After the Storm (Storm, #1)


Staring up into his green eyes, glowing with intensity, and his warm body so close to hers, she didn’t know what to do. Part of her wanted to take him down, and the other wanted to kiss him until he begged for mercy. Especially since she’d already had a taste of him.

He leaned down so that his face was right in front of hers. “Come on, babe. Stop me. Stop me from kissing you until the sun comes up three days from now.”

Lexi just stared up at him, feelings jumbled up inside. Her body wanted one thing—oh, Lord, did it want it. It was screaming for her to take him, to let him take her, but her brain knew it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. He’d be leaving her soon and she liked her life the way it was. It would all change if she let him in and then had to watch him walk away.

Narrowing his eyes, he whispered, “I bet you can’t do it. You can’t take me down, babe.”

There was nothing that would get under her skin quicker than telling her she couldn’t do something. With one quick movement she had him off balance and falling onto the couch with her knee at his throat.

“Don’t ever tell me what I can’t do,” she sneered at him.

Noah voice was strained. “I didn’t know you had it in you, Lex.” He tried to clear his throat and held his hands up in surrender. “You can let me up now.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, not sure what he was up to, his reaction not what she’d been expecting. After a little extra pressure on his throat, she turned to walk away from him.

His hands grabbed her from behind and threw her down on the couch, pinning her arms above her head, and wrapping his legs around hers so that they were immobile. “You passed the first test, but failed the second. Never underestimate your opponent, never turn your back on them, and always expect the unexpected. You thought we were done, but we aren’t. Not even close.” His voice lowered, laced with sudden desire.

Lexi had never expected it would be such a turn-on to be unable to move, completely at someone’s mercy. Noah’s mercy. His weight on top of her felt like coming home, and she wanted him, her body clamoring for him. The wetness between her legs was testament to that. She felt him become hard and automatically flexed her pelvis. He leaned down and kissed her, stealing the breath from her.

She was straining to free her hands and legs while whimpering against his mouth, she moaned as he just held tighter as he pressed his pelvis closer to the heat radiating out from her in waves. He slid one of his hands down her arm, just grazing the side of her full breast, letting his thumb graze beside her nipple, almost touching it, and she shivered and arched as she tried to move her breast closer to his hand. His hand continue down and slid it under her body to grab her ass, which filled his hand, and squeezed.

With one swift move Lexi had Noah off of her and dumped onto the ground and she leapt over him and moved to the other side of the room.

“Seems you lost your focus, Noah. You might want to work on that.”

His head dropped back onto the floor with a groan.


Noah walked back to his house, kicking bits of driftwood and rubbing the back of his head. Just what in the hell was he doing? That woman didn’t listen and loved to argue with him. She blew hot and cold. He was just trying to help her and she threw it back in his face.

Oh, but what a face.

He’d love to get into a game of strip poker with her. Since he could read everything she was thinking, he’d have her naked in no time. Noah couldn’t deny he loved to push her buttons.

He thought he was going to come undone the way she moved and moaned under him. He wanted to spend hours lost in her, not get dumped on the floor with his head aching. Both of them.

Sure, he could fly out tonight and be in L.A. or even New York. Go do something exciting, call any number of women he knew that were in either city and spend all night fucking out the frustration that had been building since meeting his neighbor. Maybe that would get her out of his system.

When he went up to his room and opened the closet with just that plan in mind, he paused with his hand on his duffle. Could he really leave her? His heart ached at the thought. He rubbed his hand over his chest. Something strange was going on and if she was too stubborn to ask for help, he’d damn well make sure he was around when she did. She might be more work than he was used to, but she was worth it. Maybe for the next couple of days he would keep a watch on her from a distance.



M. Stratton's books