After the Storm (Storm, #1)

He stared into the fire. “I was a little crazy after we made it. I was out all night drinking and partying. I used women and threw them away. One day we were in Chicago for a concert. Of course, everyone who didn’t have the time of day for me in high school was lined up to get free tickets from us. There was this one girl that I’d had a crush on, but in high school I wasn’t one of the cool kids. She constantly put me down in front of her friends. So there she was, flirting and coming on to me, and I was so wasted that all I wanted was a piece of ass and to show her what she had missed all those years ago.” He absently rubbed Lexi’s arm.

“I really don’t remember what happened but the guys filled me in the next morning. There was a party after the concert. Lots of people, drinks, even some drugs. From what they tell me I was acting like a huge deal and wanted everyone to know what she was like in high school. I wasn’t very nice about it. I could almost hear my mom’s voice in my head. ‘Noah James Matthews you always treat women like a queen, they are the glue that keeps everything together. You make sure they never forget that. Every one of us is special, every one of us loves beyond comprehension, and every one of us would give our lives for those we love. Never forget that, never Noah.’”

Lexi thought she would have liked this woman and wished she would’ve had a chance to meet her.

“Pretty much took out all of anger at how I was treated in high school and what happened to my mom out on her. That was the last time I was drunk. That was the last time I used a woman. Everything my mom tried to teach me about how to be a man finally came to light when I was twenty-seven playing a huge gig outside of my hometown. I didn’t look back, and I never wanted to be that boy again.”

With her head still on Noah’s shoulder, Lexi continued to rub his back. She could tell that it still hurt him and as she stared into the fire, she felt the wall she had built around her heart slowly start to crumble.



Lexi squealed as she was hauled up and thrown over a naked shoulder, her camera dangling from her hand. “Noah, what the hell are you doing?”

“What the hell am I doing? The question is, what the hell are you doing? Do you not see the storm is about to come in?” He bounced her on his shoulder and was satisfied when he heard her grunt. “Ever heard of lightning?” He grumbled as he marched angrily up the stairs towards his house.

“I was just about to go inside. I just needed a few more minutes. You can put me down now, I get the picture.”

“I don’t think so, I kind of like this.” He added an extra bounce in his step so that she would wiggle against him.

“Come on, Noah, put me down. I’ve got to get Pepper in the house before it starts raining!” She sighed against his back.

“Nope, mine’s closer.” He was enjoying having his hands on her. This could go on all night for all he cared. He felt so much lighter after talking to her last night and sharing things he didn’t talk to anyone about.

“You know Pepper won’t set a paw in your garden, I’ve trained her well.”

Noah whistled and said, “Come on, Pepper. Come on, girl.”

Lexi couldn’t believe her eyes as Pepper trotted up to Noah and nuzzled his hand with her head. “Traitor. No treats for you later.” She could feel the deep rumble of his laughter as her chest rubbed against his back. She closed her eyes asking for strength. “You know, I am perfectly capable of walking.”

“I know, but you’ll just want to stop and argue.” He smiled. He knew that would get her going.

Before she could reply, there was a sharp crack of thunder, a bright flash and the smell of sulfur. Lightning had struck the beach near where she’d been. “Don’t say it. Just don’t say it.” She rested her elbows on his back and put her chin in her hands.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said with a grin spreading across his face.

“Okay, Neanderthal, your point has been made. You. Can. Put. Me. Down. Now.”

“I don’t think you realize how lucky you are that I’m not a Neanderthal, Lexi.” His voice sounded low and dangerous. If he was, then he’d be taking her right now in the garden, lightning storm or not.

“Don’t make me hurt you. You know I can.” His body had started to glisten with sweat from the humidity as he carried her up the stairs. She watched in fascination as a bead of sweat slowly rolled down his spine and soaked into his shorts

“Ha! My sweet little Lexi, I don’t think so.” He was curious to see how far he could push her before she let loose on him. It didn’t take long. She started wiggling and moved her hands around to the front of his waist. Before she could do anything he grabbed one of her hands with the hand that was holding her legs. Now she was down to one hand.

M. Stratton's books