfect holiday, one filled with love and warmth and happiness. Only thing missing was a fireplace. Maybe we can have one in the new place. Have you decided if you want it to be an extension or a separate building?"

"Not yet," I said. "Come on, I really do have something to show you."

We walked the rest of the way to my bedroom, where I opened the door. Patrick noticed the new sheets, but didn't say anything as the candles weren't lit yet. I wanted him to be blown away, but disguised the situation as best as I could prior to my reveal. "There, on the pillow," I said.

Patrick went over, and I quickly closed the door behind me and undid the belt of my robe while his back was turned. He picked up the box and opened it. Inside was my first gift, a one of a kind creation. Black anodized titanium gave the foundation for inlaid polished jade.

"What's this?" he asked as he turned, his mouth dropping open and the ring tumbling from his fingers as he saw me in my lingerie. "Tabby...."

"That, my love, is your engagement ring," I said, walking over. I knelt on the carpet in front of him, picking up the ring and taking his hand. "I know you already did this, and this is a bit out of tradition, but Patrick McCaffery, would you marry me?"

Patrick could only stare at me, his eyes filling with happiness, and something else filling as well that was now right in my face. "Yes, of course," he said. "I want nothing more in the whole world."

I took the opportunity to slide the ring on his finger, where it was a perfect fit. Thankfully, having a 'brother' like Mark who is hyper vigilant and also very intelligent, allowed me to get Patrick's ring size without having to ask him. Taking his hand, I placed it on my hair before reaching for the waistband of his pants. "Now, last time I did this I made a huge mistake," I said, undoing the snap and working his zipper down. "I don't want to make it again."

"Never," Patrick said. I was surprised when he knelt down in front of me, despite his cock already trying to push out of his underwear. "Tabby, before we do this, promise me something."

"What's that?"

“Don’t hold back on me," he said, taking my hand and placing it on his heart. "I can't always promise I can be everything you need, but I will promise you every bit of me."

"That's more than I need," I replied, kissing him. My hands squashed against his chest, and I let my desire fill me as we kissed, closer to being married than we'd ever been before. I was trapped, unable and unwilling to move as he embraced me, his strong arms holding me helpless on my knees. We'd been denying ourselves the release of intimacy with each other, and while it had been worth it, it also meant there was a lot of pent up passion involved.

Patrick lifted me up like I weighed nothing, his arms holding me tightly as he turned and set me on the bed. "I want to look at you," he said, "before I tear it off."

"Don't, please," I asked, covering myself. "I want to save this one."