Ambition: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Driven Book 1)

I felt a moment of worry as his strong hands grabbed my waist, and his thick cock pushed inside me. Nothing was as good as feeling his warm, hard cock spearing me open, filling me up and making me his. He was huge, masculine, and powerful, maybe even more so than last time.

Throwing my hair back, I moaned when he wrapped it in his right hand, his cock pulling out to thrust hard inside me again, driving me face first into the mattress. He pulled back and pushed, his hand never yanking on my hair but at the same time letting me know who was in control, and I lowered my face, putting my hands behind my back for him to take me if he wanted. He held my wrists in one hand as his hips pounded into me, hard and fast, my body quaking with every powerful stroke of his amazing cock. I didn't hold back, letting my voice cry out whenever I needed, until I lost all sense of where I was or even who I was. All I knew was that it was pure pleasure, and that Patrick's cock was the instrument of my deliverance. He filled me over and over, my body, heart and soul, until I screamed, burying my face in the mattress. In the throes of my climax I could hear him bellow again, and the warm feeling of his come flooding my inside followed. I blanked out for a moment, coming to later to find him holding me from behind, his cock still nestled inside me.

"Don't tell me you're done yet?" I teased him as he panted lightly in my ear.

"Don't worry about that, my wife," he replied, his last two words filling me with newfound energy and emotion. "Just let me get my breath, we still have hours until morning."

Chapter Five


The New Year's holidays was capped off by me and Tabby going back to the jewelers she'd gotten my ring from for its partner in her size, this time in black and ruby to match her hair. We'd toasted the New Year in with all four of us enjoying the scenery from the front steps, along with five snowmen that a New Year's Eve storm had allowed Mark, Tabby and myself to build quickly, working together in the fading light to get one for every member of our family. We'd decorated all of them with something to denote who the each was supposed to be, with the cutest being Andrea's little snow girl decorated with a blanket and a pacifier in place of a mouth. It was the perfect end to a perfect vacation.

Coming into work on the fifth of January, I surprised Gwen when I came in chipper and smiling. "Morning boss," she said. "How was your vacation?"

She saw the ring on my left hand and smiled. "I see."

I glanced down, feeling my face flush, partially with happiness and partially with embarrassment. "Yeah, political scandal of the new year already. City council member gets engaged to ultra-hot company president. Think we can get our political consultant in on it?"

"You still haven't hired one," Gwen reminded me. "You told me you'd do that after the holidays."

I slapped my forehead, wincing somewhat when my ring bounced off my skin. I had to remember about that from now on. "Oh yeah. Okay, well, first things first, we've got a council meeting tonight. You think we still have the votes on the Union issue?" I asked, heading towards my office door. "Give me a head count."

"You've still got the votes on the Council, including Northrup's, last I knew. Is Mayor Joe still on board?"

I nodded. "Pretty sure about it, but I'll confirm it this afternoon. Any last minute advice?"

Gwen chuckled and nodded. "Make sure your car and house insurance is paid up. Although if you’re engaged, I guess you won't have to worry about that. I'd heard you two moved in together, but that's pretty awesome. Congratulations."

"Thanks, Gwen. Let me get some work done before the political-horse trading begins," I said, opening my office door.

"That is your job," Gwen shot after me as my door closed. She was right, and after the conversation I'd had with Mark on Christmas day, I was more than ready to get right to it.

By the time my lunch meeting with the Mayor came around, the black and green ring on my finger was the talk of the entire building. I'd even had two of my political opponents, Dennis Fernandez and Maxine Carter, drop by. "Hey, just wanted to say congratulations," Dennis told me as he stuck his head in the door. "We might not agree on anything else, but you've got yourself one beautiful fiancée."