After the Storm (Storm, #1)

Lexi spent the third day in a row trying to get ahold of someone in San Diego. Although they said they’d call her back, when it came to dealing with the government she always found it best to keep bugging them for an answer. But there was still no news. Since nothing else strange had happened, and the police had closed the case she tried to live her life without being in constant fear.

She’d spent the mornings practicing the songs she might sing in the talent show while waiting to make her phone calls and had it narrowed down to two songs. Whether she decided on Landslide by Fleetwood Mac or Slow Ride by Bonnie Raitt, she loved the lyrics and melody of both songs.

By the afternoon she needed her car back so she could do some shopping for groceries and something to wear for the talent show. Rob said she should be able to get it this afternoon so all she needed was a ride to the garage. After the last time she was alone with Noah, she wasn’t sure that he’d want to do her a favor.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the back door. She crossed to the door but didn’t open it when she saw Noah, holding a bunch of gladiolus.. Her stomach clenched at the sight of him. He looked so good standing there in jeans that hung off of his hips and a tight white t-shirt.

“What are these for?” She wasn’t sure how he’d be after she’d dumped him on the ground, but she was happy he was there.

“I brought you some flowers, forgive me?” He glanced at her with a sheepish look.

“Thanks, come in.” She opened the door and stepped to the side for him to enter.

“Did you know gladiolus represent strength of character? I figure since you knocked me on my ass twice, you’ve got it in spades.”

She tried not to smile. “I’m not a push over.”

“I never thought you were, babe. Listen, I thought we could build a fire on the beach and have a picnic. Everything we need is outside.” He gestured over his shoulder.

She raised her eyebrow. “Why?”

He shrugged. “We are supposed to be trying to be friends and friends get to know each other. I like spending time with you. You fascinate me.”

“So, I’m like the latest game or something?” she asked with narrowed eyes.

He shook his head. “Come on, Lexi.” He sighed. “Get down off of your high horse. Forget all the crap that has gone on in the past couple of days and let’s get back to being friends.” He held out his hand to her.

She debated for a moment before finally taking his hand and watched as a huge grin spread across his face, his dimples flashing. “Come on, let’s get started.”

“Wait, I need to go get my car.” Lexi batted her eyelashes at him. “Would you mind taking me to get it before we have our picnic?”

“No problem, as long as you don’t mind riding on the bike again. It’s my only way of getting you to wrap your arms around me.” He grinned.

She rolled her eyes, “Come on, big boy. Let’s get going. I need to stop and get a couple of things while we are in town.”


Sitting next to him on the sand, she looked up at the sky. “Noah, this was a good idea. The food was wonderful and it’s a beautiful night out.”

“Yes, you are,” he murmured.

She sighed and looked over at him. “Are we back to that?”

“What do you mean?” he asked, all innocence.

“What do you do for fun when you’re on the road? I’m sure it gets boring with all the traveling.” She drew shapes in the sand with her finger.

“I like to read, so that helps to pass the time. Video games, of course. We have some epic battles.”

She rolled her eyes. “Naturally.”

“Hey, we’re guys. It’s a lot easier with technology today when it comes to watching movies. Now we can get whatever we want whenever we want. We write new music, or just try something new with our old stuff. And, I’m always writing. Sometimes I see people and their story comes to me, and I have to write a song about it. I’ve got thousands of songs that will never get recorded.” He poked the fire with a stick.

She tilted her head to the side. “Why do you say that?”

“Well, sometimes it’s just not something that the band would record. Not our style.” He shrugged. “Sometimes, it’s just not good enough. But I still have to get it down.”

“Have you ever thought of writing for another artist?”

“I have but I don’t know if I could give up that level of control. It’s my baby after all.” He winked at her.

“What about when someone covers one of your songs?”

“It’s only happened once. One of the songs off of our first album. It wasn’t a hit so we didn’t think much about letting someone else record it. I should have, since they butchered it, but somehow it still cracked the top one hundred.”

“I’m sure not every artist would be like that.”

“No, you’re right, but I’m not sure I want to take that risk. Have I told you how beautiful you are in the firelight?”

“Original, Noah. Real original. Okay, let’s change the subject.”

“And smart, too. I find that very attractive in a woman.” He leaned in close to her.

“You find breathing attractive in a woman.”

He chuckled and leaned back. “Well, yes, that does help. Would you like some strawberries and whipped cream?”

“Yes, please.”

M. Stratton's books